@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
CON=`nmcli con list | grep wireless | sed "s/ .*//"` |
nmcli con down id $CON && nmcli con up id $CON |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
RATE=50k |
wget -c --limit-rate=$RATE -i ~/to_download_and_watch |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# if no $1 then ask for person name |
grep $1 ~/sharedlinks | sed "s/$1 //" | sed "$ s/^/<html><table><tr><td>/" | tac | sed "$ s/$/<\/table><\/html>/" | sed "s/^/<tr><td>/" | sed "s/^\(.*\) +0200 \(.*\)/\1<\/td><td>\2/" | sed "s/http\([^ ]*\)/<a href=\"http\1\">http\1<\/a>/g" | sed "s/$/<\/td><\/tr>/" > ~/web/$1.html |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# consider using convert to generate thumbnails and auto-rotate |
echo "<html>" > gallery.html && ls *.jpg *.JPG |sort -n| sed "s/\(.*\)/<a href=\"\1\"><img height=\"200px\" src=\"\1\"\/>\1<\/a><br\/>/" > gallery.html && echo "</html>" >> gallery.html |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# TODO |
# properly declare |
# path |
# groups to avoid |
# pages to avoid |
DATE=$(date +%s) |
#cd /home/utopiah/web/ |
USERS=$(ls */*.log | grep -v twitter | grep -v identica | grep -v '#' | grep -v http) |
# # to remove chanels and http to remove mistakes that screw the rest of the script |
echo 'extract all the links from the logs' |
# skipped here since the logs are small enough not to be pre-processed (rendered when its a wiki) |
echo 'get all the links > sorted_global.txt' |
grep http $USERS | grep -v "<Utopiah>" | sed "s/http/\nhttp/g" | grep http | sed "s/ .*//" | grep -e='[http://[:alnum:]|https://[:alnum:]]' | sort | uniq > sorted_global.txt |
# XXX somehow http alone goes through, this should not be the case |
echo 'for every link check in which page it is mentionned and append it without duplicates > indexed_links_uniqued' |
echo '' > indexed_links_uniqued |
while read line; do |
echo -n "$line " >> indexed_links_uniqued |
grep -i $line $USERS | sed "s/:.*//" | sort | uniq | xargs -0 echo "Discussion:" | sed "s/ //" >> indexed_links_uniqued |
done < sorted_global.txt |
echo 'clean from improper URL (e.g. " present) sed "s/\"/\\\"/g"' |
grep -v '"' indexed_links_uniqued | sort | uniq > indexed_links_uniqued_cleaned |
echo 'format as User.js and make it available' |
cat indexed_links_uniqued_cleaned | grep http | sed 's/\([^ ]\+\) \(.*\)/user_pref("greasemonkey.scriptvals.Utopiah\/reverted PIM links.rPIMlinks \1", "\2");/' > user.js |
echo "user_pref(\"greasemonkey.scriptvals.Utopiah/reverted PIM links.rPIMlinks IRCdate\", \"$DATE\");" >> user.js |
echo 'compress for faster transfert' |
bzip2 -k -f user.js #compress by a factor 10 |
echo 'make the script available via' |
#mv user.js.bz2 ../pub/ |
echo '(note that since this is not merged with the existing user.js from user.js it will required another restart)' |
#echo 'periodically call this very script' |
#server cron added |
#client cron not added |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# TODO |
# properly declare |
# path |
# groups to avoid |
# pages to avoid |
WIKI=/home/utopiah/web/ |
DATE=$(date +%s) |
cd /home/utopiah/web/ |
echo 'extract all the links from the wiki by group' |
for GROUP in $(ls ../wiki.d/ | sed "s/\..*//" | sort | uniq | grep -v PmWiki | grep -v Site ); |
do |
for PAGE in $(ls ../wiki.d/$GROUP.* | sed "s/\.\.\/wiki.d\///" ); do pmwiki n=$PAGE nolog=true | sed "s/http/\nhttp/g" | grep http | grep -v | grep -v | grep -v | grep -v .ico\" | sed "s/'.*//" | sed "s/<\/a>.*//" | sed "s/$/ $PAGE/"; done > links_from_$GROUP |
done |
echo 'get all the links > sorted_global.txt' |
cat links_from_* | sed "s/ .*//" | sort | uniq | grep -e "http://\w\|https://\w" > sorted_global.txt |
echo 'for every link check in which page it is mentionned and append it without duplicates > indexed_links_uniqued' |
echo '' > indexed_links_uniqued |
while read line; do |
echo -n "$line " >> indexed_links_uniqued |
grep -i $line links_from_* | sed "s/.* //" | sort | uniq | xargs >> indexed_links_uniqued |
done < sorted_global.txt |
echo 'clean from improper URL (e.g. " present) sed "s/\"/\\\"/g"' |
grep -v '"' indexed_links_uniqued > indexed_links_uniqued_cleaned |
