@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ |
<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit(); |
/* |
Mainly based on PageFeed by Daniel Roesler (diafygi) |
| |
conversation array imported from it |
| |
support the regex syntax function calls as done in groupkeypages.php |
clean unused code |
test with the W3C that feeds generated are proper |
update recipe date and name |
transform the default call without argument |
abstract the date checking function |
and facilitate any pattern |
addition, substraction, from list, from math func (e.g. mod), ... |
note that if backward compability of files is important the 3 formers can remain empty |
but ideally the local/config.php file should be modified |
weighting for the composite function should read local PTV |
if unsset then use the default behavior |
make the content of description easier to change |
create a variable at the head of the script |
ignore empty date field |
else Unix epoch bug |
! behavior_recall seems to be the most general |
modify it to accept negative -> support of preparation |
modify it to accept exp as default -> support of memory-recipe |
*/ |
## Recipe version information |
$RecipeInfo['MemoryManagement']['Version'] = '2011-06-20'; |
## Add action for pagefeed |
SDV($HandleActions['memorizationMM'], 'MemorizationMM'); |
SDV($HandleActions['recallMM'], 'BehaviorRecallMM'); |
SDV($HandleActions['preparationMM'], 'PreparationMM'); |
# from |
function FeedTextMM($pagename, &$page, $tag) { |
$text = RetrieveAuthSection("ReadingNotes.GroupHeader",""); |
$content = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $text); |
$text = RetrieveAuthSection($pagename, '##Chapter2'); |
$content .= MarkupToHTML($pagename, $text); |
return "<$tag><![CDATA[$content]]></$tag>"; |
} |
function MemorizationMM($pagename, $auth = 'read'){ GenerateFeed(title,description,feedfile,timedirection,pattern); } |
function BehaviorRecallMM($pagename, $auth = 'read'){ GenerateFeed(); } |
function PreparationMM($pagename, $auth = 'read'){ GenerateFeed(); } |
## Create feed from page history |
function GenerateFeed() { |
# consider defaults : exp, +, ... |
global $FarmD, $WikiTitle, $ScriptUrl; |
#### location of the resulting feed |
$feedfile = $FarmD."/pub/memoryfeeds/recallfeed.xml"; #change to a pattern when support arguments |
#$feedfile = $FarmD."/pub/memoryfeeds/memorizationfeed.xml"; #change to a pattern when support arguments |
#$feedfile = $FarmD."/pub/memoryfeeds/preparationfeed.xml"; #change to a pattern when support arguments |
if (!file_exists($feedfile)){ |
if (!touch($feedfile)){ |
print "Creation of the feed file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $feedfile.\nMake sure the target directory exists and with the right write permissions."; |
return; |
} |
} |
# open $feed as read |
$feed_oldcontent = file_get_contents($feedfile); |
$feed_newcontent = ''; |
#### patterns to use |
$exponential_pattern = array(1,10,30,60,120,350,700,1500,3000,7000,15000,30000,100000); //exp |
$monthly_pattern = array(1,30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300); //mod30 |
$weekly_pattern = array(1,7,14,21,28,35,43,50,57,64,71,78,85,93,100,101,107,114,121,128,135,143,150,157,164,171,178,185,193,200); //mod7 |
$daily_pattern = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30); //mod1 |
#### variables to check value of |
$varname='recall'; |
#$varname='startrecall'; |
#$varname='startprepare'; |
$pages = ListPages(); |
# 2 loops can be probably optimized since they are ordered by date |
foreach ($pages as $page) { |
if ( isset(PageTextVar($page,$varname)) ) { |
$params = explode(" ",$recall); |
$patternrecall = $params[1]; |
$daterecall = $params[0]; |
switch($patternrecall){ |
case "daily": $datestorecall = $daily_pattern; break; |
case "weekly": $datestorecall = $weekly_pattern; break; |
case "monthly": $datestorecall = $monthly_pattern; break; |
default: $datestorecall = $exponential_pattern; break; |
} |
$current_unix_day = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); |
$sign = "+"; |
# else $sign = "-"; |
foreach ($datestorecall as $day) { |
$checkdate = strtotime((preg_replace("/(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/",'$3-$2-$1',$daterecall)." $sign $day days")); |
# print $daterecall . " + " . $day . " (" . $checkdate . ") == " . date("d/m/Y"); |
if ($checkdate==$current_unix_day) |
{ |
# generate GUID |
$item_GUID = $page.'_'.date("Y-m-d"); |
# if not present in file using a regex on the GUID |
if (preg_match("/$item_GUID/",$feed_oldcontent) == 0) |
{ |
# generate date |
$feed_newitemdate = date(DATE_RSS, time()); |
# transform line to XML format |
$cleaned_page_name = str_replace(".","/",$page); |
global $FmtV; |
$pagecontent = FmtPageName($FmtV, $page); |
# does this actually work?! |
$ItemTitle = "<title>Day $day recall for page $page started at $daterecall</title>"; |
$ItemLink = "<link>$ScriptUrl/$cleaned_page_name#BehaviorRecallDay$day</link>"; |
$ItemDescription = "<description>This is to improve behaviors you decided yourself were valuable. Also don't forget to improve those instructions to be more and more efficient!$pagecontent</description>"; |
/* |
<title>Day $day recall for page $page started at $daterecall</title> |
<link>$ScriptUrl/$cleaned_page_name#MemorizationDay$day</link>" |
FeedText($page,$page,"description") |
<title>Day $day of preparation for page $page started at $dateprepare</title> |
<link>$ScriptUrl/$page</link> |
<description>This is to improve preparation of things you will have to produce. Also don't forget to improve those instructions to be more and more efficient!</description> |
*/ |
$feed_newitem = "<item>\n |
$ItemTitle |
$ItemLink |
$ItemDescription |
<guid>$item_GUID</guid> |
<pubDate>$feed_newitemdate</pubDate>\n</item>"; |
# appending the item |
$feed_newcontent .= $feed_newitem; |
} |
break; #we can't have 2 days at the same time, move on to the next page |
} |
# print "<br/>"; |
} # check if the next recall day is today |
} # check if the next page is tagged |
} |
# feed should be properly updated |
$feed_newdate = date(DATE_RSS, time()); |
$ChannelTitle = "BehaviorRecall"; |
#$ChannelTitle="Memorization"; |
#$ChannelTitle="Preparation"; |
$feed_header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<rss version=\"2.0\">
<channel> |
<title>$ChannelTitle feed for $WikiTitle .</title> |
<link>$ScriptUrl</link> |
<description>Receive links as reminded to periodic behaviors you want to transform to habits.</description> |
<lastBuildDate>$feed_newdate</lastBuildDate>"; |
$feed_footer = "\n</channel>\n</rss>"; |
print $feed_header; |
print $feed_oldcontent; |
print $feed_newcontent; |
print $feed_footer; |
$write_result = file_put_contents($feedfile,$feed_oldcontent.$feed_newcontent); |
if (!$write_result){ |
if (strlen($feed_oldcontent.$feed_newcontent)>0){ |
print "Creation of the feed file fails, check write permissions for pmWiki and $feedfile."; |
return; |
} else { |
print "No item to generate, did you correctly tag your pages?"; |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue