You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

481 lines
19 KiB

<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
Generate exercises based on wiki content and its structure
exercises idea to implement (cf )
which of those group corresponds the graph visualization V, A, B or C?
using groupnetworkvisualization.php
what is the correct order for pages A, B and C on descending criteria i A>B>C? A>C>B? B>C>A? B>A>C? C>B>A? C>A>B?
e.g. size, frequency update, last edition, ...
what is the color hashing used in RevertedPIM for this group, color A, B or C?
might require JS
definition of word and vice versa
limited to pages with definitions (e.g. some languages)
list lines with "* word = definition"
split word and definition
pick one and display the other with alternatives
extend type=pagehasexpression
keyword or URL in pages or specific "word" per type
which of those update visualizations VA, VB or VC corresponds the page P ? (invert of type=historyvisualization)
note that overall most exercise which is about assign a set to another have a mirror
this mirror might have a completely different difficulty though
difficulty parameter
should be linked to the counter
e.g. increasing the number of possibilities (at least 1 out of 5 pages instead of at least 1 out of 3)
see the hall of fame to see which exercise are the easiest
do a graph traversal rather than random jumps
i.e. if pick randomly from the linked pages or from the group or from the the whole wiki of the previous page
improve parsing
page with just one line, especially markups, typically redirections
structuring e.g. PmWiki. , RecentChanges, GroupFooter, GroupHeader, Template, ...
strictly limited to "new" pages (e.g. less than a month ago)
strictly limited to "old" pages (e.g. more than 2 years ago)
support bias
X% of page from an existing filter
e.g. 80% of "new" pages
support other interfaces
e.g. listed in
ideally also more visual, animated, ...
Vimperator with predictable link numbers to go faster
track time require for answering each question
display a clock
could improve excitment, e.g. answer the maximum number of questions correctly in X minutes
better manage the whole process
random type is not implemented properly enough for score tracking
e.g. highest score from random appear as other exercise
random type happens just once, not as a sequence like the other types
mix types
support non equally divided session
e.g. 50% of exercice type A, 30% type B, 10% C and 10% D
dynamically divise based on score history
e.g. 40% of exercice type B with the lowest high score, 30% D with 2nd lowest high score, 20% A with difficulty increase, 10% C diff++
is word X from page A, B, C or D? (type=expressioninpage)
does page A contains word X, Y or Z? (type=pagehasexpression)
which of those page corresponds the updates visualization V, A, B or C? (type=historyvisualization)
is page A linked to page B? (type=pagelink)
$RecipeInfo['Exercises']['Version'] = '2015-16-08';
SDV($HandleActions['Exercises'], 'Exercises');
function Exercises($pagename, $auth){
14 years ago
global $ScriptUrl, $FarmD;
$type = $_GET["type"];
$counter = (int) $_GET["counter"];
$difficulty = (int) $_GET["difficulty"];
list($group,$page) = explode(".",$pagename);
14 years ago
$availableexercisetypes = array("pagelink", "expressioninpage", "pagehasexpression");
if (file_exists($FarmD."/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/" ))
//the pim_functions.php generated the PJS has been loaded before
$availableexercisetypes[] = "historyvisualization";
14 years ago
if ($type=="random" || $type=="") {
// XXX after 1 random exercise, going back to the same type of the last picked exercise
14 years ago
$type= $availableexercisetypes[array_rand($availableexercisetypes)];
$result = "";
$verbatimresult = "";
// n should be based on $difficulty, e.g. n=2+$difficulty or n=2^$difficulty
// it used to determine the number of false answers
// it can be overwritten per each exercise
$minlinelength = 20;
// this could also be consider a difficulty, the shorter the harder
// it can be overwritten per each exercise
14 years ago
// tracking the current score
$counterparam = "";
if ( $counter > 0) {
$counterparam = "counter=$counter&";
14 years ago
if ($group == "AllPages"){
// equivalent to getting ALL pages
$pages = ListPages();
} else {
$pages = ListPages("/$group\./e");
//randomly pick a page in the possible pages
$sourcepage = $pages[array_rand($pages)];
switch ($type){
case "pagelink":
$content = ReadPage($sourcepage,READPAGE_CURRENT);
$links = $content["targets"];
$links_array = explode(",",$links);
//note that count($links_array)<1) was not used since explode returned an array with en empty value
while (($links_array[0]=="") && (count($pages)>0)) {
$sourcepage = $pages[array_rand($pages)];
$content = ReadPage($sourcepage,READPAGE_CURRENT);
$links = $content["targets"];
$links_array = explode(",",$links);
if ($links_array[0]=="") {
$result .= "Unfortunately it seems no suitable page has been found for this game. ";
$result .= "Try in another group or [[AllPages/AllPages?action=Exercises&type=$type&counter=$counter|in the entire wiki]].";
//randomly pick a page amongst the linked pages
$answers[] = $links_array[array_rand($links_array)];
//randomly pick n-1 others pages which may not be amongst the list of linked page
for ($i=1;$i<$n;$i++) {
$answers[] = $pages[array_rand($pages)];
$result .="Is page [[$sourcepage]] linked to ";
// there should now be at least 1 needle in the haystack, the first one
// note that there might be more but this is not a problem as long as the question is stated clearly.
