You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
9.8 KiB

/* PIM functions (for PmWiki)
consider adding other related scripts here too (e.g. MemoryRecipe, Recalls, GroupStats, Coeditions, ...)
note that the order is important though
e.g. currently MemoryRecipe is loaded after thus can't be called here
add to
it would be particularly useful to refactor each properly
especially since they share variables (e.g. first edit) but also some have better function
e.g. caching in Coeditions
change ProcessingJS generation by first producing JSON
cf and
this might be even faster on most computers since JS engines are improving
//handle implicit linking
function ImplicitLinking(){
return "list of pages generated on the fly";
//$AutoCreate['/\\.GroupStats$/'] = array( 'ctime' => $Now, 'text' => ImplicitLinking());
//$AutoCreate['/^Categora\\./'] = array('ctime' => $Now);
//doesn't work, AutoCreate present in pmwiki.php and example too
// category works though
// TODO try making it global $AutoCreate;
//display working status
// see
Markup("currenttask", "directives", "/\(:currenttask:\)/", GetCurrentTask());
function GetCurrentTask(){
$currenttask = trim(file_get_contents("/home/utopiah/web/"));
if ($currenttask == "")
return "(either available or asleep, Im usually on CET)";
return "[[CognitiveEnvironments/".$currenttask."]]";
Markup("timetable", "fulltext", "/\(:timetable:\)/",
"\n||border=1\n||!Time ||!Action ||\n"
.preg_replace("/echo -level HILIGHT -window 1 /","",
preg_replace("/.* (\d+) (\d+).* \/(.*)/","||$1:$2||$3||",file_get_contents("/home/utopiah/.irssi/"))
//load a dedicated edition page for the admin (shouldn't be hard coded but I dont use Auth)
//global $GLOBALS;
if ($GLOBALS['action'] == 'edit' && ( $GLOBALS['Author'] == 'Fabien' || $GLOBALS['Author'] == 'Utopiah' ) )
//TODO fails since moved in cookbook directory, thus added back there
global $SkinDir,$pagename;
LoadPageTemplate($pagename, "$SkinDir/edit.tmpl");
//display editions through an horizontal line
fomally done via GnuPlot, cf is probably too complicated for the small resolution
yet provide interesting non-linear properties
function DisplayVisualEdits($pagename){
global $ScriptUrl, $PubDir, $FarmD;
# equivalent to 404
if (!PageExists($pagename)) return;
$processingpath = '/pub/libraries/processing.js';
$processingfile = "/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/$pagename.pjs";
$processinglib = "<script src=\"$processingpath\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
$first_edit = 1212192000;
$now = time();
// draw the timeline from the first edit to now()
// get the list of edits of the current page
// "get inspired" by PrintDiff() in scripts/pagerev.php
$canvaswidth = 600-2*10;
$canvasheight = 10;
$block_width = 4;
$block_height = 8;
$page = ReadPage($pagename);
if (!$page) return;
krsort($page); reset($page);
// newest first
// for each edit
$canvas = "
void setup()
size($canvaswidth, $canvasheight);
PFont font;
font = loadFont(\"FFScala-Bold-12.vlw\");
void mouseMoved() {
void mouseDragged() {
void draw()
$mousePressed = "void mousePressed() {";
$destination_link = "$ScriptUrl/".strtr($pagename,".","/")."?action=diff#diff";
$mousePressed .= "\t\tif (lastHovered>0) { link(\"$destination_link\"+lastHovered); }\n";
$checkButtons = "void checkButtons() {";
print $processinglib.'<canvas data-src="'.$processingfile.'" width="'.$canvaswidth.'" height="'.$canvasheight.'"></canvas>';
// set to false to de-activate cache (practical for tests)
$newest_diff = true;
//$newest_diff = false;
//$first_diff = true;
foreach($page as $k=>$v) {
if (!preg_match("/^diff:(\d+):(\d+):?([^:]*)/",$k,$match)) continue;
$diff = $match[1];
$diffclass = $match[3];
if ($diffclass=='minor')
{ $canvas .= "\t\tfill(0,255,0,20);\n"; }
{ $canvas .= "\t\tfill(0,0,255,20);\n"; }
//if ($first_diff)
