#! /usr/bin/env bash # learn more about cron, at and batch ## note that at also requires to specify the DISPLAY ## e.g. using http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-job-scheduling/index.html # consider hooks and events e.g. inofity, git hooks, ratpoison hooks, ... QUESTION='read -p "finished? (^C to stop, make sure to delete previous done tasks) "' #echo merge *.pmwiki to the wiki && `$QUESTION` mottt_through_proxy & #evince -p 47 book_or_article.pdf; $QUESTION ## note that evince remembers the last opended page ## re-opening the document update the page numbr in the running version # script newsbeuter to handle evince #echo watch videos in `ls ~/*.flv`; `$QUESTION`