for ($i=0;$i<count($answers);$i++) {
if ( $i == count($answers) -1 )
$result .= " or ";
$currentpage = $answers[$i];
//display the groupname everytime only if using AllPages
if ($group != "AllPages")
list($currentgroup,$currentpage) = explode(".",$answers[$i]);
$result .="[[$pagename?action=ExercisesCheck&".$counterparam
."type=$type&source=$sourcepage&answer=".$answers[$i]."|".$currentpage."]], ";
$result .="? ";
$result .="\n\nClick on the answer.";
14 years ago
case "historyvisualization":
$processingpath = "$ScriptUrl/pub/libraries/processing.js";
$processinglib = "<script src=\"$processingpath\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
$processingfile = "$ScriptUrl/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/$sourcepage.pjs";
// TODO if it does not exist, pick another page, adapt code above
$answers[] = $sourcepage;
//randomly pick n-1 others pages which may not be amongst the list of linked page
for ($i=1;$i<$n;$i++) {
$answers[] = $pages[array_rand($pages)];
$historyvisualization = $processinglib.'<canvas data-src="'.$processingfile.'"></canvas>';
$verbatimresult = $historyvisualization;
$result .="Which of those page corresponds the updates visualization:";
// note that there might be more than 1 correct answer but this is not a problem as long as the question is stated clearly.
for ($i=0;$i<count($answers);$i++) {
if ( $i == count($answers) -1 )
$result .= " or ";
//display the groupname everytime only if using AllPages
$currentpage = $answers[$i];
if ($group != "AllPages")
list($currentgroup,$currentpage) = explode(".",$answers[$i]);
$result .="[[$pagename?action=ExercisesCheck&".$counterparam
."type=$type&source=$sourcepage&answer=".md5($answers[$i])."|".$currentpage."]], ";
$result .="? ";
$result .="\n\nClick on the answer.";
case "pagehasexpression":
$content = ReadPage($sourcepage,READPAGE_CURRENT);
$text = $content["text"];
$lines = explode("\n",$text);
14 years ago
$pickedline = $lines[array_rand($lines)];
14 years ago
//should be better parsed! e.g. remove markups
while (( strlen($pickedline) < $minlinelength ) && ( count($lines) > 0 ) ) {
14 years ago
$pickedline = $lines[array_rand($lines)];
$actualanswer = $pickedline;
$answers[] = $pickedline;
for ($i=1;$i<$n;$i++) {
14 years ago
$otherpage = $pages[array_rand($lines)];
$otherpage = $pages[array_rand($pages)];
$content = ReadPage($otherpage,READPAGE_CURRENT);
$text = $content["text"];
$lines = explode("\n",$text);
14 years ago
$pickedline = $lines[array_rand($lines)];
while (( strlen($pickedline) < $minlinelength ) && ( count($lines) > 0 ) ) {
14 years ago
$pickedline = $lines[array_rand($lines)];
$answers[] = $pickedline;
$result .= "Does the page [[$sourcepage]] has expression ";
for ($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) {
14 years ago
if ($answers[$i]==$actualanswer)
$hashedanswer = md5($sourcepage);
$hashedanswer = md5($answers[$i]);
// hashing the answer, NOT the page, but only used to hide so should not be problematic
$result .="\n* [[$pagename?action=ExercisesCheck&".$counterparam
."type=$type&source=$sourcepage&answer=$hashedanswer|$i]] [@".$answers[$i]."@] ";
$result .="\n\nClick on the answer.";
case "expressioninpage":
$content = ReadPage($sourcepage,READPAGE_CURRENT);
$text = $content["text"];
$lines = explode("\n",$text);
$pickedline = $lines[array_rand($lines)];
while (( strlen($pickedline) < $minlinelength ) && ( count($lines) > 0 ) ) {
14 years ago
$pickedline = $lines[array_rand($lines)];
$answers[] = $sourcepage;
//randomly pick n-1 others pages which may not be amongst the list of linked page
for ($i=1;$i<$n;$i++) {
$otherpage = $pages[array_rand($pages)];
$answers[] = $otherpage;
$result .= "Does the page expression \n* [@$pickedline@] \n\nbelongs to ";
// there should now be at least 1 needle in the haystack, the first one
// note that there might be more but this is not a problem as long as the question is stated clearly.
