/* * start http/https server * on update, e.g. adding removing file, broadcast as SSE (as defined at the end) * https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/fs.html#fswatchfilename-options-listener * try to send MIME types * could use https://iwearshorts.com/blog/serving-correct-mimes-with-node-and-express/ * yet theoretically ContentType might be enough https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-contenttype-and-mimetype/ * examples with .txt and .json */ /* potential improvements try to get locally generated thumbnails execSync( './get_thumbnails' ) // takes less than a second // but still should NOT be done every single time a file is added, otherwise directory will trigger a LOT of such potentially copying ramfs to read/write to files yet faster https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/using-inotify-with-ramfs-672764/ search as files get added and potentially converted their content specifically text at first can be extended on png/pdf for OCR tesseract filename.jpg out -l eng when NOT coming from another format that already provides text e.g PDF should be indexed to provide search capability too can start with a single (JSON) datastructure filename, textContent per user scoping could prefix most routes with a username (and hash for pseudo privacy) sshkeys per user allowing to bring content to other devices need to be accessible though Tailscale? trust issue fine if self-hosted... zotero JSON biblio management reMarkable highlights full loop, read already, continue your work area/volumes outcome should be ideally space related too not send could drag&drop duplicate drag&drop virtual reMarkable on file instead keep the spatial aspect could get from reMarkable, e.g latest sketch pull from, a la PDF current cloning page kanban tagging to read to share ... highlighting back, cf https://x.com/utopiah/status/1847620072090595547 should get stamped PDF with JSON of highlights stamped PDF pdftk augmented_paper.pdf burst convert highlight.png highlight.pdf pdftk pg_0012.pdf stamp highlight.pdf output test.pdf mv test.pdf pg_0012.pdf pdftk pg_00*pdf output stamped.pdf JSON of highlight see ~/Prototypes/pdf_highlight_from_position/ for a way to go from x,y coordinates to text using PDF.js-extract in NodeJS this is a very large dependency, ~235MB, due to node-canvas (181MB) could do gradual window growth start with exact line if fail, try N pixel above/below if tail try again with 2*N, repeat consider https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/ as way to save and share consider public facing version could rely on WebDAV, cf https://webdav.benetou.fr with an upload Web interface each session would be "private" thanks to a generated keyword, e.g. banana by default the user would never have to type it, yet it could be used to restore a past session note though that probably quite a few format conversion will break by being truly headless need to be tested yet quite a few starting with PDFs, thanks to Pandoc alone, should work Telegram bot / Slack bot as alternative entry fs itself, with subdirectory, as manipulable entity e.g. using https://github.com/mihneadb/node-directory-tree npx directory-tree -p public/ --attributes type,extension,size -o public/filesystem.json relying on thumbnails already generated locally e.g. ~/.cache/thumbnails described in https://askubuntu.com/questions/1084640/where-are-the-thumbnails-of-a-new-image-located based on MD5 sum of full path currently supporting pdf blend html png jpg mp4 not supporting glb json txt gz zip rare or unofficial pmwiki canvas custom entity component additional parseable data audio or video to text (ideally JSON) ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le output.wav cd ~/Prototypes/whisper.cc && ./main -m /home/fabien/Prototypes/whisper.cpp/models/ggml-base.en.bin -f samples/jfk.wav -ojf ./res getting a samples/jfk.wav.json as output PDF to text (for highlights) using PDF.js-extract in NodeJS PDF images to images pdfimages no position, only number and page number seems that despite -j (supposedly forcing JPEG conversion) leaves some files unchanged e.g. .ppm