<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>SpaSca : Spatial Scaffolding</title>
    <!-- Suggestions? https://git.benetou.fr/utopiah/text-code-xr-engine/issues/ -->
    <script src='dependencies/aframe.offline.min.js'></script>
    <script src="dependencies/a-console.js"></script>
    <script src='dependencies/aframe-troika-text.min.js'></script>
    <script src='dependencies/webdav.js'></script> 
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-extras@7.1.0/dist/aframe-extras.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-physics-system@v4.2.2/dist/aframe-physics-system.min.js"></script>
    <script src='jxr-core.js?12345'></script> 
    <script src='jxr-postitnote.js?13235'></script> 
/* TODO :
- refactor to use emit('eventname', {eventdata:'data'}) for onreleased and onpicked rather than latest element
	e.g newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", 'document.querySelector("['+generatorName+']").emit("check",{color:"'+color+'"})')
	let latest = selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element 
	check for this pattern and replace by event.detail.element instead (for now e.detail.element)
		might want to reconsider the el convention and do e.g let eventFromEl = e.detail.element over the eval() scope
- insure scene setup, e.g starting position and orientation of environment and main character (until now assumed unchanged)
- isolate emit('eventname', {test:0}) versus same with onreleased (which does NOT work) and same without event detail (which works)
- add audio instructions
	already there

example : tts --text "Regarde la couleur, ecoute le son, et pince avec ta main droite chaque cube dans le meme ordre" --model_name "tts_models/fr/mai/tacotron2-DDC" --out_path story.wav

Regarde la couleur, ecoute le son, et pince avec ta main droite chaque cube dans le meme ordre
Aide-moi a atteindre le poisson a la sortie du labyrinthe. Pour cela trouve les instructions pour me faire avancer, il y a en 4. Avec ta main gauche pince la premiere lettre et je bougerais dans cette direction !
Oops, les formes sont toutes melangees. Merci de les remettre a leur place en faisant attention que chaque fois ai la bonne couleur, comme indique par la ligne du haut et la colonne de droite. Pour deplacer les formes colorees pince les avec ta main droite.
Oh non, les lettres de ton prenom ont ete melangees. Pince chacune avec ta main droite et pose les dans le cube dans le bon ordre

- reset (as done for fishinbowl)
- better menu (e.g target with onreleased)
- fix maze/mazemap mismatch (causing emit() error on init)
- game ideas
	- art deco / art nouveau facade as puzzle mixed pieces
	- philosophical experimentation, cf https://video.benetou.fr/w/9KGbaxtAEx4JLnhAkwQKC1 featuring then the trolley problem

AFRAME.registerComponent('startfunctions', {
  init: function(){

	let untestedGames = ["checkers", "carcassone"]


game manager component
    parent entity where each game itself is another child entity
        show/hide each game
        filter on e.g age range, last played, not completed
    has listener to unify animation and audio
        e.g yes/win or try again
        but also lets custom content be presented, e.g  custom audio instructions


function addGame(gamename, visible="false"){
	let newEl = document.createElement('a-entity')
	newEl.id = gamename
	newEl.setAttribute(gamename, "")
	newEl.setAttribute("visible", visible)
	newEl.classList.add( "game" )

function addGames(){
	const imgPath = "../content/games/previews/"
	const imgExtension = ".jpg"
	// show/hide should be enough (target should only work when shown iirc)
	Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.game') ).map( (g,i) => {
		let n = addNewNote("jxr showOnlyThisGame('"+g.id+"')")
		setTimeout( _ => {
			let newEl = document.createElement("a-image")
			newEl.setAttribute("src", imgPath+g.id+imgExtension)
			//newEl.setAttribute("position", "-1 0 0")
			newEl.setAttribute("target", "true") // now works despite relative position... but weird
			newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", "showOnlyThisGame('"+g.id+"')")
			n.appendChild( newEl )
			// n.setAttribute("annotation", "content:...")
			// e.g to add French, would need to add specific data e.g full name, translation with language name e.g FR, etc
		}, 500 )
	// also need to add reset state!
		// could add a reset event listener on each component

function showOnlyThisGame(name){
// should also work via URL, e.g hash or query parameter
	Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.game') ).map( (g,i) => g.setAttribute("visible", "false") )
	document.getElementById(name).setAttribute("visible", "true")

 physics https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-physics-system and setup docs https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-physics-system/blob/master/CannonDriver.md#installation
    should append to head script with src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-physics-system@v4.2.2/dist/aframe-physics-system.min.js"

  <!-- Floor -->
  <a-plane static-body></a-plane>

  <!-- Immovable box -->
  <a-box static-body position="0 0.5 -5" width="3" height="1" depth="1"></a-box>