// { $canvas .= "\t\tfill(255,0,0,20);\n"; $first_diff = false;}
$buttonname = "over".$diff."Button";
//$bools .= "boolean $buttonname = false;\n";
if (file_exists($FarmD.$processingfile) && $newest_diff)
if ( filemtime($FarmD.$processingfile) > $diff)
$newest_diff = false;
// add a sightly transparent tick rectangle with its Unix timestamp link to the diff page
// the mouse over a certain edit should change its color
// see
// or clicablerects.js via Pomax on :mozilla2/#processing.js (14/05/2011 ~11pm)
$x = round ( ($canvaswidth - $block_width) * ( (($now - $first_edit)-($now-$diff)) / ($now - $first_edit)));
$y = 1;
$checkButtons .= "\t\tif ( mouseX > $x && mouseX < $x+$block_width) lastHovered = $diff; \n";
// if (mouseY > $y && mouseY < $y+$block_height) not really required
// others should be set to false else one always jump to the olded diff mouved over
$canvas .= "\t\trect($x,$y,$block_width,$block_height);\n";
$canvas .= "\t\tstroke(0,155);\n";
$canvas .= "\t\tfill(0,0,255,80);\n";
$canvas .= "\t\ttext(\"Edits:\",2,10 );\n";
$canvas .= "\t\tfill(0,0,255,40);\n";
for ($year=2009;$year<2012;$year++){ //each year until now
$unixyear = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$year);
$x = round ( ($canvaswidth - $block_width) * ( (($now - $first_edit)-($now-$unixyear)) / ($now - $first_edit)));
$y = 0;
$canvas .= "line($x,$y,$x,$y+$block_height+2); text(\"$year\",$x+2,$y+10 );\n";
$canvas = $bools . $canvas ."}" . $mousePressed ."}" .$checkButtons . "}";
// load ProcessinJS
$write_result = file_put_contents($FarmD.$processingfile,$canvas);
// print resulting canvas
$older_gnuplot_version = "<div><center><img src=\"/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/{$pagename}.png\" alt=\"/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/{$pagename}.png\"/></br>(<a href=\"$ScriptUrl/Wiki/Visualization#timeline\">visualization details</a>).</center></div><hr />";
//display images with transparancy invertionnaly proportional to last time of update
function DisplayDecay($pagename){
adding threshold
not keeping it linear (e.g. log)
but still constantly inscreasing between 0 and 1
use a factor when matches (e.g. regex changing $impeding_factor or $first_edit)
regex would match groupname (e.g. "Person." with fast decay) or pagename or both (e.g. "Math" with slow decay)
yellowish background, looking like old paper got deleted by a dumb rm...
global $ScriptUrl;
$first_edit = 1212192000;
$now = time();
//load page
$page = ReadPage($pagename);
if (!$page) return;
$last_edit = $page["time"];
//get last edit
$destination_link = "$ScriptUrl/".strtr($pagename,".","/")."?action=edit";
//use the previous equation adding 1 - ()
$opacity = round ( 1 - ( (($now - $first_edit)-($now-$last_edit)) / ($now - $first_edit)) , 2 );
$opacitymsg = "opacity=$opacity";
if ($opacity > 0.8)
$opacitymsg = "<font color=\"red\">".$opacitymsg."</font>";
//if user if admin
if ( $GLOBALS['Author'] == 'Fabien' || $GLOBALS['Author'] == 'Utopiah' ) {
//for 1 to a multiplier of value
for ($i=0;$i<$opacity*10;$i++){
// display another visual problem with a link back to improvingwiki#visualdecay
print "<div style=\"opacity:$opacity;position:absolute;top:".rand(60,800)."px;left:".rand(100,500)."px;\"><a href=\"$destination_link\">"
// add a good practice msg
print "<div style=\"opacity:$opacity;position:absolute;top:10px;left:450px;width:300px;background-color:gray;\">
$opacitymsg edits should be done to check if
the informamtion presented is still relevant,
links are working,
opinion expressed still correct, etc.
//print img with opacity + warning message
print "<div style=\"opacity:$opacity;\"><a name=\"Decay\"></a>If you can read this text ($opacitymsg) if means the page has not been edited for a long time. Consequently the information it holds might be deprecated or no longer represent the opinion of this author.</div>";