@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ |
<script src="dependencies/shiki0.14.1.js"></script> |
<!-- bit demanding but it IS about code too, so arguably important enough --> |
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-extras@7.5.0/dist/aframe-extras.min.js"></script> |
<script src='jxr-core.js'></script> |
</head> |
<body> |
@ -41,6 +43,31 @@ function listBoundGestures(){ |
console.log('pinchprimary pinchsecondary wristattachsecondary="target: #box" pressable start-on-press') |
} |
AFRAME.registerComponent('generate-anchors', { |
init: function(){ |
let points = this.el.getAttribute('path').split(',') |
let id = this.el.id |
points.map( (p,i) => { |
let anchorEl = document.createElement("a-entity") |
anchorEl.id = id + "_" + i |
anchorEl.setAttribute("target", "") |
anchorEl.setAttribute("binding-anchor", "") // could use this value instead of |
anchorEl.setAttribute("onreleased", "moveAnchorPointTarget('"+anchorEl.id+"')" ) |
anchorEl.setAttribute("position", p.trim() ) |
anchorEl.setAttribute("scale", ".2 .2 .2" ) |
AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild(anchorEl) |
}) |
} |
}) |
function moveAnchorPointTarget(id){ |
console.log('should update the position of'+id+' with new hand position') |
let [targetId,numberOnPath] = id.split('_') |
let targetEl = document.getElementById(targetId) |
let path = targetEl.getAttribute("path").split(',') |
path[numberOnPath] = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( document.getElementById(id).getAttribute('position') ) |
targetEl.setAttribute("path", path.join(",") ) |
} |
// switchSide() showcase a selector/attribute model. Maybe others do work this way. |
// might be possible to have a onreleased neary a selector, e.g #rightHand as a way to manage gestures |
// e.g onreleased="" on #rightHand or #leftHand could add/remove the attribute, e.g pinchprimary/pinchsecondary |
@ -58,6 +85,44 @@ var tips = { |
right : {}, |
} |
AFRAME.registerComponent('draw-on-board', { |
init: function () { |
// get right hand fingertip, if "beyond" board, add something |
// boardEl.setAttribute("position", "0 1.5 -1.2") |
this.z = document.getElementById("board").getAttribute("position").z |
this.z = -1.2 // cheating, needed as it does yet exist |
this.throttledFunction = AFRAME.utils.throttle(this.draw, 50, this); |
this.p = document.querySelector('[pinchprimary]') |
this.tip = new THREE.Vector3(); // create once an reuse it |
this.lastPoint = null |
}, |
draw: function () { |
let tip = this.tip |
this.p.object3D.traverse( e => { if (e.name == 'index-finger-tip' ) tip = e.position }) |
if (tip.z) { |
if (tip.z < this.z){ |
let newPos = new THREE.Vector3( tip.x, (tip.y+1.5), (this.z+.01) ) |
if ( this.lastPoint && this.lastPoint.distanceTo( newPos ) > .01 ){ |
// merge nearby point |
let drawEl = document.createElement("a-box") |
drawEl.setAttribute("width", .01) |
drawEl.setAttribute("depth", .02) |
drawEl.setAttribute("height", .01) |
drawEl.setAttribute("color", "red") |
drawEl.setAttribute("position", "" + tip.x + " " + (tip.y+1.5) + " " + (this.z+.01) ) |
// tip.y seems to be too low... there is an offset too |
AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild( drawEl ) |
} |
this.lastPoint = newPos |
} |
} |
}, |
tick: function (t, dt) { |
this.throttledFunction(); // Called once a second. |
}, |
}) |
AFRAME.registerComponent('save-on-exit-xr', { |
init: function () { |
var sceneEl = this.el; |
@ -200,6 +265,7 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('billboard-content', { |
boardEl.setAttribute("height", 1) |
boardEl.setAttribute("color", "#303030") |
boardEl.setAttribute("position", "0 1.5 -1.2") |
boardEl.id = "board" |
AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild( boardEl ) |
var grid = new THREE.GridHelper(1, 10, 0xFFFFFF, 0x888888 ); |
grid.rotateX(Math.PI/2) |
@ -299,7 +365,7 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('selector-line', { |
}) |
</script> |
<a-scene startfunctions save-on-exit-xr billboard-content> |
<a-scene startfunctions save-on-exit-xr billboard-content draw-on-board> |
<!-- Apartment 2 by Gabriele Romagnoli [CC-BY] via Poly Pizza --> |
<a-gltf-model hide-on-enter-ar="" id="environment" rotation="0 90 0" position="-.3 .8 4" scale="8 8 8" gltf-model="../content/Apartment2.glb"></a-gltf-model> |
<a-box color="gray" position="0 0 -1.6" scale="10 0.1 0.2"></a-box> |
@ -335,6 +401,12 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('selector-line', { |
<a-troika-text anchor=left target id="clearhash" value="jxr window.location.hash=''" position="-1 2.05 -1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text> |
<!-- need to be able to bind each anchor point as targets that update the matching a-tube path--> |
<a-tube generate-anchors id="number1" path="-0.3 1.5 -1, -0.2 1.6 -1, -0.2 1.4 -1" radius="0.01" material="color: red"></a-tube> |
<a-tube generate-anchors id="number4" path="0.1 1.6 -1, 0 1.5 -1, 0.1 1.5 -1, 0.1 1.4 -1" radius="0.01" material="color: red"></a-tube> |
</a-scene> |
</body> |
</script> |