@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ |
// ==UserScript==
// @name mouseless-autoscroll
// @namespace Utopiah
// @description autoscroll without using your hands (keep them for the coffee cup ;)
// @include *
// @exclude *://*
// @require$x$X.js
// ==/UserScript==
// the require script is a part of ecmanaut grand project
// to re-organize the world starting with the annoying interface to the DOM API
/* |
* Script homepage :
* To do : check the homepage |
*/ |
//=================================== Configuration =======================================
var SPEED_STEP=1; // step size for increase and decrease of speed
var BASE_TIME=6; // default scrolling speed in speed-step
var MAX_SLOWEST_SPEED=10; // define the slowest speed-step
var speed=GM_getValue("speed", BASE_TIME); // load last speed value
var timer = null; // handle for the periodic call to the scrolling function
//=================================== Core =============================================
// loop as fast as required, don't loop when speed is inferior to the small timestep
function reset_timer() {
if (timer) { window.clearTimeout(timer); }; |
if (speed >= MAX_SLOWEST_SPEED) timer = null; |
else timer = window.setInterval(scroll, Math.exp(speed)); |
} |
// actually scroll the window one pixel down
function scroll () { window.scrollBy(0, 1); }; |
// Reminder : use window.scrollBy(0, -1) to scroll up
// call the scrolling loop
//=================================== Interface =========================================
function scroll_faster () { |
if(speed>=SPEED_STEP){ speed-=SPEED_STEP; }
// else { find a way to display to the user we reached the maximum speed... any idea ? }
hideallbuttons(); |
// instead each action should individually self-clean their picture with a setTimeout
// that would need 5 different functions because of the setTimeout Greasemonkey specificity
// (especially since we can't specify parameters within setTimeout call in GM afaik)
var button = document.getElementById('button_faster');"visible"; |
}; |
function scroll_slower () {
if(speed>=MAX_SLOWEST_SPEED-SPEED_STEP) { speed=MAX_SLOWEST_SPEED; scroll_pause(); return;}
hideallbuttons(); |
var button = document.getElementById('button_slower');"visible"; |
setTimeout(hideallbuttons,2000); |
}; |
function scroll_start () {
hideallbuttons(); |
var button = document.getElementById('button_start');"visible"; |
setTimeout(hideallbuttons,2000); |
reset_timer(); |
}; |
function scroll_pause () { |
// should use var with local page scope, NOT global GM getValue
speed=MAX_SLOWEST_SPEED; // does not use a specific pause var/const, could be interesting to make the distinction
hideallbuttons(); |
var button = document.getElementById('button_pause');"visible"; |
}; |
function scroll_reset () {
hideallbuttons(); |
var button = document.getElementById('button_reset');"visible"; |
setTimeout(hideallbuttons,2000); |
reset_timer(); |
}; |
function hideallbuttons() {
var pauseButtonElement = document.getElementById('button_pause');"hidden";
var startButtonElement = document.getElementById('button_start');"hidden";
var fasterButtonElement = document.getElementById('button_faster');"hidden";
var slowerButtonElement = document.getElementById('button_slower');"hidden";
var resetButtonElement = document.getElementById('button_reset');"hidden";
}; |
GM_registerMenuCommand( "Start scrolling", scroll_start, "s", "", "t" ); |
GM_registerMenuCommand( "Pause scrolling", scroll_pause, "p", "", "p" ); |
GM_registerMenuCommand( "Scroll faster", scroll_faster, "l", "", "f" ); |
GM_registerMenuCommand( "Scroll slower", scroll_slower, "k", "", "s" ); |
GM_registerMenuCommand( "Reset scrolling speed", scroll_reset, "r", "", "r" ); |
function addGlobalStyle(css) { |
var head, style; |
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; |
if (!head) { return; } |
style = document.createElement('style'); |
style.type = 'text/css'; |
style.innerHTML = css; |
head.appendChild(style); |
} |
addGlobalStyle( 'div#scrollercontroller { position:fixed; bottom:0; right:0; }' + |
'div#scrollercontroller { visibility:visible; }'+ |
'img.button { visibility:hidden; position:fixed; bottom:0; right:0; } ' |
); |
// seems to be problematic on first load....
