$edges"; $nodesfile = $FarmD."/pub/nodes.csv"; if (!file_exists($nodesfile)) if (!touch($nodesfile)) print "Creation of the processing file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $nodesfile."; $write_result = file_put_contents($nodesfile,$nodes); if (!$write_result) if (strlen($nodes)>0) print "Creation of the feed file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $nodesfile."; else print "No code to generate, did you correctly generate your Processing code?"; $edgesfile = $FarmD."/pub/edges.csv"; if (!file_exists($edgesfile)) if (!touch($edgesfile)) print "Creation of the processing file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $edgesfile."; $write_result = file_put_contents($edgesfile,$edges); if (!$write_result) if (strlen($edges)>0) print "Creation of the feed file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $edgesfile."; else print "No code to generate, did you correctly generate your Processing code?"; return ; } SDV($HandleActions['graphvan'], 'GraphVAN'); SDV($HandleAuth['graphvan'],'view'); function GraphVAN($pagename, $auth){ $sourcename = preg_replace("/.*\.(.*)/","$1",$pagename); $groupname = preg_replace("/(.*)\..*/","$1",$pagename); global $FarmD, $WikiTitle, $ScriptUrl; //entire wiki if ($pagename == "Main.HomePage") $pages = ListPages("//e"); else $pages = ListPages("/$groupname\./e"); //$pages = MatchPageNames($pages,array('-*.RecentChanges,-*.GroupFooter,-*.GroupHeader')); $pagesnum = count($pages); $vangraph = "*Node data\nId Group Label Size Time Rev\n"; $vangraphties = "*Tie data\nFROM TO\n"; # scan over the array of pages to get mazimum and generate axis... foreach ($pages as $page) { $cleanpage = preg_replace("/.*\.(.*)/","$1",$page); $content = ReadPage($page,$since=0); $size = strlen($content["text"]); $pagetime = $content["time"]; $pagerev = $content["rev"]; $group = preg_replace("/(.*)\..*/","$1",$page); $vangraph .= "$page $group $cleanpage $size $pagetime $pagerev\n"; $page_category = preg_replace("/.*\[\[\!(.*)\]\].*/s","$1",$content["text"]); $author = $content["author"]; $links = $content["targets"]; $links_array = explode(",",$links); foreach ($links_array as $link) { if (($linkindex = array_search($link,$pages)) !== false ) { $cleanlink = preg_replace("/.*\.(.*)/","$1",$link); $vangraphties .= "$page $link\n"; } } } // ----------------------- return the processed result ----------------------- print "$vangraph
$vangraphties"; $vanfile = $FarmD."/pub/graph.van"; if (!file_exists($vanfile)) if (!touch($vanfile)) print "Creation of the processing file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $vanfile."; $write_result = file_put_contents($vanfile,$vangraph.$vangraphties); if (!$write_result) if (strlen($vangraph)>0) print "Creation of the feed file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $vanfile."; else print "No code to generate, did you correctly generate your Processing code?"; return ; }