for ($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) {
$hashedanswer = md5($answers[$i]);
if ( $i == count($answers) -1 )
$result .= " or ";
$result .="[[$pagename?action=ExercisesCheck&".$counterparam
."type=$type&source=$sourcepage&answer=$hashedanswer|".$answers[$i]."]], ";
$result .="?\n\nClick on the answer.";
// explode content by line "%0a" or word " "
$result .= "Exercise type unknown.";
if (count($availableexercisetypes) > 0) {
$result .= "\n\nTry other types of exercises:";
foreach ($availableexercisetypes as $e) {
$result .= " [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$e|$e]],";
$result .= " or a [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=random|random]] one.";
if ( $counter > 0) {
$result .= " (note that it resets the counter)";
$result .= "\n\n%center%[-Generated by [[|PIM Based Exercises]].-]%%";
$renderedresult = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $result);
print "<html>".$verbatimresult.$renderedresult."</html>";
//$text = RetrieveAuthSection($pagename,$auth);
//$content = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $text);
//print $content;
SDV($HandleActions['ExercisesCheck'], 'ExercisesCheck');
function ExercisesCheck($pagename, $auth){
global $ScriptUrl, $FarmD, $Author;
$activityfile = $FarmD."/wiki.d/.exercisesscores";
$type = $_GET["type"];
$sourcepage = $_GET["source"];
$answer = $_GET["answer"];
$counter = 0;
if ( isset($_GET["counter"]) )
$counter = (int) $_GET["counter"];
$score_lower_threshold = 3;
// this could also be a value relative to the top score if there is one
list($group,$page) = explode(".",$pagename);
if ($group == "AllPages"){
// equivalent to getting ALL pages
$pages = ListPages();
} else {
$pages = ListPages("/$group\./e");
14 years ago
$result = "";
$verbatimresult = "";
switch ($type) {
case "pagelink":
$content = ReadPage($sourcepage,READPAGE_CURRENT);
$links = $content["targets"];
$links_array = explode(",",$links);
$formattedlinks = implode(", ",$links_array);
if ( in_array($answer,$links_array) ) {
$result .="Excellent! [[$sourcepage]] is indeed linked to [[$answer]]. ";
$result .="Note that $formattedlinks also are. ";
if ( $counter > 0) {
$result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type&counter=$counter|solve yet another one]]. ";
} else {
$result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type&counter=1|solve yet another one]]. ";
} else {
$result .="No, [[$sourcepage]] is not linked to [[$answer]] ";
$result .="but $formattedlinks are. ";
14 years ago
if ($counter > 0){
$result .="\nIt means you are losing your $counter points.";
// $halloffame = ExercisesResults();
// to add to $verbatimresult to motivate playing again
$result .="\n\nTry to redeem yourself by [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type|trying another time]]. ";
case "historyvisualization":
if ( md5($sourcepage) === $answer ) {
$result .="Excellent! [[$sourcepage]] indeed has that history of editions.";
if ( $counter > 0) {
$result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type&counter=$counter|solve yet another one]]. ";
} else {
$result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type&counter=1|solve yet another one]]. ";
} else {
$result .="No, it was the visualization of [[$sourcepage]] history of editions.";
// display it again
if ($counter > 0) $result .="\nIt means you are losing your $counter points.";
$result .="\n\nTry to redeem yourself by [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type|trying another time]]. ";
case "pagehasexpression":
14 years ago
// XXX does not work
if ( md5($sourcepage) === $answer ) {
$result .="Excellent! [[$sourcepage]] indeed has that expression.";
if ( $counter > 0) {
$result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type&counter=$counter|solve yet another one]]. ";
} else {
$result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type&counter=1|solve yet another one]]. ";