var button_pic_start = ''; |
var button_pic_pause = ''; |
var button_pic_slower = ''; |
var button_pic_faster = ''; |
var button_pic_reset = ''; |
var scrollercontroller = document.createElement('div'); |
| = 'scrollercontroller'; |
var pauseButtonElement = scrollercontroller.appendChild(document.createElement('img')); |
pauseButtonElement.className = 'button'; = 'button_pause'; pauseButtonElement.src = button_pic_pause;
var playButtonElement = scrollercontroller.appendChild(document.createElement('img')); |
playButtonElement.className = 'button'; = 'button_start'; playButtonElement.src = button_pic_start; |
var slowerButtonElement = scrollercontroller.appendChild(document.createElement('img')); |
slowerButtonElement.className = 'button'; = 'button_slower'; slowerButtonElement.src = button_pic_slower; |
var fasterButtonElement = scrollercontroller.appendChild(document.createElement('img')); |
fasterButtonElement.className = 'button'; = 'button_faster'; fasterButtonElement.src = button_pic_faster; |
var resetButtonElement = scrollercontroller.appendChild(document.createElement('img')); |
resetButtonElement.className = 'button'; = 'button_reset'; resetButtonElement.src = button_pic_reset; |
// Display the visual interface
document.body.insertBefore(scrollercontroller, document.body.firstChild); |
function shortcuts (e){ |
switch(e.charCode) |
{ |
case "s".charCodeAt(0) : scroll_start(); break; |
case "p".charCodeAt(0) : scroll_pause(); break; |
case "l".charCodeAt(0) : scroll_faster(); break;
case "k".charCodeAt(0) : scroll_slower(); break; |
case "r".charCodeAt(0) : scroll_reset(); break; |
} |
}; |
function registerShortcuts() { |
window.addEventListener("keypress", shortcuts, true); |
}; |
function unregisterShortcuts() { |
window.removeEventListener("keypress", shortcuts, true); |
}; |
registerShortcuts(); |
$x('//input | //textarea | //select').forEach(registerListener); |
function registerListener(node) {
node.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
unregisterShortcuts(); |
scroll_pause(); }, true);
node.addEventListener("mouseout", function() {
scroll_start ();
registerShortcuts(); |
}, true);
} |
//=================================== Indirect interface ====================================
/* does it loop ? |
var was_scrolling_before_blur=true; |
window.addEventListener("blur", function (e) {
if (speed<MAX_SLOWEST_SPEED) { was_scrolling_before_blur=true; }
else { was_scrolling_before_blur=false; }
}, true); |
window.addEventListener("focus", focusHandler, true); |
function focusHandler ( e ) {
alert('on focus'); |
if (was_scrolling_before_blur) { scroll_start(); }
window.removeEventListener("focus", focusHandler); window.addEventListener("blur", blurHandler, true); } |
*/ |
// <choop> where blurHandler does the same as focusHandler, but backwards
//<choop> basically removing and adding the event listeners so they don't keep triggering and crash firefox
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ |
// ==UserScript==
// @name reverted PIM links
// @namespace Utopiah
// @description overlay so that a visited page indexed in a PIM displays a link back
// @include *
// @exclude *://*
// @require$x$X.js
// ==/UserScript==
// the require script is a part of ecmanaut grand project
// to re-organize the world starting with the annoying interface to the DOM API
/* |
* Script homepage : from somewhere?
* to do |
* find a way (visiting a special URL?) to (re)generate the data store on demand (not at each boot) |
* apply to Person/ |
* cf ealier idea
* add links to the database |
* note that date is optional but the source is not |
* delicious-20100730.htm
* emails |
* IRC/IM |
34269 links using |
for SCANNETWORK in $(ls ~/irclogs/); do grep http ~/irclogs/$SCANNETWORK/* | sed "s/.* <\(.*\)> .*http\(.*\)/http\2 \1 on $SCANNETWORK/"; done | wc -l |
19881 freenode |
5834 blinkenshell |
4867 testing |
2354 seedeabitlbee |
1325 mozilla |
7 rezosup |
for SCANNETWORK in $(ls ~/irclogs/); do echo -n -e "$SCANNETWORK\t" && grep http ~/irclogs/$SCANNETWORK/* | sed "s/.* <\(.*\)> .*http\(.*\)/http\2 \1 on $SCANNETWORK/" | wc -l; done | awk '{print $2 "\t" $1}' | sort -n -r |
* |
*/ |
// configuration
var script_name = "rPIMlinks"; |
var PIM_URL = ""; |
// actual script
//load URLs in data store (greasemonkey.scriptvals in about:config in prefs.js)
// load the entire set of links
// merging linksloaded_prefs.js to prefs.js
// C:\Documents and Settings\tyflser\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\aosia15p.default
// e.g. user_pref("greasemonkey.scriptvals.Utopiah/reverted PIM links.rPIMlinks", "ReadingNotes/LeSpectateurEmancipe");
//everytime a page is loaded
//get the current URL
PIMpages = GM_getValue(script_name+" "+document.URL,"fail"); |
//if the current URL is in data store
if (PIMpages != "fail") |
{ |
//display link
var pages = PIMpages.split(" "); |
var myDiv = document.createElement('div'); |
while (page = pages.shift()){ |
myDiv.innerHTML += "<p class=\"GM_PIM_link\"><a href=\""+PIM_URL+page+"\">"+page+"</a></p> "; |
} |
document.body.appendChild(myDiv); |
} |
function addGlobalStyle(css) { |
var head, style; |
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; |
if (!head) { return; } |
style = document.createElement('style'); |
style.type = 'text/css'; |
style.innerHTML = css; |
head.appendChild(style); |
} |
addGlobalStyle(''); |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
// ==UserScript==
// @name VirtualBlinders
// @namespace Utopiah
// @description Stay focus, damnit!
// @include **
// ==/UserScript==
GM_xmlhttpRequest({ |
method: "GET", |
url: "", |
onload: function(response) { |
res = response.responseText; |
if (res == 'Reading\n' || res == 'Programming\n'){ |
document.body.innerHTML="You should be focusing on <a href=\"" + res + "\">"+res+"</a> instead,\nare you sure you need that information from that website?"; |
} |
} |
}); |
Reference in new issue