visibility classes and helpers with examples

Fabien Benetou 2 years ago
parent d8d1a72e87
commit 1b3332a178
  1. 88

@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ setTimeout( _ =>
// e.g background might have to allow options like scale to allow for modifying both size and ratio
AFRAME.registerComponent('background-via-url', { // non interactive mode
init: function () {
let generatorName = this.attrName
var src = AFRAME.utils.getUrlParameter('background')
if (src && src != "") {
this.el.setAttribute( "visible", "true")
this.el.setAttribute( "src", src )
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll(".mural-instructions") ).map( i => i.setAttribute("visible", "true") )
this.el.className += generatorName
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll(".mural-instructions") ).map( i => {
i.setAttribute("visible", "true")
i.className += generatorName
@ -80,10 +85,12 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('web-url', {
var src = AFRAME.utils.getUrlParameter('url')
// could also be a component parameter
var el = this.el
let generatorName = this.attrName
if (src && src != "") target = src
fetch(target).then( res => res.text() ).then( r => {
document.querySelector("#page").innerHTML = r;
el.setAttribute("html", "html:#page;cursor:#cursor;" )
el.className += generatorName
const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( el.object3D.children[0].geometry.parameters.width*1.1,
el.object3D.children[0].geometry.parameters.height*1.1 );
@ -345,7 +352,7 @@ function coloredBlocksFromScreens(colors, el){
function imagesFromURLs(urls, el){
function imagesFromURLs(urls, el, classes=null){ (u,i) => {
var e = document.createElement("a-image")
if (u.indexOf("http")>-1)
@ -359,6 +366,8 @@ function imagesFromURLs(urls, el){
// could instead rely on
// as previously used in
if (classes) e.className += classes
@ -463,15 +472,18 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('line-link-entities', {
steps: {type: 'number', default: 1},
init: function () {
let generatorName = this.attrName
setTimeout( _ => { // stupid... but works.
var sourcePos =
var targetPos =
if (!sourcePos || !targetPos) return
// adding a gltf inside an element prevents the parent from having coordinates (fast enough?)
var step = 0
var points = cut ([sourcePos, targetPos], 0, ++step)
points = cut (points, 0, ++step)
points = cut (points, points.length-2, step)
var el = this.el
el.className += generatorName (p,i,arr) => {
if (arr[i+1])
el.setAttribute("line__"+i, "start:" + AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( arr[i] ) + ";end: " + AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( arr[i+1] ) )
@ -529,12 +541,13 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('screenstack', {
//if (cabin && cabin.length > 0) return // test doesn't seem to work well on new page / 1st load
// see CEREMA project, seems to handle caching better
var el = this.el
let generatorName = this.attrName
fetch(wikiAsImages).then(response => response.json()).then(data =>
Object.entries(data.Nodes).map(( [k, v] ) => { return {group:v.Group, name:v.Label} } ).slice(0,maxItems)
, el )
, el, generatorName )
// example time sorting
/* fetch('/screens').then(response => response.json()).then(data => console.log(
@ -968,7 +981,7 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('hud', {
function addNewNote( text, position=`-0.2 1.1 -0.1`, scale= "0.1 0.1 0.1", id=null ){
function addNewNote( text, position=`-0.2 1.1 -0.1`, scale= "0.1 0.1 0.1", id=null, classes=null ){
//var newnote = document.createElement("a-text")
var newnote = document.createElement("a-troika-text")
newnote.setAttribute("anchor", "left" )
@ -976,6 +989,7 @@ function addNewNote( text, position=`-0.2 1.1 -0.1`, scale= "0.1 0.1 0.1", id=nu
newnote.setAttribute("outline-color", "black" )
if (id) = id
if (classes) newnote.className += classes
newnote.setAttribute("side", "double" )
var userFontColor = AFRAME.utils.getUrlParameter('fontcolor')
if (userFontColor && userFontColor != "")
@ -1169,17 +1183,21 @@ let alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