} else {
$result .="No, it was the expression of [[$sourcepage]].";
// display it again
if ($counter > 0) $result .="\nIt means you are losing your $counter points.";
$result .="\n\nTry to redeem yourself by [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type|trying another time]]. ";
case "expressioninpage":
if ( md5($sourcepage) === $answer ) {
$result .="Excellent! that expression did come from [[$sourcepage]].";
if ( $counter > 0) {
$result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type&counter=$counter|solve yet another one]]. ";
} else {
$result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type&counter=1|solve yet another one]]. ";
} else {
$result .="No, [[$sourcepage]] was the page that expression came from.";
// display it again
if ($counter > 0) $result .="\nIt means you are losing your $counter points.";
$result .="\n\nTry to redeem yourself by [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=$type|trying another time]]. ";
14 years ago
$result .= "Exercise type unknown, this most likely indicate that the checking for the solution has not yet been implemented, please consider notifying the author. For now try [[$pagename?action=Exercises&type=random|a random type of exercise]].";
$result .= "\n\n%center%[-Generated by [[|PIM Based Exercises]].-]%%";
$renderedresult = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $result);
14 years ago
print $renderedresult.$verbatimresult;
if ( ( isset($Author) ) && ( $counter > $score_lower_threshold ) ) {
$score = "$counter,$Author,$type,".time()."\n";
$write_result = file_put_contents($activityfile,$score, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
if ($write_result < 1)
print "There seems to be an error updating the score file, please check that $activityfile has write permission for httpd.";
Markup("exercisesresults", "directives", "/\(:exercisesresults:\)/", ExercisesResults());
# markup to display results
# default to all participant, not just the currently logged in user
# hall of fame could be useful in collaborative learning wikis
# consider first sparklines for visuals
# remove failed before top score, try to group sessions and avoid results for the same
function ExercisesResults(){
global $ScriptUrl, $FarmD, $Author;
14 years ago
$availableexercisetypes = array("pagelink", "expressioninpage", "pagehasexpression", "historyvisualization");
$activityfile = $FarmD."/wiki.d/.exercisesscores";
if (file_exists($activityfile)) {
$raw_scores = file_get_contents($activityfile);
$allscores = explode("\n",$raw_scores);
14 years ago
//dirty, but array_filter with an lambda to test for current exercise didn't work
foreach ($allscores as $score ) {
list($counter,$author,$type,$time) = explode(",",$score);
14 years ago
if ($counter.$author.$type.$time != "")
$structuredanswers[] = array("counter"=>$counter,"author"=>$author,"type"=>$type,"time"=>$time);
// could instead filter by exercise and sort by highest score, listing the top3 score per per exercise
$past_scores .= "<table><tr>";
foreach ($availableexercisetypes as $exercisetype){
$past_scores .= "<td><a href=\"n=AllPages.AllPages&action=Exercises&type=$exercisetype\">$exercisetype</a></td>";
14 years ago
$past_scores .= "</tr><tr>";
foreach ($availableexercisetypes as $exercisetype){
$past_scores .= "<td valign=\"top\">";
$answers_added = 1;
foreach ($structuredanswers as $sa){
if ($sa["type"]==$exercisetype && $answers_added<4){
$past_scores .= "".$sa["counter"]." done by ".$sa["author"]." (".date("H:m m/d/y",$sa["time"]).")<br/>";
$past_scores .= "</td>";
14 years ago
$past_scores .= "</tr></table>";
} else {
$past_scores = "Currently no scores have been recorded. Consider starting an exercise first";
// print "Go above the minimum threshold of good answers while being logged in.";
// removed for now since the threshold is at 1
return $past_scores;