  <!-- Dynamic box -->
  <a-box dynamic-body position="5 0.5 0" width="1" height="1" depth="1"></a-box>

		test getVoxelPoses() to hash equivalent, in order to be able to share builds
AFRAME.registerComponent('physics-construct', {
  init: function(){
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let el = this.el

	let sphereEl = document.createElement('a-sphere')
        sphereEl.setAttribute('radius', '.01')
        sphereEl.setAttribute('target', '')
        sphereEl.setAttribute('position', '0 1 -.5')
        sphereEl.setAttribute("onpicked", "window.pfb = selectedElements.at(-1).element.getAttribute('position').clone();")
        sphereEl.setAttribute("onreleased", "document.querySelector('["+generatorName+"]').components['"+generatorName+"'].twoPosToBox(window.pfb, selectedElements.at(-1).element.getAttribute('position'), '"+generatorName+"');")
	// really verbose... consider rebinding or more helpers in such events, facilitating access to this.el and component overall

	let ballEl = document.createElement('a-sphere')
        ballEl.setAttribute('radius', '.01')
        ballEl.setAttribute('color', 'blue')
        ballEl.setAttribute('target', '')
        ballEl.setAttribute('position', '0 1.5 -0.2')
        //ballEl.setAttribute('dynamic-body', '') // does not fall?
        ballEl.setAttribute("onpicked", 'e.detail.element.removeAttribute("dynamic-body")') // untested
        ballEl.setAttribute("onreleased", 'e.detail.element.setAttribute("dynamic-body","")')

        AFRAME.scenes[0].setAttribute("physics", "debug:true")

	//let script = document.createElement("script")
	//script.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-physics-system@v4.2.2/dist/aframe-physics-system.min.js")
	//document.head.appendChild(script) // does not work, check older tricks

	if (window.location.hash) {
		let poses = JSON.parse(decodeURI(window.location.hash.replace("#",'')))[generatorName]
		// prefixed by generatorName in order to support saving/sharing of the state of other games
		poses?.map( p => {
			let newEl = document.createElement('a-box')
			newEl.setAttribute("scale", p.scale)
			newEl.setAttribute("position", p.position)
			newEl.setAttribute("rotation", p.rotation)
			newEl.setAttribute('static-body', '')
			newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", "document.querySelector('["+generatorName+"]').emit('getVoxelPoses')")
			newEl.classList.add( "voxel_" + generatorName )
			newEl.classList.add( "voxel" )
			newEl.classList.add( generatorName )
  events: {
    reset: function (evt) {
        console.log(this.attrName, 'component was resetted!');
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	Array.from( this.el.querySelectorAll("."+generatorName) ).map( el => deleteTarget(el) )
    check: function (evt) {
    getVoxelPoses: function (evt){
    	console.log('generating poses')
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let poses = []
	// to clarify querySelectorAll here is done on the element and thus should no interfer with other components using the same mechanism
	// Array.from( this.el.querySelectorAll(".voxel") ).map( el => {
	Array.from( AFRAME.scenes[0].querySelectorAll(".voxel_" + generatorName ) ).map( el => {
		poses.push( { 
			position: this.shortenVector3( el.getAttribute("position") ),
			rotation: this.shortenVector3( el.getAttribute("rotation") ),
			scale: this.shortenVector3( el.getAttribute("scale") ),
		} )
	let data = {}
	data[generatorName] = poses
	window.location.hash = JSON.stringify(data)
	console.log('generated poses:', poses.length)
	// prefixed by generatorName in order to support saving/sharing of the state of other games
  shortenVector3: function ( v ){
	let o = new THREE.Vector3()
	o.x = v.x.toFixed(3)
	o.y = v.y.toFixed(3)
	o.z = v.z.toFixed(3)
	return o
  twoPosToBox(A, B, generatorName){
	let center = A.clone()
	let lengthes = A.clone()
	let newEl = document.createElement("a-box")
	newEl.setAttribute("position", center )
	newEl.setAttribute('target', '')
	newEl.setAttribute('static-body', '')
	newEl.classList.add( "voxel" )
	newEl.classList.add( generatorName )
	newEl.classList.add( "voxel_" + generatorName )
	newEl.setAttribute("scale", lengthes.toArray().map( i => Math.abs(i) ).join(" ") )
	newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", "document.querySelector('["+generatorName+"]').emit('getVoxelPoses')")
	// should parent to the component element instead...
	return newEl