AFRAME.registerComponent('keyboard', {
let generatorName = this.attrName
const horizontaloffset = .5
const horizontalratio = 1/30
for (var i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++) {
var e = document.createElement("a-text")
var pos = i * horizontalratio - horizontaloffset
addNewNote( alphabet[i], pos+" 1.6 -.4", ".1 .1 .1", null, generatorName)
var e = document.createElement("a-text") // could also rely on addNewNote()
e.setAttribute("side", "double" )
e.setAttribute("value", alphabet[i])
e.setAttribute("target", true)
e.setAttribute("scale", ".1 .1 .1")
var pos = i * horizontalratio - horizontaloffset
e.setAttribute("position",`${pos} 1.6 -0.4`)
@ -1199,37 +1217,67 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('capturegesture', {
const maxItemsFromSources = 20
AFRAME.registerComponent('timeline', {
let generatorName = this.attrName
fetch("../content/fot_timeline.json").then(res => res.json() ).then(res => {
res.fot_timeline.slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( (c,i) => addNewNote( c.year+"_"+c.event, "1 "+i/10+" -1", ".1 .1 .1") )
res.fot_timeline.slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( (c,i) => addNewNote( c.year+"_"+c.event, "1 "+i/10+" -1", ".1 .1 .1", null, generatorName) )
AFRAME.registerComponent('glossary', {
let generatorName = this.attrName
fetch("content/glossary.json").then(res => res.json() ).then(res => {
Object.values(res.entries).slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( (c,i) => addNewNote( c.phrase + c.entry.slice(0,50)+"..." , "-1 "+i/10+" -1", ".1 .1 .1") )
Object.values(res.entries).slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( (c,i) => addNewNote( c.phrase + c.entry.slice(0,50)+"..." , "-1 "+i/10+" -1", ".1 .1 .1", null, generatorName) )
AFRAME.registerComponent('issues', {
let generatorName = this.attrName
// fetch("").then(res => res.json() ).then(res => {
fetch("").then(res => res.json() ).then(res => {
res.slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( (n,i) => addNewNote( n.title, "0 "+(1+i/10)+" -1", ".1 .1 .1" ) )
res.slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( (n,i) => addNewNote( n.title, "0 "+(1+i/10)+" -1.5", ".1 .1 .1", null, generatorName ) )
AFRAME.registerComponent('dynamic-view', {
let generatorName = this.attrName
fetch("content/DynamicView.json").then(res => res.json() ).then(res => {
res.nodes.slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( n => addNewNote( n.title, "" + res.layout.nodePositions[n.identifier].x/100 + " " + res.layout.nodePositions[n.identifier].y/100 + " -1", ".1 .1 .1" ) )
res.nodes.slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( n => addNewNote( n.title, "" + res.layout.nodePositions[n.identifier].x/100 + " " + res.layout.nodePositions[n.identifier].y/100 + " -1", ".1 .1 .1", null, generatorName ) )
function toggleVisibilityEntitiesFromClass(classname){
let entities = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("."+classname) )
if (entities.length == 0) return
let state = entities[0].getAttribute("visible") // assume they are all the same
if (state) e => e.setAttribute("visible", "false"))
else e => e.setAttribute("visible", "true"))
function toggleVisibilityAllGenerators(){
generators.split(" ").map( g => toggleVisibilityEntitiesFromClass(g) )
// note hidableassets though
function toggleVisibilityAll(){
function toggleVisibilityAllButClass(classname){
generators.split(" ").filter( e => e != classname).map( g => toggleVisibilityEntitiesFromClass(g) )
AFRAME.registerComponent('commands-from-external-json', {
// following discussion with Yanick
@ -1253,6 +1301,7 @@ fetch('./templates.json')
var el = this.el
let generatorName = this.attrName
var links = [ // could be in the commands file instead
"target:#instructionA; source:#instructionB",
"target:#instructionA; source:#instructionC",
@ -1262,7 +1311,7 @@ fetch('./templates.json')
fetch("").then(res => res.json() ).then(res => {
// to consider for remoteload/remotesave instead, to distinguish from url though.