from augmented_paper.pdf pdfimages -j -p au.pdf au/image which would in turns need convert all .ppm to jpg in that directory could be partial .json of the result, thus supporting subdirectory au.pdf.images.json viewer can check if this file is present, if so use it too image to text (OCR) tesseract (or more modern alternatives, but require relatively complex setup) for custom made types consider updating ~/.config/mimeapps.list extending to supporting materials, not "just" PDF https://x.com/utopiah/status/1851581594340925555 export endpoint saving layout back possibly with, e.g. by URL parameter, layout loader itself could be listed as a component so that all present layouts can be swapped per user node email, cf Telegram work done in the past /home/fabien/fabien/Prototypes/nodemail/index.js */ const express = require('express') const https = require('https') const fs = require('fs') const ip = require('ip') const app = express() const port = 3000 const {execSync} = require('child_process') const nodeHtmlToImage = require('node-html-to-image') const converters = ['convert', 'soffice', 'inkscape', 'blender ', 'pandoc ', 'ffmpeg', '~/Apps/rmc/bin/rmc ' ] // should check presence and enable/disalbed conversion based on them, if not present provide hints on how to install // currently crashes if not present // consider the distributed fashion i.e. https://git.benetou.fr/utopiah/offline-octopus/src/branch/master/index.js#L84 app.get('/files', (req, res) => { res.json( fs.readdirSync('public') ) }) app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('') }) /* SSE minimal client used only for redirections, e.g. redirecting on public/filename.pdf no 2D viewer, etc could optional we used for live debugging during demo consider the equivalent for drag&drop of file and their content namely allowing the upload of files arguably not needed with e.g. DropBox but could be more direct if handled without 3rd party removing the need for any installation yet still reacting, a la reMarkable file drop could filter by name e.g. device or person so that updates are only received by a specific kind of devices /sseclient/clientname could also rely on should display visual update, not just CLI */ app.get('/sseclient', (req, res) => { res.send(sse_html) }) const sse_html = `
` app.get('/remoteredirect/:filename', (req, res) => { let filename = req.params.filename let data = {} data.open = '/'+filename sendEventsToAll(data) res.json(data.open) }) app.use(express.static('public')) const privateKey = fs.readFileSync("privatekey.pem", "utf8"); const certificate = fs.readFileSync("certificate.pem", "utf8"); const credentials = { key: privateKey, cert: certificate }; const webServer = https.createServer(credentials, app); webServer.listen(port, () => { console.log(`open https://${ip.address()}:${port}/index.html on your WebXR device on the same network`) }); // see HTML conversion example, cf ~/Prototypes/fot_sloan_companion_with_HTML // surprisingly does not grow the size much, and even works with WebGL, so maybe relying on Chromium already installed // probably does not work so well headlessly // failed via container, cf fot_rpi5/Dockerfile // Error: Unable to launch browser, error message: Failed to launch the browser process! spawn /root/.cache/puppeteer/chrome-headless-shell/linux-128.0.6613.119/chrome-headless-shell-linux64/chrome-headless-shell ENOENT // from https://git.benetou.fr/utopiah/offline-octopus/src/branch/master/index.js // SSE from https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/nodejs-server-sent-events-build-realtime-app // adapted from jxr-permanence let clients = []; function eventsHandler(request, response, next) { const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' }; response.writeHead(200, headers); const clientId = Date.now(); const newClient = { id: clientId, response }; clients.push(newClient); request.on('close', () => { clients = clients.filter(client => client.id !