@ -6,9 +6,12 @@
// ==/UserScript==
// ==/UserScript==
/ * T O D O
/ * T O D O
# handle background tab
# # stop timer when focus lost window . onunload or window . onblur
# # restart timer when focus is back window . load or window . onfocus
# # XXX failing so far
# improve the list of websites to include
# improve the list of websites to include
# # consider include * then refine pattern per task
# # consider include * then refine window . location pattern per task
# make timers ( default to 0 sec , value defined via the script or a GM _Value ) to be more flexible
# make timers ( default to 0 sec , value defined via the script or a GM _Value ) to be more flexible
# # reset timer either manually or per day ( i . e . ) reset if last set date < 5 AM
# # reset timer either manually or per day ( i . e . ) reset if last set date < 5 AM
# # set 2 thresholds , the first as a warning , the second as an action
# # set 2 thresholds , the first as a warning , the second as an action
@ -26,17 +29,65 @@ GM_xmlhttpRequest({
url : "http://fabien.benetou.fr/pub/currenttask" ,
url : "http://fabien.benetou.fr/pub/currenttask" ,
onload : function ( response ) {
onload : function ( response ) {
task = response . responseText ;
task = response . responseText ;
responseCheck ( task ) ;
} ) ;
function responseCheck ( task ) {
//task = 'Reading\n';
timeThreshold = 600 ;
aboveThreshold = ( timeThreshold < time _spent ) ;
//aboveThreshold = true;
if ( task == 'Reading\n' || task == 'Programming\n' ) {
if ( task == 'Reading\n' || task == 'Programming\n' ) {
//document.body.innerHTML="You should be focusing on <a href=\"http://fabien.benetou.fr/CognitiveEnvironments/" + task + "\">"+task+"</a> instead,\nare you sure you need that information from that website?";
if ( ! aboveThreshold ) {
document . body . innerHTML = "You should be focusing on <a href=\"http://fabien.benetou.fr/CognitiveEnvironments/" + task + "\">" + task + "</a> instead,\nare you sure you need that information from that website? <br/>Note that you have already spent <span id='timespent'>" + time _spent + "</span> seconds on that website so far!<hr/>" + document . body . innerHTML ;
//under threshold, just display a warning and the content
t = setInterval ( mytimer , 1000 ) ;
document . body . innerHTML = "You should be focusing on <a href=\"http://fabien.benetou.fr/CognitiveEnvironments/"
+ task + "\">"
+ task + "</a> instead,\nare you sure you need that information from that website?"
+ "<br/>Note that you have already spent <span id='timespent'>"
+ time _spent + "</span> seconds on that website so far!"
+ "(which still is under the threshold of " + timeThreshold + " seconds)<hr/>"
+ document . body . innerHTML ;
t = window . setInterval ( mytimer , 1000 ) ;
//regarding the specific syntax
//see http://commons.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/Greasemonkey_Hacks/Getting_Started#Pitfall_.231:_Auto-eval_Strings
//see http://commons.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/Greasemonkey_Hacks/Getting_Started#Pitfall_.231:_Auto-eval_Strings
GM _log ( "register listeners" ) ;
window . addEventListener ( "onblur" , stopTimer , true ) ;
window . addEventListener ( "onfocus" , restartTimer , true ) ;
window . addEventListener ( "onunload" , setTotalTimeSpent , true ) ;
} else {
//above threshold, only display the warning without the content
document . body . innerHTML = "You should be focusing on <a href=\"http://fabien.benetou.fr/CognitiveEnvironments/"
+ task + "\">"
+ task + "</a> instead,\nare you sure you need that information from that website?"
+ "<br/>Note that you have already spent <span id='timespent'>"
+ time _spent + "</span> seconds on that website so far!<br/>"
+ "(which is above the allowed threshold of " + timeThreshold + " seconds)<hr/>" ;
} ) ;
function mytimer ( ) {
function mytimer ( ) {
//GM_log("timer tick");
time _spent = time _spent + 1 ;
time _spent = time _spent + 1 ;
document . getElementById ( 'timespent' ) . innerText = time _spent ;
//fail document.getElementById('timespent').innerText=time_spent;
GM _setValue ( MODE , time _spent ) ;
// this should only be un setTotalTimeSpent() but since the events do not work this will remain here for now
function stopTimer ( ) {
GM _log ( "stop timer" ) ;
// never called!
window . clearInterval ( t ) ;
// tested and worked, t value is correct
function restartTimer ( ) {
GM _log ( "restart timer" ) ;
t = window . setInterval ( mytimer , 1000 ) ;
function setTotalTimeSpent ( ) {
GM _log ( "set total time spent" ) ;
GM _setValue ( MODE , time _spent ) ;
GM _setValue ( MODE , time _spent ) ;