AFRAME.registerComponent('voxelpaint', {
  init: function(){
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let el = this.el
	this.colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow" ]
	this.scale = 1/10
	this.yOffset = 1.5
	let j = 0
	this.colors.map( (color, i) => {
		let newEl = document.createElement('a-box')
		newEl.setAttribute("scale", ""+this.scale+" "+this.scale+" "+this.scale)
		newEl.setAttribute("position", ""+(i%2)*this.scale+" "+(this.yOffset+j*this.scale)+" -.5")
		newEl.setAttribute("onpicked", "document.querySelector('["+generatorName+"]').emit('check')")
		newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", "document.querySelector('["+generatorName+"]').emit('getVoxelPoses')")
		newEl.classList.add( generatorName )
		if (i==1) j++
	// check if data is present, as hash or query parameter, and if so, display accordingly
	if (window.location.hash) {
		let poses = JSON.parse(decodeURI(window.location.hash.replace("#",'')))[generatorName]
		// prefixed by generatorName in order to support saving/sharing of the state of other games
		poses.map( p => {
			let newEl = document.createElement('a-box')
			newEl.setAttribute("scale", ""+this.scale+" "+this.scale+" "+this.scale)
			newEl.setAttribute("position", p.position)
			newEl.setAttribute("rotation", p.rotation)
			newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", "document.querySelector('["+generatorName+"]').emit('getVoxelPoses')")
			newEl.classList.add( "voxel" )
			newEl.classList.add( generatorName )
  events: {
    reset: function (evt) {
        console.log(this.attrName, 'component was resetted!');
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	Array.from( this.el.querySelectorAll(".voxel") ).map( el => el.remove() )
    check: function (evt) {
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let latest = selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element 
	let newEl = latest.cloneNode(true) // does not seem to properly clone all attributes, e.g color works but not position or scale
	// ["scale", "position", "onpicked"].map( prop => console.log( prop)) //newEl.setAttribute(prop, latest.getAttribute(prop) )
	newEl.setAttribute("scale", latest.getAttribute("scale") )
	newEl.setAttribute("position", latest.getAttribute("position") )
	newEl.setAttribute("onpicked", latest.getAttribute("onpicked") )
	latest.classList.add( "voxel" )
	this.el.appendChild( newEl )
	// could also snap it back, e.g clear rotation, possibily use initially position
    getVoxelPoses: function (evt){
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let poses = []
	Array.from( this.el.querySelectorAll(".voxel") ).map( el => {
		poses.push( { 
			position: this.shortenVector3( el.getAttribute("position") ),
			rotation: this.shortenVector3( el.getAttribute("rotation") ),
			color: el.getAttribute("color")
		} )
	let data = {}
	data[generatorName] = poses
	window.location.hash = JSON.stringify(data)
	// prefixed by generatorName in order to support saving/sharing of the state of other games
  shortenVector3: function ( v ){
	let o = new THREE.Vector3()
	o.x = v.x.toFixed(3)
	o.y = v.y.toFixed(3)
	o.z = v.z.toFixed(3)
	return o

AFRAME.registerComponent('simon', {
  init: function(){
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let el = this.el
	this.colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow" ]
	const notePrefix = '../content/notes/t'
	const noteSuffix = '.mp3'
	this.sequence = []
	this.posInSeq = -1
	this.userSeq = []
	this.scale = 1/10
	let j = 0
	this.colors.map( (color, i) => {
		let newEl = document.createElement('a-box')
		newEl.setAttribute("scale", ""+this.scale+" "+this.scale+" "+this.scale)
		newEl.setAttribute("opacity", .5)
		newEl.setAttribute("sound", "src:url("+notePrefix+(i+1)+noteSuffix+")")
		newEl.setAttribute("position", ""+(i%2)*this.scale+" 1.1 "+j*this.scale)
		newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", 'document.querySelector("['+generatorName+']").emit("check",{color:"'+color+'"})')
		newEl.classList.add( generatorName )
		if (i==1) j++
	//setTimeout( _ => { document.querySelector("["+generatorName+"]").emit('playSequence') }, 1000)
  events: {
    reset: function (evt) {
        console.log(this.attrName, 'component was resetted!');
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	this.sequence = []
	this.posInSeq = -1 
	this.userSeq = []
	// could also reposition the boxes
	clearInterval( this.interval )
	setTimeout( _ => { document.querySelector("["+generatorName+"]").emit('playSequence') }, 1000)
    check: function (evt) {
	// could also snap it back, e.g clear rotation, possibily use initially position
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let box = this.el.querySelector("a-box[color="+evt.detail.color+"]")
	console.log ('seq:', this.sequence.at( this.userSeq.length-1) ,'user:', this.userSeq.at(-1) )
	if (this.userSeq.at(-1) == this.sequence.at( this.userSeq.length-1) ){
		console.log('same', this.sequence, this.userSeq)
		if (this.userSeq.length == this.sequence.length){
			console.log('entire sequence complete', this.sequence, this.userSeq)
			animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_win')
			this.userSeq = []
			document.querySelector("["+generatorName+"]").emit('playSequence') // grow sequence
		} else {
			console.log('partial sequence only, waiting for new input')
			animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_yes')
	} else {
		animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_no')
		console.log('failed, should reset')
    playSequence: function(evt) {
	this.interval = setInterval( _ => {
		if (this.posInSeq == this.sequence.length){
			this.sequence.push( this.colors.at( this.colors.length * Math.random() ) )
			clearInterval( this.interval )
			setTimeout( _ => { this.posInSeq=-1 }, 100)
			// should also a timeout to start giving answers
		let box = this.el.querySelector("a-box[color="+ this.sequence[ this.posInSeq ] + "]")
		box.setAttribute("opacity", 1)
		setTimeout( _ => { box.setAttribute("opacity", .5) }, 700)
	}, 1000)