echo 'format as User.js and make it available' |
cat indexed_links_uniqued_cleaned | sed 's/\([^ ]\+\) \(.*\)/user_pref("greasemonkey.scriptvals.Utopiah\/reverted PIM links.rPIMlinks \1", "\2");/' > user.js |
echo "user_pref(\"greasemonkey.scriptvals.Utopiah/reverted PIM links.rPIMlinks date\", \"$DATE\");" >> user.js |
# replaced by rsync |
#echo 'compress for faster transfert' |
#bzip2 -k -f user.js #compress by a factor 10 |
# replaced by rsync |
# echo 'make the script available via' |
#mv user.js.bz2 ../pub/ |
#echo 'periodically call this very script' |
#server cron added |
#client cron not added |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
curl$LOGNAME | grep profile | sed "s/.*com\/\(.*\)\" onclick.*/http:\/\/\/\1/" | grep -v $LOGNAME | sort | uniq |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
AVOID="con\|" |
echo consider also and exercises |
# should also remove arguments without - e.g. nmcli con or ssh myserver |
cat ~/.bash_history | sed "s/ /\n/g" | grep "^[[:alpha:]]" | sort | uniq -c | grep -v $AVOID | sort -n | tail | sed "s, \([a-zA-Z].*\), \1\t(\1 ) ," |
# simpler version for just the first word, which is bad for commands like sort which never appear first |
#cat ~/.bash_history | sed "s/ .*//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail |
# consider similar usage for more than bash |
# find ~ -name "*history*" |
# ~/.vimperator/info/default/history-command (specific JSON format) |
# ~/.newsbeuter/history.cmdline |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# learn more about cron, at and batch |
## note that at also requires to specify the DISPLAY |
## e.g. using |
# consider hooks and events e.g. inofity, git hooks, ratpoison hooks, ... |
QUESTION='read -p "finished? (^C to stop, make sure to delete previous done tasks) "' |
#echo merge *.pmwiki to the wiki && `$QUESTION` |
mottt_through_proxy & |
#evince -p 47 book_or_article.pdf; $QUESTION |
## note that evince remembers the last opended page |
## re-opening the document update the page numbr in the running version |
# script newsbeuter to handle evince |
#echo watch videos in `ls ~/*.flv`; `$QUESTION` |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/php -q |
<?php |
//to query the local PmWiki via the CLI |
if (!chdir("~/web/")) |
die("chdir failed."); |
if ($argc > 0) |
{ |
for ($i=1;$i < $argc;$i++) |
{ |
parse_str($argv[$i],$tmp); |
$_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $tmp); |
} |
} |
require_once '~/web/'; |
?> |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
find /etc/ -mtime -1 -name *.conf |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
if [ $# -lt 1 ] |
then |
echo "usage: $0 pattern [network] [user]" ; exit; |
fi |
#save params in ~/$0_history |
# history | grep social_behavior_distribution |
## cheaper version |
PERSON=$1; |
FRESHNESS=-20000; |
tail $FRESHNESS ~/irclogs/seedeabitlbee/$PERSON.log | grep -i "$BEHAVIOR_PATTERN" | grep -i $PERSON | sed "s/:.*//" | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head -3 |
# note that seedeabitlbee is now fabien |
# note that comparison can't be done because freshness changes per person |
# i.e. the more you talk with a person, the fresher the information will be, and vice versa |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# shell prototype |
# if 0 args display help |
# $#==0 echo "usage: $0 pattern [network] [user]" ; exit; ? |
grep $@ ~/irclogs/*/* |
#$2 for server limitations |
#$3 for user limitations |
#save params in ~/$0_history |
echo $(date +%s) $@ >> ~/SocialMemorization_history |
# history | grep |
## cheaper version |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# generalize via a parameter, default back to USER |
curl && curl >> ~/web/ && echo "" >> ~/web/ |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
if [ $# -lt 1 ] |
then |
echo "VideoLectures helper for RTMPDump" |
echo "usage: $0 [targetlecture.flv]" |
echo "if the second parameter is omitted the name of the lecture from the URL will be used" |
echo "" |
echo "Want to grab a list of lectures? Consider xargs (e.g. xargs -n 1 -a list_of_lectures.txt )." |
echo "" |
