('.$last_conf_start_timestamp.')'; # for each specific talk : conf_start_timestamp_talk% # handle the stop timestamp too $req_total = $getvisited; $req_entertainment = $getvisited.$filterentertainment; $req_work = $getvisited.$filterwork; $req_social = $getvisited.$filtersocial; $req_count_total = $countedvisited; $req_count_entertainment = $countedvisited.$filterentertainment; $req_count_work = $countedvisited.$filterwork; $req_count_social = $countedvisited.$filtersocial; try { /*** connect to SQLite database ***/ $dbh = new PDO("sqlite:".$sqlitedb); foreach ($dbh->query($last_conf_start_timestamp) as $res) { $startedconf = $res['visit_date']; } /* foreach ($dbh->query($req_count_entertainment) as $res) { $entertainment = $res['counted']; } foreach ($dbh->query($req_count_work) as $res) { $work = $res['counted']; } foreach ($dbh->query($req_count_social) as $res) { $social = $res['counted']; } */ print "

Browsing during the last (tagged) conference

\n"; print "

Last websites since $startedconf

\n"; $pmwiki_formated_result = "\n"; print "\n"; foreach ($dbh->query($visit_conf_start_timestamp) as $row) { print "\n"; # to do ## improved filtering ## track last_conf_start_timestamp last_conf_start_timestamp% last_conf_end_timestamp ## SELECT replace(url,"http://fabien.benetou.fr/Events/PleniereCommunauteIngenierieConnaissances?action=conf_","") as triggering_event,visit_date,time(visit_date/1000000, "unixepoch","localtime") as moment FROM moz_historyvisits, moz_places WHERE moz_historyvisits.place_id = moz_places.id AND url like "%Events/%?action=conf_%_timestamp%" ORDER BY visit_date $pmwiki_formated_result .= "** ".$row['moment']."[[".$row['url']."|".$row['title']."]]\n"; # consider putting a link to put this output in import\ so that PmWiki can directly get it } print "
\n"; print "
" . $pmwiki_formated_result; # output to PmWiki format /*** close the database connection ***/ $dbh = null; } catch(PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } ?>