@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
* Discovery Tiki by |
* porting |
* by following |
* test in http://localhost/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Testing |
*/ |
//the info function is needed for tw >= 3.0 |
function wikiplugin_pjsviz_help() { |
return "do the viz"; |
} |
function wikiplugin_pjsviz_info() { |
return array( |
'name' => tra('Pjsviz'), |
'documentation' => 'PJS Viz', |
'description' => tra('Display a visualization of edits.'), |
'format' => 'html', // html or wiki |
'prefs' => array( 'wikiplugin_pjsviz'), |
// else fails on the feature_myfeature |
// each plugin can have an admin setting(pref) to enable them |
'body' => tra('explain what the body of the plugin means'), |
//'validate' =>'all', |
//add this line if each insertion of this plugin needs to be validated by an admin, |
// (because new or modified plugin body or plugin arguments is found). Possible values are: 'all', body' or 'arguments'. |
'params' => array( |
/* |
'title' => array( |
'required' => false, |
'name' => tra('Title'), |
'description' => tra('Describe what title is'), |
), |
*/ |
), |
); |
} |
function wikiplugin_pjsviz($data, $params) { |
require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); |
include_once ('lib/wiki/histlib.php'); |
$pagename = "Testing"; |
$history = $histlib->get_page_history($pagename); |
//var_dump($history); returned from the newest to the oldest |
$pjs_path = "/tiki/lib/processingjs/processing.min.js"; |
$processinglocalfile = 'e:\webserver\htdocs\tiki\lib\processingjs\edits_per_page\\'.$pagename.".pjs"; |
$processingfile = "/tiki/lib/processingjs/edits_per_page/$pagename.pjs"; |
$canvasheight = 600-2*10; |
$canvaswidth = 100; |
$block_width = 90; |
$block_height = 4; |
$content = ""; |
foreach ($history as $edit){ |
$diffs[] = intval($edit["lastModif"]); |
} |
//var_dump($diffs); |
$min = min($diffs); |
$max = max($diffs); |
$number_of_diffs = count($history); |
$now = time(); |
$content .= "<script src=\"$pjs_path\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"; |
$canvas = " |
void setup() |
{ |
size($canvaswidth, $canvasheight); |
PFont font; |
font = loadFont(\"FFScala-Bold-12.vlw\"); |
textFont(font); |
} |
void mouseMoved() { |
checkButtons(); |
} |
void mouseDragged() { |
checkButtons(); |
} |
void draw() |
{ |
background(251); |
fill(0,0,255,20); |
noStroke(); |
"; |
foreach ($diffs as $diff){ |
$x = 5; |
$y = round ( ($canvasheight - $block_height) * ( (($now - $min)-($now-$diff)) / ($now - $min))); |
$canvas .= "\t\trect($x,$y,$block_width,$block_height);\n"; |
} |
$canvas .= "\t\tstroke(0,155);\n"; |
$canvas .= "\t\tfill(0,0,255,80);\n"; |
$canvas .= "\t\ttext(\"Edits:\",2,10 );\n"; |
$canvas .= "}"; |
$write_result = file_put_contents($processinglocalfile,$canvas); |
//here instead save to MongoDB |
$content .= '<canvas data-src="'.$processingfile.'" width="'.$canvaswidth.'" height="'.$canvasheight.'"></canvas><br/>'; |
return $content; |
//************************************************************* |
//kept just to use if parameters are later given |
if( isset( $params["title"] ) ) { |
$title = $params["title"]; |
return "Hello World __".$title."__ $data!"; |
} else { |
// Indicate that a parameter is missing |
return WikiParser_PluginOutput::argumentError( array('title') ); |
} |
//************************************************************* |
} |
?> |
Reference in new issue