AFRAME.registerComponent('carcassone', {
  init: function(){
	// written vertically then joined, corners, bridges, crosses
        let tiles = [ "00100 01100 11011 00110 00100", "00100 00100 10101 00100 00100", "00100 00100 11111 00100 00100", ]
	this.colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow']
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let el = this.el
	let deckOfTiles = []
	for (let i=0; i<4; i++)
		deckOfTiles.push( tiles[2] )
	for (let i=0; i<3; i++)
		this.colors.map( (c,i) => {
			let t = tiles[1].replace('10101','10'+(i+2)+'01') // put in the center, easier, but could be a random one bridge, center vertical
			deckOfTiles.push( t )
	let colorMixes = []
	for (let i=1; i<4; i++)
		colorMixes.push( [0,i] )
	for (let i=2; i<4; i++)
		colorMixes.push( [1,i] )
	colorMixes.push( [2,3] )
	for (let i=0; i<2; i++)
		colorMixes.map( cs => {
			let t = tiles[0].replace('11011','1'+(cs[0]+2)+'0'+(cs[1]+2)+'1')
			deckOfTiles.push( t )
	for (let i=0; i<2; i++)
		this.colors.map( (c,i) => {
			let t = tiles[0].replace('01100','01'+(i+2)+'00')
			deckOfTiles.push( t )

	// TODO add the item per color, should try to make minimalist fishes, e.g cone for tail the flatten sphere for body

	// test to generate tiles
	let stepSize = 1/2
	deckOfTiles.map( (tile,n) => {
		let t = this.tileFromData( tile ) 
		t.setAttribute("position", "0 0 "+(n*stepSize))
		el.appendChild( t )
  tileFromData: function(tileData){
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let tileEl = document.createElement("a-entity")
	tileData.split(" ").filter(l=>l.length>0).map( (line,i) => {
		let whatever = [...line.trim()].map( (c,j) =>{
			let newEl = document.createElement("a-box")
			newEl.setAttribute("scale", ".1 .1 .1")
			let color
			let pieceColor
			switch (Number(c)){
				case 0:
				newEl.setAttribute("height", 2)
				case 1:
				// could do Number(c) to be able to check if >1 as fish on tile (with potential a random rotation)
				case 2:
				case 3:
				case 4:
				case 5:
				pieceColor = this.colors[Number(c)-2]
			if (pieceColor){
				let pieceEl = document.createElement('a-cylinder')
				pieceEl.setAttribute("radius", .4)
				pieceEl.setAttribute("height", .1)
				pieceEl.setAttribute("color", pieceColor)
				pieceEl.setAttribute("position", "0 1 0")
				pieceEl.classList.add( generatorName )
			newEl.setAttribute("color", color)
			newEl.setAttribute("position", ""+j/10+" 0 "+i/10)
	return tileEl
  events: {
    reset: function (evt) {
        console.log(this.attrName, 'component was resetted!');
    check: function (evt) {
	let generatorName = this.attrName

AFRAME.registerComponent('checkers', {
  init: function(){
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let el = this.el
	let color = "white"
	this.scale = 1/10
	for (let j=0;j<8;j++){
		for (let i=0;i<8;i++){
			let newEl = document.createElement('a-box')
			newEl.setAttribute("scale", ""+this.scale+" "+this.scale/10+" "+this.scale)
			newEl.setAttribute("position", ""+i*this.scale+" 0.1 "+j*this.scale)
			newEl.classList.add( generatorName )
			if (j<2){
					let pieceEl = document.createElement('a-cylinder')
					pieceEl.setAttribute("radius", .04)
					pieceEl.setAttribute("height", .1)
					pieceEl.setAttribute("target", "true")
					pieceEl.setAttribute("position", ""+i*this.scale+" 0.1 "+j*this.scale)
					pieceEl.classList.add( generatorName )
			if (j>=6){
					let pieceEl = document.createElement('a-cylinder')
					pieceEl.setAttribute("radius", .04)
					pieceEl.setAttribute("height", .1)
					pieceEl.setAttribute("target", "true")
					pieceEl.setAttribute("position", ""+i*this.scale+" 0.1 "+j*this.scale)
					pieceEl.classList.add( generatorName )
  events: {
    reset: function (evt) {
        console.log(this.attrName, 'component was resetted!');
    check: function (evt) {
	let generatorName = this.attrName
// model component so far, single setup and single check
AFRAME.registerComponent('fishinbowl', {
  init: function(){
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let el = this.el
	this.correctlyPlacedFishes = 0
	this.maxFishes = 5
	this.xOffset = -.1
	this.yOffset = .5
	this.zOffset = -.1
	this.scale = 1/1
	for (let i=0;i<this.maxFishes;i++){
		let newEl = document.createElement('a-gltf-model')
		newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", 'document.querySelector("['+generatorName+']").emit("check")')
			// this is THE key part, namely that when we pinch, move then release that target, it checks the state of the component
		newEl.setAttribute("scale",".001 .001 .001")
		newEl.setAttribute("position", ""+(Math.random()+this.xOffset)+" "+(Math.random()*this.scale+this.yOffset)+" "+(-Math.random()*this.scale+this.zOffset))
		newEl.classList.add( generatorName )
  events: {
    reset: function (evt) {
        console.log(this.attrName, 'component was resetted!');
	this.correctlyPlacedFishes = 0 
	Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.'+this.attrName) ).map( (e,i) => {
		e.setAttribute("position", ""+(Math.random()+this.xOffset)+" "+(Math.random()*this.scale+this.yOffset)+" "+(-Math.random()*this.scale+this.zOffset))
    check: function (evt) {
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	//used via onrelease="..."
	if (!selectedElements || selectedElements.length < 1) {
		console.warn(generatorName, 'check failed, should be called after entity moves, e.g onreleased="..."')
		return // should only happen after something has been moved
	let latest = selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element 
	let target = document.getElementById(generatorName+"_target")
	let posA = new THREE.Vector3();
	let posB = new THREE.Vector3();
	latest.object3D.getWorldPosition( posA )
	target.object3D.getWorldPosition( posB )
	if ( posA.distanceTo( posB ) < .2 ){
		console.log( this.correctlyPlacedFishes )
		// forcing immovable
		latest.removeAttribute("target") // doesn't unmount the component iirc, not sure it works though!
		targets = targets.filter( e => e != target)
		if ( this.correctlyPlacedFishes < 3 ){
			animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_yes')
		if ( this.correctlyPlacedFishes == 3 ){
			animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_win')

