diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 2cdd95d..0465112 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1886,15 +1886,26 @@ function loadFromMastodon(statusesURL="https://mastodon.pirateparty.be/api/v1/ac
} ) )
-const tile_URL = "../content/KenneyHexTiles/"
const tile_extension = ".glb"
-const tiles = ["building_cabin", "building_castle", "building_dock", "building_farm", "building_house", "building_market", "building_mill", "building_mine", "building_sheep", "building_smelter", "building_tower", "building_village", "building_wall", "building_water", "dirt", "dirt_lumber", "grass", "grass_forest", "grass_hill", "path_corner", "path_cornerSharp", "path_crossing", "path_end", "path_intersectionA", "path_intersectionB", "path_intersectionC", "path_intersectionD", "path_intersectionE", "path_intersectionF", "path_intersectionG", "path_intersectionH", "path_start", "path_straight", "river_corner", "river_cornerSharp", "river_crossing", "river_end", "river_intersectionA", "river_intersectionB", "river_intersectionC", "river_intersectionD", "river_intersectionE", "river_intersectionF", "river_intersectionG", "river_intersectionH", "river_start", "river_straight", "sand", "sand_rocks", "stone", "stone_hill", "stone_mountain", "stone_rocks", "unit_boat", "unit_house", "unit_houseLarge", "unit_mill", "unit_tower", "unit_tree", "unit_wallTower", "water", "water_island", "water_rocks",]
-const tiles_types_full = [ "building_", "river_", "sand", "stone", "water"]
-const tiles_types_parts = [ "unit_", "path_" ]
-const tiles_types = [ ...tiles_types_full, ...tiles_types_parts]
-const tiles_full = tiles.filter( t => { let present = false; tiles_types_full.map(m => { if (t.indexOf(m)>-1) present = true; }); return present} )
-// could become a dedicated asset set, e.g asset-metadata.json in that directory
+// could become a dedicated asset sets, e.g asset-metadata.json in that directory
+const available_asset_kits = [
+ {
+ tile_URL : "../content/asset_kits/KenneyHexTiles/",
+ tiles : ["building_cabin", "building_castle", "building_dock", "building_farm", "building_house", "building_market", "building_mill", "building_mine", "building_sheep", "building_smelter", "building_tower", "building_village", "building_wall", "building_water", "dirt", "dirt_lumber", "grass", "grass_forest", "grass_hill", "path_corner", "path_cornerSharp", "path_crossing", "path_end", "path_intersectionA", "path_intersectionB", "path_intersectionC", "path_intersectionD", "path_intersectionE", "path_intersectionF", "path_intersectionG", "path_intersectionH", "path_start", "path_straight", "river_corner", "river_cornerSharp", "river_crossing", "river_end", "river_intersectionA", "river_intersectionB", "river_intersectionC", "river_intersectionD", "river_intersectionE", "river_intersectionF", "river_intersectionG", "river_intersectionH", "river_start", "river_straight", "sand", "sand_rocks", "stone", "stone_hill", "stone_mountain", "stone_rocks", "unit_boat", "unit_house", "unit_houseLarge", "unit_mill", "unit_tower", "unit_tree", "unit_wallTower", "water", "water_island", "water_rocks",],
+ tiles_types_full : [ "building_", "river_", "sand", "stone", "water"],
+ tiles_types_parts : [ "unit_", "path_" ],
+ hex_type : true,
+ },{
+ tile_URL : "../content/asset_kits/KenneyRetroMedieval/",
+ tiles_types_full : ["floor", "column", "tower", "wall"],
+ tiles_types_parts : ["battlement"],
+ tiles : [ "battlement", "battlement_cornerInner", "battlement_cornerOuter", "battlement_half", "column", "columnPaint", "columnPaint_damaged", "column_damaged", "detail_barrel", "detail_crate", "detail_crateSmall", "fence", "floor", "floor_flat", "floor_stairs", "floor_stairsCornerInner", "floor_stairsCornerOuter", "floor_steps", "floor_stepsCornerInner", "floor_stepsCornerOuter", "overhang", "overhang_fence", "overhang_round", "roof", "roof_corner", "roof_edge", "structure", "structure_poles", "structure_wall", "tower", "towerPaint", "towerPaint_base", "tower_base", "tower_edge", "tower_top", "wall", "wallFortified", "wallFortifiedPaint", "wallFortifiedPaint_gate", "wallFortifiedPaint_half", "wallFortified_gate", "wallFortified_gateHalf", "wallFortified_half", "wallPaint", "wallPaint_detail", "wallPaint_flat", "wallPaint_gate", "wallPaint_half", "wall_detail", "wall_flat", "wall_flatGate", "wall_gate", "wall_gateHalf", "wall_half", "wall_low" ],
+ hex_type : false,
+ }
+var selected_asset_kit = 1
// consider also a set of assets, e.g this one but also another kit from the same artist
// consider the other direction, i.e how a single glTF could become a set of tiles
@@ -1902,9 +1913,10 @@ const tiles_full = tiles.filter( t => { let present = false; tiles_types_full.ma
function displayAllTiles(){
const scale = 1/10
let last_type = null
- tiles.map( (t) => {
+ available_asset_kits[selected_asset_kit].tiles.map( (t) => {
let x = -1*scale
if (!last_type) n = 0
+ const tiles_types = [ ...available_asset_kits[selected_asset_kit].tiles_types_full, ...available_asset_kits[selected_asset_kit].tiles_types_parts]
tiles_types.map( (tile_type,ttn) => {
if (t.indexOf(tile_type) > -1) {
x = ttn/10
@@ -1912,7 +1924,9 @@ function displayAllTiles(){
last_type = tile_type
} )
- let el = addGltfFromURLAsTarget( tile_URL+t+tile_extension, .09, ""+x+" 0.7 -"+n*scale )
+ let el = addGltfFromURLAsTarget( available_asset_kits[selected_asset_kit].tile_URL+t+tile_extension,
+ .09,
+ ""+x+" 0.7 -"+n*scale )
// fine tuning should also be per asset set
// el.class = ...
@@ -1925,6 +1939,7 @@ function displayAllTiles(){
// cf similar commands to move a class, consequently could add class after addGltfFromURLAsTarget
function randomTileFull(){
+ const tiles_full = available_asset_kits[selected_asset_kit].tiles.filter( t => { let present = false; available_asset_kits[selected_asset_kit].tiles_types_full.map(m => { if (t.indexOf(m)>-1) present = true; }); return present} )
return tiles_full[Math.floor(Math.random()*tiles_full.length)]
@@ -1959,9 +1974,14 @@ function generateRandomPlace(max_i=10, max_j=10, scale=1/10, y=1.4){
// dollhouse, y : 1.4, scale 1/10
for (let i=0;i