// PIM functions (for PmWiki)
// 	consider adding other related scripts here too (e.g. MemoryRecipe, Recalls, GroupStats, Coeditions, ...)
//		http://fabien.benetou.fr/pub/graphformatexporter.php.txt
//		http://fabien.benetou.fr/pub/memorization.php.txt
//		note that the order is important though
//			e.g. currently MemoryRecipe is loaded after thus can't be called here
// 	add to http://fabien.benetou.fr/repository/
//	it would be particularly useful to refactor each properly
//		especially since they share variables (e.g. first edit) but also some have better function
//			e.g. caching in Coeditions
// 	change ProcessingJS generation by first producing JSON
//		via http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php
//		cf http://fabien.benetou.fr/Tools/Processing and http://fabien.benetou.fr/Tools/JavaScript
//		this might be even faster on most computers since JS engines are improving

//handle implicit linking
	cf http://fabien.benetou.fr/MemoryRecalls/ImprovingPIM#ImplicitLinking
function ImplicitLinking(){
	return "list of pages generated on the fly";
//$AutoCreate['/\\.GroupStats$/'] = array( 'ctime' => $Now, 'text' => ImplicitLinking());
//$AutoCreate['/^Categora\\./'] = array('ctime' => $Now);
//doesn't work, AutoCreate present in pmwiki.php and example too
// category works though
// TODO try making it global $AutoCreate;

//display working status
// see http://fabien.benetou.fr/Tools/Greasemonkey#VirtualBlinders
Markup("currenttask", "directives", "/\(:currenttask:\)/", GetCurrentTask());
function GetCurrentTask(){
	$currenttask = trim(file_get_contents("/home/utopiah/web/benetou.fr/fabien/pub/currenttask"));
	if ($currenttask == "")
		return "(either available or asleep, Im usually on CET)";
	return "[[CognitiveEnvironments/".$currenttask."]]";

Markup("timetable", "fulltext", "/\(:timetable:\)/",
	"\n||border=1\n||!Time ||!Action ||\n"
	.preg_replace("/echo -level HILIGHT -window 1 /","",
		preg_replace("/.* (\d+) (\d+).* \/(.*)/","||$1:$2||$3||",file_get_contents("/home/utopiah/.irssi/cron.save"))

//load a dedicated edition page for the admin (shouldn't be hard coded but I dont use Auth)
//global $GLOBALS;
if ($GLOBALS['action'] == 'edit' && ( $GLOBALS['Author'] == 'Fabien' || $GLOBALS['Author'] == 'Utopiah' ) )
	//TODO fails since moved in cookbook directory, thus added back there
	global $SkinDir,$pagename;
	LoadPageTemplate($pagename, "$SkinDir/edit.tmpl");

//display editions through an horizontal line
fomally done via GnuPlot, cf http://fabien.benetou.fr/Wiki/Visualization#timeline
http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Spike-response_model is probably too complicated for the small resolution
 yet provide interesting non-linear properties

function DisplayVisualEdits($pagename){
        global $ScriptUrl, $PubDir, $FarmD;

        $processingpath = '/pub/libraries/processing.js';
        $processingfile = "/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/$pagename.pjs";
        $processinglib = "<script src=\"$processingpath\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
        $first_edit = 1212192000;
        $now = time();
        // draw the timeline from the first edit to now()
        // get the list of edits of the current page
        // "get inspired" by PrintDiff() in scripts/pagerev.php
        $canvaswidth = 600-2*10;
        $canvasheight = 10;
        $block_width = 4;
        $block_height = 8;
        $page = ReadPage($pagename);
        if (!$page) return;
        krsort($page); reset($page);
        // newest first
        // for each edit
        $canvas = "
                void setup()
                  size($canvaswidth, $canvasheight);
PFont font;
font = loadFont(\"FFScala-Bold-12.vlw\");
                void mouseMoved() {

                void mouseDragged() {
                void draw()
        $mousePressed = "void mousePressed() {";
        $destination_link = "$ScriptUrl/".strtr($pagename,".","/")."?action=diff#diff";
        $mousePressed .= "\t\tif (lastHovered>0) { link(\"$destination_link\"+lastHovered); }\n";
        $checkButtons = "void checkButtons() {";
        print $processinglib.'<canvas data-src="'.$processingfile.'" width="'.$canvaswidth.'" height="'.$canvasheight.'"></canvas>';
        // set to false to de-activate cache (practical for tests)
        $newest_diff = true;
        //$newest_diff = false;
	//$first_diff = true;
        foreach($page as $k=>$v) {
                if (!preg_match("/^diff:(\d+):(\d+):?([^:]*)/",$k,$match)) continue;

                $diff = $match[1];