let correctlyPlacedLetters = 0
// should show the target or a box around the letter otherwise can be tricky to grab for some letters without a top left corner
	// e.g B is easy, J is hard
AFRAME.registerComponent('letterstoword', {
  init: function(){
	correctlyPlacedLetters = 0
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	let word = "JULIA" // assumes 1 letter per word, should index position instead
	const scale = 1/3.5
	const xOffset = -.5
	const yOffset = .5
	const zOffset = -.1
	let el = this.el
	let whatever = [...word].map( (c,i) =>{
		let newEl = document.createElement('a-text')
		newEl.setAttribute("target", "")
		newEl.setAttribute("value", c)
		newEl.setAttribute("scale", ".5 .5 .5")
		newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", "lettersCheckDistanceToDedicatedTargetSpot('"+generatorName+"')")
		newEl.setAttribute("position", ""+(Math.random()+xOffset)+" "+(Math.random()*scale+yOffset)+" "+(-Math.random()*scale+zOffset))
		newEl.classList.add( generatorName )
		let targetEl = document.createElement('a-box')
		targetEl.setAttribute("position", ""+(xOffset+i*scale)+" "+(yOffset)+" "+zOffset)
		targetEl.id = generatorName+"_"+c
		targetEl.setAttribute("scale", ".05 .05 .05")
		targetEl.setAttribute("opacity", ".5")

function lettersCheckDistanceToDedicatedTargetSpot(generatorName){
	//used via onrelease="..."
	let latest = selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element
	let target = document.getElementById(generatorName+"_"+latest.getAttribute("value"))
	// should also be params, getting complicated...
	let posA = new THREE.Vector3();
	let posB = new THREE.Vector3();
	latest.object3D.getWorldPosition( posA )
	target.object3D.getWorldPosition( posB )
	if ( posA.distanceTo( posB ) < .2 ){
		latest.setAttribute("color", "green")
		console.log( correctlyPlacedLetters )
		// forcing immovable
		latest.removeAttribute("target") // doesn't unmount the component iirc, not sure it works though!
		targets = targets.filter( e => e != target)
		if ( correctlyPlacedLetters < 5 ){
			animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_yes')
		if ( correctlyPlacedLetters == 5 ) {
			animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_win')
let correctlyPlacedPrimitives = 0
AFRAME.registerComponent('table2entries', {
  init: function(){
	correctlyPlacedPrimitives = 0
	let generatorName = this.attrName
	// generate grid and models tool, with target positions to check against
	const colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]
	const primitive = ["box", "sphere", "cylinder"]
	const scale = 1/3.5
	const xOffset = .1
	const yOffset = .2
	const zOffset = -.6
	let el = this.el
	colors.map( (c,j) => {
		let cel = document.createElement('a-plane')
		cel.setAttribute("color", c)
		cel.setAttribute("position", ""+(xOffset+colors.length*scale)+" "+(yOffset+j*scale)+" "+zOffset)
		cel.setAttribute("scale", ".1 .1 .1")
	primitive.map( (p,i) => {
		let pel = document.createElement('a-'+p)
		pel.setAttribute("position", ""+(xOffset+i*scale)+" "+(yOffset+primitive.length*scale)+" "+zOffset)
		pel.setAttribute("scale", ".05 .05 .05")
		if (p=="box") pel.setAttribute("scale", ".1 .1 .1")
		colors.map( (c,j) => {
			let newEl = document.createElement('a-'+p)
			newEl.setAttribute("target", "")
			newEl.setAttribute("color", c)
			newEl.setAttribute("scale", ".05 .05 .05")
			newEl.setAttribute("onreleased", "checkDistanceToDedicatedTargetSpot('"+generatorName+"')")
			if (p=="box") newEl.setAttribute("scale", ".1 .1 .1")
			newEl.setAttribute("position", ""+Math.random()+" "+Math.random()+" "+(Math.random()+zOffset))
			newEl.classList.add( generatorName )
			let targetEl = document.createElement('a-box')
			targetEl.setAttribute("position", ""+(xOffset+i*scale)+" "+(yOffset+j*scale)+" "+zOffset)
			targetEl.id = generatorName+"_"+p+"_"+c
			targetEl.setAttribute("scale", ".05 .05 .05")
			targetEl.setAttribute("opacity", ".5")

