current minimalist example

Fabien Benetou 12 months ago
parent 18d0bd4f02
commit 9b728c8210
  1. 54

@ -17,3 +17,57 @@ In order to have a better view of the different features accross branches see ht
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First communicated on as way to work on (WebXR) code during a flight.
!Minimalist example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<title>JXR minimalist template</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- use to define targets and left/right pinch interactions, respectively execute code and move targets -->
<div style="position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; left: 0%; border-bottom: 70px solid transparent; border-left: 70px solid #eee;">
<a href="">
<img style="position:fixed;left:10px;" title="code repository"
<button id="mainbutton" style="display:none; z-index: 1; position: absolute; width:50%; margin: auto; text-align:center; top:45%; left:30%; height:30%;" onclick="startExperience()">Start the experience (hand tracking recommended)</button>
<a-entity id="rig">
<a-entity id="player"
hud camera look-controls wasd-controls waistattach="target: .movebypinch" position="0 1.6 0"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="rightHand" pinchprimary hand-tracking-controls="hand: right;"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="leftHand" pinchsecondary wristattachsecondary="target: #box" hand-tracking-controls="hand: left;"></a-entity>
<a-troika-text value="SpaSca : Spatial Scaffolding" anchor="left" outline-width="5%" font="" position="-5.26197 6.54224 -1.81284"
scale="4 4 5" rotation="90 0 0" troika-text="outlineWidth: 0.01; strokeColor: #ffffff" material="flatShading: true; blending: additive; emissive: #c061cb"></a-troika-text>
<a-sky hide-on-enter-ar color="black"></a-sky>
<a-entity hide-on-enter-ar="" id="environmentsky" class="hidableenvironment" ></a-entity>
<a-troika-text anchor="left" target value="instructions : \n--right pinch to move\n--left pinch to execute" position="0 0.65 -0.2" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-troika-text anchor=left target id="locationreload" value="jxr location.reload()" position="0 1.20 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-troika-text anchor=left target id="makeAnchorsVisibleOnTargets" value="jxr makeAnchorsVisibleOnTargets()" position="0 1.05 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-console position="0 1.1 -0.8" rotation="-45 0 0" font-size="34" height="0.5" skip-intro="true"></a-console>