                $diffclass = $match[3];
                if ($diffclass=='minor')
                        { $canvas .= "\t\tfill(0,255,0,20);\n"; }
                        { $canvas .= "\t\tfill(0,0,255,20);\n"; }
		//if ($first_diff)
                //        { $canvas .= "\t\tfill(255,0,0,20);\n"; $first_diff = false;}

                $buttonname = "over".$diff."Button";
                //$bools .= "boolean $buttonname = false;\n";
                if (file_exists($FarmD.$processingfile) && $newest_diff)
                        if ( filemtime($FarmD.$processingfile) > $diff)
                $newest_diff = false;
                //  add a sightly transparent tick rectangle with its Unix timestamp link to the diff page
                //  the mouse over a certain edit should change its color
                //  see http://processingjs.org/learning/basic/embeddedlinks
                // or clicablerects.js via Pomax on :mozilla2/#processing.js (14/05/2011 ~11pm)
                $x = round ( ($canvaswidth - $block_width) * ( (($now - $first_edit)-($now-$diff)) / ($now - $first_edit)));
                $y = 1;
                $checkButtons .= "\t\tif ( mouseX > $x && mouseX < $x+$block_width) lastHovered = $diff; \n";
                // if (mouseY > $y && mouseY < $y+$block_height) not really required
                // others should be set to false else one always jump to the olded diff mouved over
                $canvas .= "\t\trect($x,$y,$block_width,$block_height);\n";
        $canvas .= "\t\tstroke(0,155);\n";
        $canvas .= "\t\tfill(0,0,255,80);\n";
        $canvas .= "\t\ttext(\"Edits:\",2,10 );\n";
        $canvas .= "\t\tfill(0,0,255,40);\n";
        for ($year=2009;$year<2012;$year++){  //each year until now
                $unixyear = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$year);
                $x = round ( ($canvaswidth - $block_width) * ( (($now - $first_edit)-($now-$unixyear)) / ($now - $first_edit)));
                $y = 0;
                $canvas .= "line($x,$y,$x,$y+$block_height+2); text(\"$year\",$x+2,$y+10 );\n";
        $canvas = $bools . $canvas ."}" . $mousePressed ."}" .$checkButtons . "}";

        // load ProcessinJS

        $write_result = file_put_contents($FarmD.$processingfile,$canvas);

        // print resulting canvas

        $older_gnuplot_version = "<div><center><img src=\"/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/{$pagename}.png\" alt=\"/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/{$pagename}.png\"/></br>(<a href=\"$ScriptUrl/Wiki/Visualization#timeline\">visualization details</a>).</center></div><hr />";

//display images with transparancy invertionnaly proportional to last time of update
// http://fabien.benetou.fr/MemoryRecalls/ImprovingPIM#VisualDecayOfInformation
function DisplayDecay($pagename){

        adding threshold
        not keeping it linear (e.g. log)
                but still constantly inscreasing between 0 and 1
        use a factor when matches (e.g. regex changing $impeding_factor or $first_edit)
                regex would match groupname (e.g. "Person." with fast decay) or pagename or both (e.g. "Math" with slow decay)
        yellowish background, looking like old paper
 ...rest got deleted by a dumb rm...
	global $ScriptUrl;
        $first_edit = 1212192000;
        $now = time();
	//load page
        $page = ReadPage($pagename);
        if (!$page) return;

	$last_edit = $page["time"];
	//get last edit

        $destination_link = "$ScriptUrl/".strtr($pagename,".","/")."?action=edit";

	//use the previous equation adding 1 - ()
        $opacity = round ( 1 - ( (($now - $first_edit)-($now-$last_edit)) / ($now - $first_edit)) , 2 );

	$opacitymsg = "opacity=$opacity";
	if ($opacity > 0.8)
		$opacitymsg = "<font color=\"red\">".$opacitymsg."</font>";

	//if user if admin
	if ( $GLOBALS['Author'] == 'Fabien' || $GLOBALS['Author'] == 'Utopiah' ) {
		//for 1 to a multiplier of value
		for ($i=0;$i<$opacity*10;$i++){
			// display another visual problem with a link back to improvingwiki#visualdecay
			print "<div style=\"opacity:$opacity;position:absolute;top:".rand(60,800)."px;left:".rand(100,500)."px;\"><a href=\"$destination_link\">"
		// add a good practice msg
		print "<div style=\"opacity:$opacity;position:absolute;top:10px;left:450px;width:300px;background-color:gray;\">
			$opacitymsg edits should be done to check if 
			the informamtion presented is still relevant,
			links are working,
			opinion expressed still correct, etc.

	//print img with opacity + warning message

	print "<div style=\"opacity:$opacity;\"><a name=\"Decay\"></a>If you can read this text ($opacitymsg) if means the page has not been edited for a long time. Consequently the information it holds might be deprecated or no longer represent the opinion of this author.</div>";