== clientId); }); } function sendEventsToAll(data) { // function used to broadcast clients.forEach(client => client.response.write(`data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}\n\n`)) } let savedLayout const rmDirectory = 'remarkablepro' app.get('/send-remarkablepro/:filename', (req, res) => { filename = req.params.filename if (filename.includes('/')) { res.json('error, invalide filename') } else { // same paradigm i.e. a directory per drmDirectory+'/'+filenameevice, with automated conversion to the supported target format let src = 'public'+'/'+filename let dest = rmDirectory+'/'+filename fs.copyFile(src, dest, (err) => { // if (err) throw err; console.log(src,'was copied to',dest); }); res.json(filename) } }) app.get('/save-layout/:layout', (req, res) => { savedLayout = req.params.layout // unsafe, assume JSON but could be anything try{ JSON.parse(savedLayout) } catch { console.log('not json, file NOT saved!'); res.json('failed saved, not proper JSON!'); return } console.log('savedLayout', savedLayout) // could be saved to disk, thus to file, too let savedFilename = Date.now()+'.layout.json' fs.writeFileSync('./public/'+savedFilename, savedLayout) // might be better to save in a dedicated directory in ./public res.json(savedFilename) }) app.get('/export-email', (req, res) => { if (!savedLayout){ res.json('layout missing, email NOT sent') return } let content = JSON.stringify(savedLayout) let title = "your Spatial Scaffolding companion based layout saved" const emailData = { Recipients: [ { Email: "fabien@iterative-explorations.com", Fields: { name: "fabien" } } ], Content: { Body: [ { ContentType: "HTML", Charset: "utf-8", Content: '\n\n' + content + "\n sent to {name} \n" } ], From: "noreplay@mymatrix.ovh", Subject: "email via node: " + title } }; emailsApi.emailsPost(emailData, callback); //not needed here res.json('email sent') }) app.get('/events', eventsHandler); // for example /events.html shows when /scan begings (but not ends) let newFiles = [] fs.watch('public', (eventType, filename) => { console.log(`event type is: ${eventType}`); // rename can also be deleting... // could consequently check if the file still exists, if not, had been deleted if (filename) { sendEventsToAll({filename,eventType}) console.log(`filename provided: ${filename}`) if (eventType == "rename"){ if (!fs.existsSync(filename)) { console.log(`${filename} deleted`) } } if (eventType == "change"){ if (newFiles.includes(filename)){ console.log( 'skip, not a new file') } else { console.log('new file', filename, '_________________________________________') if ( !filename.includes('.live') ) { newFiles.push(filename) // bypass on convention, e.g. live in the filename // alternatively could be a dedicated subdirectory } else { console.log('live file, no future ignoring') } // all those should be within a try/catch block as they can fail for many reasons if (filename.endsWith('.pdf')) execSync( 'convert "'+filename+'" "'+filename+'.jpg"', {cwd:'public'}) // if (filename.endsWith('.pdf')) execSync( 'convert -density 600 '+filename+' -background white -flatten -resize 25% '+filename+'.jpg', {cwd:'public'}) // untested, high res if (filename.endsWith('.ods')) execSync( 'soffice --headless --convert-to jpg '+filename, {cwd:'public'}) // .xls also works if (filename.endsWith('.odg')) execSync( 'soffice --headless --convert-to jpg '+filename, {cwd:'public'}) if (filename.endsWith('.odp')) execSync( 'soffice --headless --convert-to pdf '+filename, {cwd:'public'}) // automatically "cascade" to PDF conversion if (filename.endsWith('.svg')) execSync( 'inkscape --export-type="png" '+filename, {cwd:'public'}) // execSync( 'inkscape --export-type="png" '+filename+'; convert '+filename.replace('svg','png')+' '+filename.replace('svg','png'), {cwd:'public'}) // could probe to see if the commands, e.g. convert, inkscape, etc are available // if not, return a warning, suggesting to install them // (could try using the local package manager) if (filename.endsWith('.blend')) execSync( `blender "${filename}" -b --python-expr "import bpy;bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf( filepath='test.glb', export_format='GLB', use_active_collection =True)"`, {cwd:'public'}) if (filename != 'index.html' && filename.endsWith('.html')) { // could potentially be done via Pandoc too let