You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

76 lines
2.5 KiB

# return coeditions for a wholewiki
function Coeditions($groupname){
global $ScriptUrl, $PubDir, $FarmD;
$cache_time = 0; # set to 0 to disable cache, practical for testing
$cache_time = 3600;
$cachefile = "/pub/coedits.txt";
$timewindow = 360; # in seconds
$pagelist = ListPages("/$groupname\./e");
// consider removing structural pages (headers, PmWiki, Site, ...)
// mostly case by default since those remains into wikilib.d unless modified
# cache since its costly
if (!file_exists($FarmD.$cachefile)){
if (!touch($FarmD.$cachefile))
print "Creation of the cache file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $cachefile.";
# if cache exist
} else {
# cache has been generated recently
if (( (time() - filemtime($FarmD.$cachefile)) < $cache_time ) && $groupname == "")
#return it
return unserialize(file_get_contents($FarmD.$cachefile));
foreach ($pagelist as $pagename){
$page = ReadPage($pagename);
if (!$page) return;
krsort($page); reset($page);
foreach($page as $k=>$v) {
if (!preg_match("/^diff:(\d+):(\d+):?([^:]*)/",$k,$match)) continue;
$diff = intval($match[1]);
$edits[] = array ("diff" => $diff, "name" => $pagename);
$diffs[] = $diff;
$names[] = $pagename;
#automatic index since there might multiple edits with the same diff
# numeric sort $edits by ascending diff (either regenerate or discard index)
$numberofedits = count($diffs);
for ($j=0;$j<$numberofedits;$j++){
if (($diffs[$j+1]-$diffs[$j])<$timewindow){
$target = $names[$j];
$dest = $names[$j+1];
$coedits["$target"]["$dest"]++ ;
# dirty since it's a string, not a proper table but will do for tests
foreach ($coedits as &$ce){
//$scoedits[] = $ce;
# should highlight the highest coedition that is not self
# also remove under a certain threshold, e.g. 1 or rather a sigma of the distribution
# most result are... from the same page
# it could thus be noted then filtered
# also the timewindow gives only short-term result
# a second processing could check over long-term editions between pages
#write cache
if ($groupname == "")
$write_result = file_put_contents($FarmD.$cachefile,serialize($coedits));
return $coedits;