@ -165,6 +165,20 @@ textFont(font);
$older_gnuplot_version = "< div > < center > < img src = \"/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/{$pagename}.png\" alt = \"/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/{$pagename}.png\"/ > < / br > (< a href = \"$ScriptUrl/Wiki/Visualization#timeline\" > visualization details< / a > ).< / center > < / div > < hr / > ";
// generated via e.g.
// P=ReadingNotes.TurtlesTermitesAndTrafficJams; grep ^text= $P | sed "s/%0a/\\n/g" | sed "s/[^a-zA-Z]/ /g" > $P.txt & & espeak -f $P.txt -w $P.wav & & oggenc $P.wav & & rm $P.wav
// note that the output could be improved by better parsing and exploring SSML/HTML support
// details on the HTML markup
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/HTML/Element/audio
// http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/video.html#attr-media-controls
function DisplayAudio($pagename){
global $ScriptUrl, $PubDir, $FarmD;
$audiofile = $FarmD."/pub/audio/".$pagename.".ogg";
$audiourl = $ScriptUrl."/pub/audio/".$pagename.".ogg";
if (file_exists($audiofile))
print "< a name = \"audiodisplay\" > < audio controls = \"controls\" > < source src = \"$audiourl\" type = \"audio/ogg\" / > Your browser does not allow HTML5 audio.< / audio > < / a > < / br > ";
print "Download the < a href = \"$audiourl\" > audio file (ogg)< / a > to play later.";
//display images with transparancy invertionnaly proportional to last time of update
// http://fabien.benetou.fr/MemoryRecalls/ImprovingPIM#VisualDecayOfInformation