snippet selection (and switchWireframe bugfix)

Fabien Benetou 11 months ago
parent eb8c9e3636
commit f2a20c291c
  1. 143
  2. 4

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<!-- still experimenting, see webdav.html -->
<script src='dependencies/webdav.js'></script>
<script src='jxr.js?212345'></script>
<script src='jxr.js?12345'></script>
<!-- replacing with local copies as CDNs are like unpkg tend to be slow
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
@ -55,66 +55,91 @@
function loadFile(element){
const file = element.files[0]
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener( "load", () => {
}, false,);
if (file) {
motivated composability sketches done the 29/3/2024 with igloo example
see past branches indluding
but also possibly
ideally not full on editors e.g
highlight could start as
x use a jxr command to pre-select an existing jxr snippet (already exists somewhere in past work, at least for classes...)
x place a cursor e.g | at the beginning of the snippet copied in the feedback HUD
x moving the index along the x axis moves the cursor within that snippet on HUD
x pinching starts the selection, all characters within that selected are bolden
x if not (yet) supported by troika then consider another color, e.g unselected text as white, selected as grey
x releasing the pinch complete the selection
new affordance can thus be proposed as jxr snippets applying not to the entire jxr snippet pre-selected but selection only
cf e.g
// generalized version of past onNextPinchSplitReader()
function onNextPinch(callback){
let lastPrimary = selectedElements.filter( e => e.primary ).length
let checkForNewPinches = setInterval( _ => {
if (selectedElements.filter( e => e.primary ).length > lastPrimary){
let id = getIdFromPick() // applies on primary only
if (id) { callback(id) }
}, 50) // relatively cheap check, filtering on small array
let selection = ''
function highlightSnippet(id){
let value = document.getElementById(id).getAttribute('value')
// perdiodically check on x position of left index and move | accordingly
let p = document.querySelector('[pinchprimary]')
let target = new THREE.Vector3(); // create once an reuse it
let currentCharPos = -1
let pinchStartedPos = -1
let pinchEndedPos = -1
p.addEventListener('pinchstarted', event => { pinchEndedPos = -1; pinchStartedPos = currentCharPos } )
p.addEventListener('pinchended', event => pinchEndedPos = currentCharPos)
let indexTipTracking = setInterval( _ => {
target = p.components['hand-tracking-controls'].indexTipPosition
let position = target.x * 100 // should use relative position but easier to start with
currentCharPos = position
let nvalue = value.slice(0,position) + '|' + value.slice(position)
// setFeedbackHUD( nvalue ) not good as it autoclears after
// console.log(pinchStartedPos, pinchEndedPos)
// should offset based on past modification
if (pinchStartedPos>-1) nvalue = nvalue.slice(0,pinchStartedPos) + '<' + nvalue.slice(pinchStartedPos)
if (pinchEndedPos>-1) nvalue = nvalue.slice(0,pinchEndedPos) + '>' + nvalue.slice(pinchEndedPos)
// works but could also consider cloning the initial element from id then moving it slight forward and changing color on the cloned one
let newSelection = ''
if (pinchStartedPos > -1 && pinchEndedPos > -1) newSelection = value.slice(pinchStartedPos,pinchEndedPos)
if (newSelection.length > 0 && selection != newSelection ){
AFRAME.scenes[0].emit( 'selectionchanged' , {id: id, selection: newSelection} )
// works... yet emits on pinchstarted too
selection = newSelection
}, 20)
const libraryURL = ''
AFRAME.registerComponent('getcsljson', {
AFRAME.registerComponent('onselectionchange', {
schema: {
url: {type: 'string', default: libraryURL },
// callback: {type: 'string', default: console.log }, // doubt functions can be a type
init: function(){
let generatorName = this.attrName
fetch( => res.json() ).then(res => { notesFromArray(res, generatorName, "title", 2, -1/10) })
//fetch( => res.json() ).then(res => { notesFromArray(res, generatorName) })
// could use citeproc instead
// see also
AFRAME.scenes[0].addEventListener('selectionchanged', event => console.log( 'selected text in snippet',, ':', event.detail.selection ) )
// here console.log could be callback
function notesFromArray(data, generatorName="", field="title", offset=1, ratio=1/10, depth=-.5 ){
