B>C? A>C>B? B>C>A? B>A>C? C>B>A? C>A>B? # e.g. size, frequency update, last edition, ... # which of those page corresponds the updates visualization V, A, B or C? # keyword or URL in pages # implemented # is page A linked to page B? (type=pagelink) # consider a difficulty parameter # should be linked to the counter # e.g. increasing the number of possibilities (at least 1 out of 5 pages instead of at least 1 out of 3) $RecipeInfo['Exercises']['Version'] = '2011-12-08'; SDV($HandleActions['Exercises'], 'Exercises'); SDV($HandleAuth['Exercises'],'read'); function Exercises($pagename, $auth){ $exercisetype="pagelink"; list($group,$page) = explode(".",$pagename); // the pattern should be improve, e.g. remove PmWiki. , RecentChanges, GroupFooter, GroupHeader, Template, ... if ($group == "AllPages"){ // equivalent to getting ALL pages $pages = ListPages(); } else { $pages = ListPages("/$group\./e"); } //randomly pick a page in the possible pages $sourcepage = $pages[rand(0,count($pages))]; // -1? $content = ReadPage($sourcepage,READPAGE_CURRENT); //$text = $content["text"]; // to use later on for expression exercises $links = $content["targets"]; $links_array = explode(",",$links); //$answers = array(); //consider pilling up potential in $answers[] //randomly pick a page amongst the linked pages $pageA = $links_array[rand(0,count($links_array)-1)]; unset($pages[array_search($pageA,$links_array)]); unset($pages[array_search($pageA,$pages)]); //randomly pick 2 others pages which are not amongst the list of linked page $pageB = $pages[rand(0,count($pages)-1)]; unset($pages[array_search($pageB,$pages)]); $pageC = $pages[rand(0,count($pages)-1)]; unset($pages[array_search($pageC,$pages)]); //display $result .="Is page [[$sourcepage]] linked to "; $counter = (int) $_GET["counter"]; $counterparam = ""; if ( $counter > 0) { $counterparam = "counter=$counter&"; } $answers = array ($pageA,$pageB,$pageC); shuffle($answers); for ($i=0;$i 0) { $counter++; $result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&counter=$counter|solve yet another one]]. "; } else { $result .="\n\nSee if you can [[$pagename?action=Exercises&counter=1|solve yet another one]]. "; } } else { $result .="No, [[$sourcepage]] is not linked to [[$answer]] "; $result .="but $formattedlinks are. "; $result .="\n\nTry to redeem yourself by [[$pagename?action=Exercises|trying another time]]. "; } break; } $result .= "\n\nGenerated by [[http://fabien.benetou.fr/MemoryRecalls/ImprovingPIM#PIMBasedExercises|PIM Based Exercises]]"; $renderedresult = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $result); print $renderedresult; } ?>