You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

124 lines
4.9 KiB

## give a visual representation of pages and group
$RecipeInfo['GraphProcessing']['Version'] = '2010-04-11';
Markup('GraphProcessing', 'directives', '/\\(:GraphProcessing:\\)/e', Keep(GraphProcessing()));
function GraphProcessing(){
$sourcepagename = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
// apply changes done to graphprocessing.php to insure proper URI format
$sourcepagename = preg_replace("/(.*)\?.*/","$1",$sourcepagename);
$sourcename = preg_replace("/.*[\.\/](.*)/","$1",$sourcepagename);
$sourcegroup = preg_replace("/\/(.*)[\/\.].*/","$1",$sourcepagename);
if ($sourcegroup == "/"){
$sourcegroup = "Main";
# consider instead filling the pages array with
## groups names
## "neighboors" wikis from InterWiki page
# list page, remove pagenames, sort|uniq ... then what? maybe whole different process
global $FarmD, $WikiTitle, $ScriptUrl;
$processingpath = '/pub/processing.js';
$processingfile = "/pub/processingjsgraph/$sourcegroup.pjs";
$processinglib = "<script src=\"$processingpath\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
# eventually modify to use a dedicated folder
# generate a file per page
if (!file_exists($FarmD.$processingfile))
if (!touch($FarmD.$processingfile))
print "Creation of the processing file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $processingfile.";
# cached version (to comment during tests)
#if ( (time() - filemtime($FarmD.$processingfile)) < 3600 ) return $processinglib.'<canvas data-src="'.$processingfile.'" width="'.$canvaswidth.'" height="'.$canvasheight.'"></canvas>';
$groupname = $sourcegroup;
$pages = ListPages("/$groupname\./e");
$pages = MatchPageNames($pages,array('-*.*RecentChanges,-*.GroupFooter,-*.GroupHeader'));
$pagesnum = count($pages);
$processingsetupcode = "
float[][] e = new float[$pagesnum][3];
void setup(){
$processingdrawcode .= "
void draw(){
for (int j=0;j<$pagesnum;j++){
# associate a color per group name
$processinghandlinglinkscode = '';
$processinghandlinglinkscode .= 'Object l={';
$processinglinkcode = " stroke(64,128,187,100);\n";
# scan over the array of pages to get mazimum and generate axis...
# use min() and max() to get limits
foreach ($pages as $page) {
# generate nice JS code
$content = ReadPage($page,$since=0);
$diameter = strlen($content["text"]) / 100 ;
if ($diameter < 30) $diameter=30;
if ($diameter > 120) $diameter=120;
$author = $content["author"];
$links = $content["targets"];
$links_array = explode(",",$links);
foreach ($links_array as $link) {
# draw a line between the circle with
# k must become $link
if (($linkindex = array_search($link,$pages)) !== false )
$processinglinkcode .= " line(e[$pageindex][0],e[$pageindex][1],e[$linkindex][0],e[$linkindex][1]);\n";
$x = round( 20 + $content["rev"] * 2 );
$y = round( 50 + ((time() - $content["time"]) / (60*60*24 * 4)) );
$pagename = preg_replace("/$groupname.(.*)/","$1",$page);
$processingsetupcode .= " e[$pageindex][0]=$x;e[$pageindex][1]=$y;e[$pageindex][2]=$diameter;\n";
$tx = $x - 20;
$ty = $y;
# modify to add to $processingsetupcode instead then itterate over it
if ($pagename == $sourcename)
# this is the name of the current page, do sth special
$processingdrawcode .= " fill(100);\n text('$pagename',$tx,$ty);\n fill(64,128,187,100);\n";
elseif (preg_match("/$pagename/",getenv('HTTP_REFERRER')))
# buggy...
# elseif (preg_match("/$ScriptUrl.*$groupname.*$pagename/",$HTTP_REFERER))
$processingdrawcode .= " fill(120);\n text('$pagename',$tx,$ty);\n fill(64,128,187,100);\n";
$processingdrawcode .= " text('$pagename',$tx,$ty);\n";
//$processinghandlinglinkscode .= " new alink($x-20,$y,30,'/$groupname/$pagename','$pagename', #aa0088,#ff00aa),\n";
# modify $processingsetupcode again to include presence of PTV like startrecall
//$processinghandlinglinkscode = preg_replace("/(.*),$/","$1",$processinghandlinglinkscode);
//$processinghandlinglinkscode .= "}\n";
$processingsetupcode .= " }";
//$processingdrawcode .= $processinglinkcode.' forLinks("render"); }'.$processinghandlinglinkscode;
$processingdrawcode .= $processinglinkcode." }";
$result = $processinglib.'<canvas data-src="'.$processingfile.'" width="'.$canvaswidth.'" height="'.$canvasheight.'"></canvas>';
$write_result = file_put_contents($FarmD.$processingfile,$processingsetupcode.$processingdrawcode);
if (!$write_result)
if (strlen($processingcode)>0)
print "Creation of the feed file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $processingfile.";
print "No code to generate, did you correctly generate your Processing code?";
// ----------------------- return the processed result -----------------------
return $result;