// also potential security concern so might insure that only a specific user, with mandatory password access, added commands. c => addNewNote( c.value, c.position, c.scale, ) // missing name/title, autorun (true/false), description, 3D icon/visual c => addNewNote( c.value, c.position, c.scale,, generatorName) ) // missing name/title, autorun (true/false), description, 3D icon/visual l => { var linkEl = document.createElement("a-entity");
linkEl.setAttribute("line-link-entities", l)
@ -1325,15 +1374,19 @@ function remotesave(){
}).then(res => res).then(res => console.log("saved remotely", res))
var generators = "line-link-entities link screenstack dynamic-view selectionboxonpinches keyboard "
+ "commands-from-external-json glossary timeline issues web-url background-via-url observableui hidableenvironment"
// could be an array proper completed on each component registration
// could change model opacity based on hand position, fading out when within a (very small here) safe space
<div id="observablehq-key">
<div id="observablehq-viewof-offsetExample-ab4c1560"></div>
<div id="observablehq-result_as_html-ab4c1560"></div>
<a-scene cursor="rayOrigin: mouse" raycaster="objects: [html]; interval:100;"
selectionboxonpinches keyboard commands-from-external-json glossary timeline issues
capturegesture screenstack toolbox networked-scene="serverURL:; adapter: easyrtc; audio: true;">
<a-scene cursor="rayOrigin: mouse" raycaster="objects: [html]; interval:100;"
screenstack dynamic-view selectionboxonpinches keyboard commands-from-external-json glossary timeline issues
capturegesture toolbox networked-scene="serverURL:; adapter: easyrtc; audio: true;">
<template id="avatar-template"> <a-cylinder scale=".2 1.2 .2" networked-audio-source></a-cylinder> </template>
<template id="text-template"> <a-text></a-text> </template>
@ -1364,7 +1417,7 @@ function remotesave(){
<a-box pressable changecoloronpress id="box" scale="0.05 0.05 0.05" color="pink"></a-box>
<!-- could attach functions here... BUT then they have to be activable with the other hand! -->
<a-entity id="scaledworld" scale=".05 .05 .05" position="0 .85 0"><!-- can't be used for interactions otherwise becomes indirect-->
<a-entity id="scaledworld" class="hidableassets" scale=".05 .05 .05" position="0 .85 0"><!-- can't be used for interactions otherwise becomes indirect-->
<a-box position="-0.1 1.2 -0.3" scale="0.5 0.5 0.5" rotation="0 45 0" color="#4CC3D9"></a-box>
<a-sphere position="0 1.25 -5" radius="1.25" color="#EF2D5E"></a-sphere>
<a-cylinder position="1 0.75 -3" radius="0.5" height="1.5" color="#FFC65D"></a-cylinder>
@ -1379,8 +1432,7 @@ function remotesave(){
rotation="0 45 0" position="-1.5 1.7 -.7" scale=".4 .2 .2" ></a-image>
<a-image visible=false class=mural-instructions src="../content/future_of_text_symposium/mappinghypertext_mappingfusion.png"
rotation="0 45 0" position="-1.5 1.4 -.7" scale=".4 .2 .2" ></a-image>
<a-image position="-0.5 1.3 0" scale=".3 .3 .3" rotation="0 90 0" src="content/draft15sept-1.png"></a-image>
<a-entity dynamic-view position="-5 1.3 0" ></a-entity>
<a-image position="-0.5 1.3 0" scale=".3 .3 .3" rotation="0 90 0" class="hidableassets" src="content/draft15sept-1.png"></a-image>
<!-- visual reminders of shortcuts, a poster on the far left/right of keyboard shortcuts -->
<!-- moved to commands.json partially
see as inspiration
@ -1413,7 +1465,7 @@ function remotesave(){
<a-entity light="type: directional; color: #FFF; intensity: 0.6" position="-0.5 1 1"></a-entity>
<a-sky hide-on-enter-ar color="#3d3846"></a-sky>
<a-entity id="gui3d" position="0 1.5 -.4"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="gui3d" class="observableui" position="0 1.5 -.4"></a-entity>
<a-entity id=inbrowser web-url position="0 1.5 -2.4"></a-entity>
<!-- permanent offline persistent e-ink based, rM2 size, reminder
