snapping sound and fixed sky

Fabien Benetou 2 years ago
parent 3e3e6fa602
commit 89ee270eec
  1. 46

@ -1960,7 +1960,7 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('snap-on-pinchended', {
init: function(){
let el = this.el
this.el.addEventListener('released', function (event) {
if (tile_snapping_enabled) {
if (tile_snapping_enabled) { // might generalize the name as now used for compound primitives too
el.setAttribute("rotation", "0 0 0")
// could limit to an axis or two, e.g here y axis probably should be kept or at least adjust to next 1/6th rotation
// could snap to invisible grid too, e.g every 1 or 1/10th unit
@ -1972,6 +1972,17 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('snap-on-pinchended', {
// but then if not, what? move to another of the closest 6th closest points? (2 vertical, 2 horizontal, 2 depth) or even 8th with diagonales?
// if not? now what? move until there is a free spot?
el.setAttribute("position", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify(pos))
if (el.className == "compound_object"){
let thresholdDistance = 0.2 // based on object size
targets.filter( i => (
(i.className == el.className)
&& el.getAttribute("position").distanceTo(i.getAttribute("position")) == 0.2)
&& el.getAttribute("position").y == i.getAttribute("position").y
&& el.getAttribute("position").z == i.getAttribute("position").z
).map( _ => document.querySelector("#snapping-sound").components.sound.playSound() )
} // very restrictive, also doesn't repulse away
// if works, generalize and add to
// should come back from emit('released')
// could rely on getClosestTilesSnappingPosition()
@ -2017,13 +2028,14 @@ function rescalePlace(scale = 10, yoffset=-1){
function addScreenshot(){
screenshotcanvas = document.querySelector('a-scene').components.screenshot.getCanvas('perspective')
var sel = document.createElement("a-image")
var sel = document.createElement("a-image") // could use a flat box instead, or use it as a frame
sel.setAttribute("src", screenshotcanvas.toDataURL() )
sel.setAttribute("height", .1)
sel.setAttribute("width", .2)
sel.setAttribute("position", "0 1.4 -0.1")
return sel
function newPrimitiveWithOutline( name="box", position="0 0 0", scale=".1 .1 .1" ){
@ -2042,7 +2054,7 @@ function addCompoundPrimitiveExample(position="0 1.4 -0.2"){
var el = document.createElement("a-entity")
el.setAttribute("position", position)
AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild(el) = "compound_object_" + name = "compound_object_" +
el.className = "compound_object"
let parts = []
parts.push( newPrimitiveWithOutline("box", "0 0 0", ".2 .1 .1") )
@ -2053,6 +2065,8 @@ function addCompoundPrimitiveExample(position="0 1.4 -0.2"){
parts.push( newPrimitiveWithOutline("box", "-.125 0 -0.0375", ".05 .05 .025") ) p => el.appendChild(p) )
el.setAttribute('snap-on-pinchended', true) // could set the parameter here, e.g sound if close to same type
return el
function addPrimitive( name, position="0 1.4 -0.2" ){
@ -2063,6 +2077,7 @@ function addPrimitive( name, position="0 1.4 -0.2" ){
el.className = "template_object"
// should have a dedicated cloning component activated on primary pinchstarted
return el
function addAllPrimitives(){
@ -2076,12 +2091,20 @@ function addAllPrimitives(){
.map( (i,j) => addPrimitive( i, ""+ j/7 + " 1.4 -0.5" ) )
function startExperience(){
document.querySelector("#mainbutton").style.display = "none"
// could change model opacity based on hand position, fading out when within a (very small here) safe space
<div id="observablehq-key">
<div id="observablehq-viewof-offsetExample-ab4c1560"></div>
<div id="observablehq-result_as_html-ab4c1560"></div>
<button id=mainbutton style="z-index: 1; position: absolute; width:50%; margin: auto; text-align:center; top:45%; left:30%; height:30%;" onclick="startExperience()">Start the experience (hand tracking recommended)</button>
<a-scene cursor="rayOrigin: mouse" raycaster="objects: [html]; interval:100;" adjust-height-in-vr
toolbox disable-components-via-url enable-components-via-url NOcommands-from-external-json keyboard >
<!-- screenstack dynamic-view selectionboxonpinches glossary timeline issues fot
@ -2098,7 +2121,8 @@ function addAllPrimitives(){
<a-entity id="rig">
<a-sound src="../content/summer-night-ambience.mp3" autoplay=true loop=true volume=0.2></a-sound><!-- warning skipped on Quest, does autoplay there -->
<a-sound src="../content/street-crowd-ambience.mp3" autoplay=true loop=true volume=0.2></a-sound><!-- warning skipped on Quest, does autoplay there -->
<a-sound id="snapping-sound" src="url(../content/magnets_snap.mp3)"></a-sound>
<a-entity id="player" networked="template:#avatar-template;attachTemplateToLocal:false;"
hud camera look-controls wasd-controls waistattach="target: .movebypinch" position="0 1.6 0"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="rightHand" pinchprimary hand-tracking-controls="hand: right;"></a-entity>
@ -2114,18 +2138,16 @@ function addAllPrimitives(){
<a-troika-text value="SpaSca : Spatial Scaffolding" anchor="left" outline-width="5%" font="../content/ChakraPetch-Regular.ttf" position="-5.26197 6.54224 -1.81284"
scale="4 4 5" rotation="90 0 0" troika-text="outlineWidth: 0.01; strokeColor: #ffffff" material="flatShading: true; blending: additive; emissive: #c061cb"></a-troika-text>
<a-sky hide-on-enter-ar color="lightblue"></a-sky>
<a-entity hide-on-enter-ar="" id="environment" class="hidableenvironment" gltf-model="../content/asset_kits/KenneyHexTiles/grass.glb" scale="100 100 100" position="0 -20 0" rotation="0 0 0"></a-entity>
<a-text target value="instructions : pinch generateRandomPlace then adjust tiles" position="0 1.65 -0.2" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-sky hide-on-enter-ar color="white"></a-sky>
<a-entity hide-on-enter-ar="" id="environment" class="hidableenvironment" gltf-model="../content/SourceCityToolkit/AR_Market.glb" scale="1 1 1" position="17 -10 -4" rotation="0 0 0"></a-entity>
<a-entity hide-on-enter-ar="" id="environmentsky" class="hidableenvironment" gltf-model="../content/SourceCityToolkit/SKY_Market_day.glb" scale="1 1 1" position="17 -10 -4" rotation="0 0 0"></a-entity>
<a-text target value="instructions : \n--right pinch to move\n--left pinch to execute" position="0 1.65 -0.2" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr addAllPrimitives()" position="0 1.35 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr addCompoundPrimitiveExample()" position="0 1.55 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr addAllPrimitives()" position="0 1.60 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr rescalePlace()" position="0 1.45 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr rescalePlace(1/10, 1)" position="0 1.50 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr tile_snapping_enabled = !tile_snapping_enabled" position="0 1.40 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr toggleVisibilityEntitiesFromClass('hidableenvironment')" position="0 1.30 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr displayAllTiles()" position="0 1.25 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr addScreenshot()" position="0 1.20 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr pushLeftClass('tiles')" position=" -0.2 1.55 0.1" rotation="0 90 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-text target value="jxr pushRightClass('tiles')" position=" -0.2 1.50 0.1" rotation="0 90 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
