#!/bin/sh # http://fabien.benetou.fr/Tools/Greasemonkey#RevertedPIMLinks # TODO # properly declare # path # groups to avoid # pages to avoid echo 'extract all the links from the wiki by group' for GROUP in $(ls ../wiki.d/ | sed "s/\..*//" | sort | uniq | grep -v PmWiki | grep -v Site ); do for PAGE in $(ls ../wiki.d/$GROUP.* | sed "s/\.\.\/wiki.d\///" ); do pmwiki n=$PAGE nolog=true | sed "s/http/\nhttp/g" | grep http | grep -v benetou.fr | grep -v seedea.org | grep -v | grep -v .ico\" | sed "s/'.*//" | sed "s/<\/a>.*//" | sed "s/$/ $PAGE/"; done > links_from_$GROUP done echo 'get all the links > sorted_global.txt' cat links_from_* | sed "s/ .*//" | sort | uniq | grep -e "http://\w\|https://\w" > sorted_global.txt echo 'for every link check in which page it is mentionned and append it without duplicates > indexed_links_uniqued' echo '' > indexed_links_uniqued while read line; do echo -n "$line " >> indexed_links_uniqued grep -i $line links_from_* | sed "s/.* //" | sort | uniq | xargs >> indexed_links_uniqued done < sorted_global.txt echo 'clean from improper URL (e.g. " present) sed "s/\"/\\\"/g"' grep -v '"' indexed_links_uniqued > indexed_links_uniqued_cleaned echo 'format as User.js and make it available' cat indexed_links_uniqued_cleaned | sed 's/\([^ ]\+\) \(.*\)/user_pref("greasemonkey.scriptvals.Utopiah\/reverted PIM links.rPIMlinks \1", "\2");/' > user.js echo 'compress for faster transfert' bzip2 -k -f user.js #compress by a factor 10 echo 'make the script available via http://fabien.benetou.fr/pub/user.js.bz2' mv user.js.bz2 ../pub/ #echo 'periodically call this very script' #server cron, client cron