function checkDistanceToDedicatedTargetSpot(generatorName){
	//used via onrelease="..."
	let latest = selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element
	let target = document.getElementById(generatorName+"_"+latest.localName.split('-')[1]+"_"+latest.getAttribute("color"))
	// should also be params, getting complicated...
	let posA = new THREE.Vector3();
	let posB = new THREE.Vector3();
	latest.object3D.getWorldPosition( posA )
	target.object3D.getWorldPosition( posB )
	let idCheck = generatorName+"_"+latest.localName.split('-')[1]+"_"+latest.getAttribute("color")
	// should also be params, getting complicated...
	console.log (idCheck, posA.distanceTo( posB ), posA.distanceTo( posB ) < .2 )
	if ( posA.distanceTo( posB ) < .2 ){
		latest.setAttribute("wireframe", true)
		console.log( correctlyPlacedPrimitives )
		// forcing immovable
		latest.removeAttribute("target") // doesn't unmount the component iirc, not sure it works though!
		targets = targets.filter( e => e != target)
		if ( correctlyPlacedPrimitives < 9 ){
			animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_yes')
		if ( correctlyPlacedPrimitives == 9 ) {
			animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_win')

// should moved to e.g src='jxr-game-maze.js'
AFRAME.registerComponent('mazemap', {
  init: function(){
	let el = this.el
	this.data.split("\n").filter(l=>l.length>0).map( (line,i) => {
		let whatever = [...line].map( (c,j) =>{
			let newEl = document.createElement("a-box")
			let color
			switch (c){
				case "1":
				newEl.setAttribute("height", 2)
				case "0":
				newEl.setAttribute("material", "metalness:.2") // no big difference
				case "S":
				case "E":
				newEl.id = "mazeend"
			newEl.setAttribute("color", color)
			newEl.setAttribute("position", ""+j+" 0 "+i)
// could also get from parameter URL e.g mazemap=S1111,00001,10111,10001,1110E as suggested by Leon

function forbiddenSpots(){
	// should only be done once
	return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("#maze>a-entity>a-box[color=blue]") )
		.map( el => { let pos = new THREE.Vector3(); el.object3D.getWorldPosition(pos); return pos})

function overForbiddenSpot(selectorA="#biggu", distanceThreshold=.2){
	let posA = new THREE.Vector3();
	document.querySelector(selectorA).object3D.getWorldPosition( posA )
	let over = false
	forbiddenSpots().map( posB => {
		if ( posA.distanceTo( posB ) < distanceThreshold )
			over = true
	return over

function moveBigguForward(step=.2){
	/* // move with waddle example
	let biggu = document.querySelector("#biggu")
	biggu.setAttribute("animation__translation", "property: position; to: 0 0 0.5; dur: 10000;")
	biggu.setAttribute("animation__waddle", "property: rotation; from: 0 -20 -10; to: 0 20 10; dur: 1000; loop:true; easing: linear; dir:alternate;")
	// could also first if within maze boundaries
	if (overForbiddenSpot())
		setTimeout( _ => document.querySelector("#biggu").object3D.translateZ(-step), 500 )
function moveBigguBackward(step=-.2){
	// could also first if within maze boundaries
	if (overForbiddenSpot())
		setTimeout( _ => document.querySelector("#biggu").object3D.translateZ(-step), 500 )
function moveBigguRight(step=.2){
	// could also first if within maze boundaries
	if (overForbiddenSpot())
		setTimeout( _ => document.querySelector("#biggu").object3D.translateX(-step), 500 )
function moveBigguLeft(step=-.2){
	// could also first if within maze boundaries
	if (overForbiddenSpot())
		setTimeout( _ => document.querySelector("#biggu").object3D.translateX(-step), 500 )

function checkWinCondition(selectorA="#biggu", selectorB="#mazeend", distanceThreshold=.2){
	let posA = new THREE.Vector3();
	let posB = new THREE.Vector3();
	document.querySelector(selectorA).object3D.getWorldPosition( posA )
	document.querySelector(selectorB).object3D.getWorldPosition( posB )
	if ( posA.distanceTo( posB ) < distanceThreshold ){
		animateThenIdle( document.querySelector("#biggu"), 'bigguaction_win')
	return ( posA.distanceTo( posB ) < distanceThreshold )

function animateThenIdle(mainCharacter, animationName, timeScale='1'){
	mainCharacter.setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:"+animationName+";loop:once; timeScale:"+timeScale)
	mainCharacter.addEventListener('animation-finished', _ => {
		mainCharacter.setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:bigguaction_idle; loop:true;")
	// could return the animation duration or an event when done

