diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 0e97190..bb3ffc7 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -3284,6 +3284,12 @@ function startDraw2D(){
function pinchPrimaryDraw2DStarted(event){
// creates an offset between last pinch and last index tip position
// could merge them by updating the previous line end to the current pinch position
+ // could add a new line between both
+ if (points2D.length && points2D.length > 0){
+ let lastPoint = points2D[points2D.length-1]
+ let previouspos =
+ lastPoint.getAttribute("line__0").end.clone().add( lastPoint.getAttribute('position') )
+ }
controlSphere = document.createElement("a-sphere")
points2D.push( controlSphere )
let pos = event.detail.position.clone()
@@ -3311,31 +3317,73 @@ function startDraw2D(){
+function colorGradient(fadeFraction, rgbColor1, rgbColor2, rgbColor3) {
+// https://gist.github.com/gskema/2f56dc2e087894ffc756c11e6de1b5ed
+ var color1 = rgbColor1;
+ var color2 = rgbColor2;
+ var fade = fadeFraction;
+ // Do we have 3 colors for the gradient? Need to adjust the params.
+ if (rgbColor3) {
+ fade = fade * 2;
+ // Find which interval to use and adjust the fade percentage
+ if (fade >= 1) {
+ fade -= 1;
+ color1 = rgbColor2;
+ color2 = rgbColor3;
+ }
+ }
+ var diffRed = color2.red - color1.red;
+ var diffGreen = color2.green - color1.green;
+ var diffBlue = color2.blue - color1.blue;
+ var gradient = {
+ red: parseInt(Math.floor(color1.red + (diffRed * fade)), 10),
+ green: parseInt(Math.floor(color1.green + (diffGreen * fade)), 10),
+ blue: parseInt(Math.floor(color1.blue + (diffBlue * fade)), 10),
+ };
+ return 'rgb(' + Math.max(0,gradient.red) + ',' + Math.max(0,gradient.green) + ',' + Math.max(0,gradient.blue) + ')';
+function presetColorGradient(fadeFraction){
+ let highColor = { red: 217, green: 83, blue: 79 };
+ let mediumColor = { red: 240, green: 173, blue: 78 };
+ let lowColor = { red: 92, green: 184, blue: 91 };
+ return colorGradient(fadeFraction, lowColor, mediumColor, highColor);
+function tensionVisualized(){
+ let p = document.querySelector('[pinchprimary]')
+ let ptarget = new THREE.Vector3(); // create once an reuse it
+ let s = document.querySelector('[pinchsecondary]')
+ let starget = new THREE.Vector3(); // create once an reuse it
+ let entity = document.createElement("a-entity")
+ AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild( entity )
+ entity.setAttribute("line__0", `start: 0 0 0; end : 0 0 0; opacity: 1; color:purple;`)
+ let indexesTipTracking = setInterval( _ => {
+ ptarget = p.components['hand-tracking-controls'].indexTipPosition
+ starget = s.components['hand-tracking-controls'].indexTipPosition
+ // sometimes getting strange values, might check against null/0
+ let line = entity.getAttribute("line__0")
+ if (line){
+ let start = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( ptarget )
+ entity.setAttribute("line__0", "start", start)
+ let end = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( starget )
+ entity.setAttribute("line__0", "end", end)
+ entity.setAttribute("line__0", "color", presetColorGradient( ptarget.distanceTo(starget)) )
+ }
+ }, 20)
// used for testing
AFRAME.registerComponent('startfunctions', {
init: function () {
- document.body.addEventListener( "highlighterready", (e) => {
- let ed3 = addCodeEditor( 'Math.random()', 'javascript', '-.9 1.8 -.5')
- addConnectorsToCodeEditor( ed3, false, true)
- let ed1 = addCodeEditor( 'nodalValue*nodalValue', 'javascript', '-.3 1.6 -.5')
- addConnectorsToCodeEditor( ed1 )
- let ed2 = addCodeEditor( 'addNewNote("nodalValue: "+nodalValue)', 'javascript', '.2 1.4 -.5')
- addConnectorsToCodeEditor( ed2, true, false )
- setTimeout( _ => {
- //console.log( connectionsBetweenEditors( editors[0], editors[2] ) )
- let g = generateGraphFromEditors(editors)
- //console.log( numberOfPredecessors( g ), numberOfSuccessors( g ) )
- traverseFunctionGraph( g ).map( e => {
- try {
- nodalValue = eval?.( e.editor.page )
- } catch (error) {
- console.error(`Evaluation failed with ${error}`);
- }
- } )
- } , 1000 )
- // should be done after each codeEditors gets connectors added then on editor moves
- }, false);
- startDraw2D()
+ tensionVisualized()
@@ -3410,7 +3458,7 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('startfunctions', {