data = fs.readFileSync('./public/'+filename, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' }); nodeHtmlToImage({ output: './public/'+filename+'.png', html: data }).then(() => console.log('The image was created successfully!')) } if (filename.endsWith('.aframe.component')) console.log('aframe component, to live reload') if (filename.endsWith('.aframe.entity')) console.log('aframe entity, to live reload') // nothing to do serve side though, see client side if (filename.endsWith('.epub')) execSync( 'pandoc '+filename+" -o "+filename+".pdf", {cwd:'public'}) // pandoc allows quite few more formats, e.g. docx, ODT, RTF but also MediaWiki markup, Markdown, etc even reveal.js slides // interestingly also for this work, BibTeX and CSL JSON, and other bibliographic formats // e.g. pandoc biblio.bib -t csljson -o biblio2.json from https://pandoc.org/demos.html if (filename.endsWith('.rm')) execSync( '~/Apps/rmc/bin/rmc -t svg -o '+filename+'.svg '+filename, {cwd:'public'}) // see also latestRemarkableNoteToXR // automatically "cascade" to SVG conversion if (filename.endsWith('.wav')) execSync( 'ffmpeg -i '+filename+" -y "+filename+".mp3", {cwd:'public'}) if (filename.endsWith('.mov')) execSync( 'ffmpeg -i '+filename+" -y "+filename+".mp4", {cwd:'public'}) if (filename.endsWith('.pmwiki')) execSync( 'cat '+filename+' | grep -a "^text=" | sed "s/^text=//" | sed "s/%0a/\\n/g" | sed "s/%25/%/g" | sed "s/%3c/ { if (filename) { if (eventType == "rename"){ if (!fs.existsSync(filename)) { console.log(`${filename} deleted`) } } if (eventType == "change"){ if (newFilesRM.includes(filename)){ console.log( 'skip, not a new file') } else { console.log('new file', filename, '_________________________________________') if ( !filename.includes('.live') ) { newFilesRM.push(filename) } else { console.log('live file, no future ignoring') } if (!filename.endsWith('.pdf') && !filename.endsWith('epub')){ console.log('this target only supports pdf and epub directory for now') // could instead here try conversion return } else { // let sendRmCmd = 'scp "'+filename+'" remarkable2:/home/root/ && ssh remarkable2 -t "source /home/root/.bashrc; addWithMetadataIfNewSpaScaDir '+filename+'; systemctl restart xochitl"' let sendRmCmd = 'scp "'+filename+'" remarkablepro:/home/root/ && ssh remarkablepro -t "source /home/root/remarkable_functions.sh; addWithMetadataIfNew '+filename+'; systemctl restart xochitl"' // could improve using krop via cli // krop --go --trim filename.pdf -o filename-cropped.pdf console.log(sendRmCmd) // verification // assuming the right ssh key and parameters (usually in ~/.ssh/ for the current user running the companion) // does not work on containerized environment (lacking such access) // could be considered with offline-octopus proper // should be within a try/catch block as they can fail for many reasons execSync( sendRmCmd, {cwd:rmDirectory}) } } } } else { console.log('filename not provided'); } }); /* ========================= rclone ========================= */ const { spawn } = require('node:child_process'); const changenotify = spawn('rclone', ['test', 'changenotify', 'dropbox:']); // testable via https://www.dropbox.com/request/TVNfsrMpTr1RcsuNisIX //const changenotify = spawn('rclone', ['test', 'changenotify', 'googledrive:']); // sadly didn't seem to work, account deleted and rclone config removed remote changenotify.stdout.on('data', (data) => { console.log(`stdout: ${data}`); }); let newFiles_dropbox = [] changenotify.stderr.on('data', (data) => { console.error(`stderr: ${data}`); // console.log(data.toString()); return // TODO ... for now stick to single file upload, otherwise with the current DropBox messaging it's a mess // bit of a mess really... no proper timestamp, multiple messages with same file, no event type... // stderr: 2024/10/29 23:06:24 NOTICE: "remote_directory_test/Fabien Benetou - freezer.glb": 1 if (data.toString().includes('polling every')) return // need to sync first THEN push let syncOutput = execSync( 'rclone copy dropbox:remote_directory_test dropbox_remote_upload/' ).toString() // not usable output // console.log('sync output:', syncOutput) // probably syncing way too much, syncing on each message isn't necessary! // should only sync on genuinely new files let lines = data.toString().split('\n') lines.map( (l,i) => { let newfile = l .replace(/.