// end src='jxr-game-maze.js'

function doesThisContainThat(latest, nearby){
	//let latest =  selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element
	//let nearby = getClosestTargetElements( latest.getAttribute('position') )
	// https://threejs.org/docs/?q=box#api/en/math/Box3.containsBox
	// https://threejs.org/docs/?q=box#api/en/math/Box3.expandByObject
	let a = new THREE.Box3().expandByObject( latest.object3D ) // consider mesh.geometry.computeBoundingBox() first
	let b = new THREE.Box3().expandByObject( nearby.object3D )
	return a.containsBox(b)
	// testable as doesThisContainThat( document.querySelector("[color='yellow']"), document.querySelector("[color='purple']") )
		// <a-box scale=".1 .1 .1" position=".5 .8 -.3" color="purple" ></a-box>
		// <a-box scale=".2 .2 .2" position=".5 .8 -.3" color="yellow" ></a-box>

function snapToGrid(gridSize=1){ // default as 1 decimeter
	let latest =  selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element
	latest.setAttribute("rotation", "0 0 0")
	let pos = latest.getAttribute("position") 
	latest.setAttribute("position", pos )

// deeper question, making the rules themselves manipulable? JXR?
	// So the result of the grammar becomes manipulable, but could you make the rules of the grammar itself visual? Even manipulable?
		// could start by visualizing examples first e.g https://writer.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/grammar-1.webp
function snapMAB(){
	// multibase arithmetic blocks aka MAB cf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_ten_block
	let latest =  selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element
	let nearby = getClosestTargetElements( latest.getAttribute('position') )
	let linked = []
	if (nearby.length>0){
		latest.setAttribute("rotation", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( nearby[0].el.getAttribute("rotation") ) )
		latest.setAttribute("position", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( nearby[0].el.getAttribute("position") ) )
		latest.object3D.translateX( 1/10 )
		linked.push( latest )
		linked.push( nearby[0].el )
		let overlap = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll(".mab") ).filter( e => e.object3D.position.distanceTo( latest.object3D.position ) < 0.01 && e!=latest )
		while (overlap.length > 0 ){
			latest.object3D.translateX( 1/10 )
			linked.push( overlap[0] )
			overlap = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll(".mab") ).filter( e => e.object3D.position.distanceTo( latest.object3D.position ) < 0.01 && e!=latest )
		// do something special if it becomes 10, e.g become a single line, removing the "ridges"
		if (linked.length > 3)
			linked.map( e => Array.from( e.querySelectorAll("a-box") ).setAttribute("color", "orange") )

			// also need to go backward too to see if it's the latest added

function snapRightOf(){
	let latest =  selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element
	let nearby = getClosestTargetElements( latest.getAttribute('position') )
	if (nearby.length>0){
		latest.setAttribute("rotation", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( nearby[0].el.getAttribute("rotation") ) )
		latest.setAttribute("position", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( nearby[0].el.getAttribute("position") ) )
		latest.object3D.translateX( 1/10 )
		// somehow... works only the 2nd time, not the 1st?!

function grammarBasedSnap(){
	// verify if snappable, e.g of same type (or not)
		// e.g check if both have .getAttribute('value').match(prefix) or not
	let latest =  selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element
	let nearby = getClosestTargetElements( latest.getAttribute('position') )
	if (nearby.length>0){
		let closest = nearby[0].el
		let latestTypeJXR = latest.getAttribute('value').match(prefix)
		let closestTypeJXR = latest.getAttribute('value').match(prefix)
		latest.setAttribute("rotation", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( closest.getAttribute("rotation") ) )
		latest.setAttribute("position", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( closest.getAttribute("position") ) )
		if ( latestTypeJXR && closestTypeJXR )
			latest.object3D.translateX( 1/10 ) // same JXR type, snap close
			latest.object3D.translateX( 2/10 ) // different types, snap away
		// somehow... works only the 2nd time, not the 1st?!

function cloneTarget(target){
	let el = target.cloneNode(true)
	if (!el.id)
		el.id = "clone_" + crypto.randomUUID()
		el.id += "_clone_" + crypto.randomUUID()

function deleteTarget(target){
	targets = targets.filter( e => e != target)

function runClosestJXR(){
	// ideally this would come from event details
	let latest =  selectedElements[selectedElements.length-1].element
	let nearby = getClosestTargetElements( latest.getAttribute('position') )
	// if (nearby.length>0){ interpretJXR( nearby[0].el.getAttribute("value") ) }
	nearby.map( n => interpretJXR( n.el.getAttribute("value") ) )

AFRAME.registerComponent('idleafterload', {
  events: {
    'model-loaded': function (evt) {
      console.log('This entity was loaded!');
	this.el.setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:bigguaction_idle; loop:true;")

<div style='position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; left: 0%; border-bottom: 70px solid transparent; border-left: 70px solid #eee; '>
	<a href="https://git.benetou.fr/utopiah/text-code-xr-engine/issues/">
		<img style='position:fixed;left:10px;' title='code repository' src='gitea_logo.svg'>

<a-scene startfunctions >

	      <audio id="biggucestmoi" src="../content/voicesBigguJulia/biggu-fem.mp3"></audio>
	      <audio id="biggubravojulia" src="../content/voicesBigguJulia/bravojulia.mp3"></audio>
	      <audio id="biggucontinu" src="../content/voicesBigguJulia/continu.mp3"></audio>
	      <audio id="bigguinstructions" src="../content/voicesBigguJulia/instructions.mp3"></audio>
	      <template id="avatar-template"></template>
	      <template id="left-hand-default-template">
		      <a-entity networked-hand-controls="hand:left"></a-entity>
	      <template id="right-hand-default-template">
		      <a-entity networked-hand-controls="hand:right"></a-entity>

      <a-gltf-model id="environment" hide-on-enter-ar="" src="../content/winterset/WinterIsland.glb" rotation="0 20 0" position="2 -4.5 -3" ></a-gltf-model>
      <a-gltf-model src="../content/winterset/Crystal_iPoly3D.glb" position="-0.4 -0.2 -3" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-gltf-model>

      <a-gltf-model idleafterload id="biggu" src="../content/winterset/SK_Biggu_v029_optimized.glb" position="0 0 -1">
	  <!-- <a-sound src="#bigguinstructions"></a-sound> -->

      <a-entity id="rig">
		<a-entity id="player" networked="template:#avatar-template;attachTemplateToLocal:false;" 
			hud camera look-controls wasd-controls position="0 1.6 0">
		<a-entity id="rightHand" pinchprimary hand-tracking-controls="hand: right;"></a-entity>
		<a-entity id="leftHand" pinchsecondary wristattachsecondary="target: #box" hand-tracking-controls="hand: left;"></a-entity>

      <a-troika-text value="SpaSca : Spatial Scaffolding" anchor="left" outline-width="5%" font="../content/ChakraPetch-Regular.ttf" position="-3 5 -2"
	scale="3 3 3" rotation="80 0 0" troika-text="outlineWidth: 0.01; strokeColor: #ffffff" material="flatShading: true; blending: additive; emissive: #c061cb"></a-troika-text>
      <a-sky hide-on-enter-ar color="lightgray"></a-sky>
      <a-troika-text anchor=left target value="instructions : \n--right pinch to move\n--left pinch to execute" position="0 1.65 -0.2" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
      <a-troika-text anchor=left value="jxr location.reload()" target position="-.5 1.30 0" rotation="0 40 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
      <a-troika-text anchor=left value="jxr window.location.hash = ''" target position="-.5 1.40 0" rotation="0 40 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>

      <a-console position="2 2 0" rotation="0 -45 0" font-size="34" height=1 skip-intro=true></a-console>

	  <!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
      <a-entity visible="false" id="maze" class="game" onstart="" wincondition="checkWinCondition()" losecondition="" advice="" onmistake="">
	      <a-entity scale="0.2 0.2 0.2" position="0 -.1 -1" mazemap="
	      <a-gltf-model class="bigguEndPoint" scale="0.002 0.002 0.002" position=".9  0.1 -.2" gltf-model="../content/winterset/Fish.glb"></a-gltf-model>
		  <!-- bad offset... so leaving the end position as part of the maze itself-->

	      <a-troika-text anchor=left value="jxr moveBigguForward(); checkWinCondition()" target position="-0.3 .60 -.3" rotation="90 0 0" annotation="content: BIGGU DEVANT" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
	      <a-troika-text anchor=left value="jxr moveBigguBackward(); checkWinCondition()" target position="-0.3 .40 -.3" rotation="90 0 0" annotation="content: BIGGU DERRIERE" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
	      <a-troika-text anchor=left value="jxr moveBigguRight(); checkWinCondition()" target position="-0.1 .50 -.3" rotation="90 0 0" annotation="content: BIGGU DROITE" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
	      <a-troika-text anchor=left value="jxr moveBigguLeft(); checkWinCondition()" target position="-0.5 .50 -.3" rotation="90 0 0" annotation="content: BIGGU GAUCHE" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
		  <!-- restart? location.reload() for now -->
	  <!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
      <a-entity visible="false" id="table2entries" class="game" onstart="" wincondition="" losecondition="" advice="" onmistake="" table2entries></a-entity>
	  <!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
      <a-entity visible="false" id="letterstoword" class="game" onstart="" wincondition="" losecondition="" advice="" onmistake="" letterstoword></a-entity>
	  <!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
      <a-entity visible="false" id="fishinbowl" class="game" onstart="" wincondition="" losecondition="" advice="" onmistake="" fishinbowl>
	<a-gltf-model id="fishinbowl_target" src="../content/winterset/FruitBowl.glb" position="0.00055 -0.01343 -0.4778" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-gltf-model>

	  <!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->

      <a-box id="box" visible="false"></a-box>
	  <!-- bug if #box missing, so hiding for now -->
	  <!-- bug in start-on-press after XR init, as mentioned there -->