data.slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( (n,i) => addNewNote( n[field], "0 "+(offset+i*ratio)+" "+depth, ".1 .1 .1", null, generatorName ) )
function getDataToSaveBack(){
let dataToSave = []
let unsorted = []
fetch(libraryURL).then(res => res.json() ).then(res => {
// assume unique title always present
unsorted.push( {data: res.filter(citation=>citation.title==i.getAttribute('value'))[0],
position: i.getAttribute('position')
dataToSave = unsorted.sort((a,b)=>b.position.y-a.position.y)
.map(i=> { if (! { = JSON.stringify(i.position) } else { += '\n' + JSON.stringify(i.position) } ; return } )
// this is also where piggy-backing on CSL-JSON could be tested, e.g spatial position (or stringifoied pose) field added
// could consider appending to the .note field instead
// .position does get saved, and does not prevent to be loaded from Zotero, but does get lost after when exported again
// cf
// data could come from parsing back order from getArrayFromClass('getcsljson').map(i=>i.getAttribute('position').y)
// cf
// yet still needs the actual data itself and adding a comment field for position if to be used back here rather than e.g Zotero
function writecsljsonback(data){
const webdavurl = "";
const client = window.WebDAV.createClient(webdavurl)
async function w(path, data){ return await client.putFileContents(path, data); }
w("/fotsave/ExportedItems-FromZoteroAsCSLJSON.json", data )
setFeedbackHUD( "file saved" )
<input style='position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; left: 20%; display:float'
type="file" name="file-input" accept=".json" id="file-input" onchange="loadFile(this)" />
@ -126,7 +151,7 @@ function writecsljsonback(data){
<button id=mainbutton style="display:none; z-index: 1; position: absolute; width:50%; margin: auto; text-align:center; top:45%; left:30%; height:30%;" onclick="startExperience()">Start the experience (hand tracking recommended)</button>
<a-scene startfunctions getcsljson>
<a-scene startfunctions onselectionchange>
<!-- screenstack dynamic-view selectionboxonpinches glossary timeline issues fot
toolbox commands-from-external-json disable-components-via-url enable-components-via-url
physics="debug:true; friction: 0.01;"
@ -147,8 +172,14 @@ function writecsljsonback(data){
<!-- from -->
<!-- alt -->
<a-troika-text anchor=left target annotation="content:saves data back to Zotero library over WebDAV backend"
value="jxr getDataToSaveBack()" position=" -0.3 0.60 -.5" rotation="0 0 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-troika-text anchor=left target annotation="content:could be used to then edit that snippet"
value="jxr onNextPinch(setFeedbackHUD)" position=" -0.3 0.60 -.5" rotation="0 0 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-troika-text anchor=left target annotation="content:then edit that snippet"
value="jxr onNextPinch(highlightSnippet)" position=" -0.3 1.20 -.5" rotation="0 0 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-troika-text anchor=left target annotation="content:refresh page while keeping XR on"
value="jxr location.reload()" position=" -0.3 1.50 -.5" rotation="0 0 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-entity id="rig">
<a-entity id="player" networked="template:#avatar-template;attachTemplateToLocal:false;"
@ -181,8 +212,8 @@ function writecsljsonback(data){
<!-- somehow disable hand interaction despite, according to the documentation, it should rely on world position
<a-text target value="jxr qs #rig sa position 0 0 10" position="0 1.55 .5" rotation="0 180 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-text>
<a-console position="2 2 0" rotation="0 -45 0" font-size="34" height=1 skip-intro=true></a-console>
<a-console position="2 2 -1" rotation="0 -45 0" font-size="34" height=1 skip-intro=true></a-console>
<!-- for Wolvic on Lynx support test -->
<a-entity thumbstick-shifting oculus-touch-controls="hand: left"></a-entity>

@ -1034,8 +1034,8 @@ function switchToWireframe(){
// should actually be just for src, not for text notes... even though could be interesting
var model = document.querySelector("#environment").object3D
model.traverse( o => { if (o.material) {
var model = document.querySelector("#environment")?.object3D
if (model) model.traverse( o => { if (o.material) {
o.material.wireframe = visible;
o.material.opacity = visible ? 0.05 : 1;
o.material.transparent = visible;