*NOTICE: "/,'') .replace(/".*/,'') .replace('remote_directory_test','dropbox_remote_upload') .replace('\n','') // nearly always 2 output if (newfile.length && i > 0) { console.log('--------------newfile (line ',i,'): ', newfile) // sometimes one lines, sometimes 2... if (!newFiles_dropbox.includes(newfile)){ if (newfile.includes(' - ')){ // DropBox heuristic... let matches = newfile.match(/(.*)\/(.*) - (.*)\.(.*)/) if (matches.length){ let [full,path,start,end,ext] = matches let flipped = path+'/'+end+' '+start+'.'+ext // assuming always with an extension for now, no directory upload with subdirectories console.log('>>> might also exist flipped so adding it flipped:', flipped) if (newFiles_dropbox.includes(flipped)){ console.log('>>> flipped already present! Should skip too') } newFiles_dropbox.push(flipped) } } newFiles_dropbox.push(newfile) console.log( 'new file, actually do sth, i.e copy : ', newfile ) // nearly file... but sometimes still a duplicate file goes through due to username added before OR after (?!) // 2024/11/03 02:42:55 NOTICE: "remote_directory_test/Fabien Benetou - remarks_nlnet.txt": 1 // 2024/11/03 02:42:55 NOTICE: "remote_directory_test/remarks_nlnet Fabien Benetou.txt": 1 // here on local filesystem we only get 1... but sometimes we get both! (?!) // ... so we should check includes without username (regardless of position or hypthen) // could ignore if includes but for that need to know what is the filename vs username in a reliable way try { //fs.copyFile('./'+newfile, './public/'+newfile.split(' ').at(-1), (err) => { let src = './'+newfile // problematic when done at the same time so switching to kind of uuid //let dest = './public/'+Date.now()+'.'+newfile.split('.').at(-1) let pseudouuid = (new Date()).getTime().toString(36) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) // TODO not a good solution, getting plenty of duplicates // hopefully partly pruned now // somehow getting 2 files for 1 transfer, not good! // good do checksum if needed but a bit time consuming for large files // let dest = './public/dropbox_'+pseudouuid+'.'+newfile.split('.').at(-1) let dest = './public/dropbox_'+newfile.replace('dropbox_remote_upload/','') fs.copyFile(src, dest, (err) => { // if (err) throw err; console.log(src,'was copied to',dest); }); } catch (e) { console.log('error copy', e) } } else { console.log( 'ignoring, already present' ) } } }) }); changenotify.on('close', (code) => { console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`); }); /* rclone rclone copy public/ dropbox:fot_sloan_companion_public rclone bisync -n public/ dropbox:fot_sloan_companion_public --resync rclone bisync -n public/ dropbox:fot_sloan_companion_public watch -n 10 rclone bisync dropbox_remote_upload/ dropbox:remote_directory_test --resync probably better not to use --resync for faster/lighter results might not even want bisync here as it's always getting new content, copy is probably better rclone copy dropbox:remote_directory_test dropbox_remote_upload/ could consider leaving that in the background running child_process.spawn with detached option https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_process_child_process_spawn_command_args_options changenotify https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_test_changenotify/ rclone test changenotify dropbox: says polling every 10s but seems much faster */ /* ========================= elasticemail ========================= */ var ElasticEmail = require('@elasticemail/elasticemail-client'); var defaultClient = ElasticEmail.ApiClient.instance; var apikey = defaultClient.authentications['apikey']; apikey.apiKey = "0C3D85070303586EB6A3C74E770942F903ACA0C46AFEEDB86CA334A8937056CFFDE92AE7D109FF5AAC41AB2B3CCFF1EB" const emailsApi = new ElasticEmail.EmailsApi(); const callback = (error, data, response) => { if (error) { console.error(error); } else { console.log('API called successfully. Email sent.'); } };