echo "(note that resuming does not work, neither does keyframe skipping)" |
exit |
fi |
URL=$1 |
DEST=$2 |
# if $2 is empty, use the last part of the URI |
if [ $# -lt 2 ] |
then |
DEST=$(echo $1 | sed "s|\(.*\)/|\1|").flv |
fi |
REMOTE=$(curl $1 | grep clip.url | sed "s/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/" | grep -v flv) |
SOURCE=rtmp:// |
rtmpdump -W $1 -o $DEST -r $SOURCE -y $REMOTE |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# takes are argument the wiki root |
grep diff: $(ls $1/wiki.d/* | grep -v PmWiki. | grep -v Site.) | wc | awk '{print $2/$1}' | bc |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
#if not in wiki.d/ via pwd or parameter |
##then display help |
# `pwd|grep wiki.d` |
## XXX this and those following script are not done at the root of the wiki |
### wiki_oldest_mentions |
### wiki_page_diffs |
grep author: $@ | sed -e "s/.*=//" | sort | uniq -i -c | sort -nr | head |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# to use in wiki root |
## XXX this is not consistent with some other commands |
### e.g. wiki_contribution_distribution |
grep diff: $(ls $1/wiki.d/* | grep -v PmWiki. | grep -v Site.) > alllines |
echo "" > diff_distribution |
while read line; do |
echo "$line " | wc -w >> diff_distribution |
done < alllines |
sort -n diff_distribution | uniq -c | sort -r -n |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# TODO |
# generalize for other URLs |
if [ $# -lt 1 ] |
then |
echo "Check page per page against dead links for PmWiki" |
echo "usage: $0 PmWiki_path" |
exit |
fi |
PATH=$1 |
NOW_EPOCH=$(date +"%s") |
URL= |
for PAGE in $(ls $1/wiki.d/* | grep -v PmWiki. | grep -v Site | sed "s/.*wiki\.d\///" | tr "." "/") |
do |
checklink -s $URL/$PAGE > $PATH/pub/checking/$(echo $PAGE|tr "/" ".").check |
# using the Perl W3C-checklink |
## should fail if not installed and suggest the CPAN command |
done; |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
#to be done in the root of the wiki |
for X in $(ls $1/wiki.d); |
do |
echo $X | grep -v -E ".flock|,new|,del|RecentChanges|PmWiki.|Site." |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# |
# TODO |
# discard multiple edits on the same page |
# put the number of results as a parameter (or just let the user do so?) |
# cache the result as it should not change over time (except if pages are moved) |
if [ $# -lt 1 ] |
then |
echo "Locating the first 10 edits of a word for PmWiki" |
echo "usage: $0 word [PmWiki/wiki.d/path]" |
echo "if the second parameter is omitted the path is assumed to be ." |
exit |
fi |
WORD=$1 |
DEST=$2 |
# if $2 is empty, use the last part of the URI |
if [ $# -lt 2 ] |
then |
DEST=. |
fi |
grep -i $WORD $DEST/* | sed "s/=.*//" | grep diff | sort -n -t: -k3 -r | tail -$NUMBEROFRESULT |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
## to be done in wiki.d/ |
grep diff: $1 | awk '{FS=":"; print $2}' | sort -n | uniq |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# deprecated for Processing visualizations |
if [[ ! ("$#" == 1) ]]; then |
echo 'Generate GNUPlot visualization for the PmWiki directory' |
echo "Usage : $0 path_to_PmWiki_directory" |
exit 1 |
fi |
NOW_EPOCH=$(date +"%s") |
for PAGE in $(ls $1/wiki.d/* | grep -v PmWiki. | grep -v Site | sed "s/.*wiki\.d\///") |
do |
wiki_page_diffs $1/wiki.d/$PAGE > $1/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/$; |
echo -e "set terminal png\nset output '$PAGE.png'\nset notitle\nset nokey\nset xlabel ''\nset format x ''\nset format y ''\nset ylabel ''\nset timefmt '%s'\nset size 1,0.05\nplot [1214268628:$NOW_EPOCH] [0:] '$' using 1:0\n" > $1/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/$PAGE.plt; |
done; |
for PAGE in $(ls $1/wiki.d/* | grep -v PmWiki. | grep -v Site | sed "s/.*wiki\.d\///") |
do |
(cd $1/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/; gnuplot $PAGE.plt;); |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# deprecated for Processing visualizations |
NOW_EPOCH=$(date +"%s") |
WIKI_PATH=/home/utopiah/web/ |
sleep 1 |
for PAGE in $(echo $1 | grep -v -E "flock|pageindex|RecentChanges" | sed "s/,new//"); |
do |
/home/utopiah/bin/wiki_page_diffs $WIKI_PATH/wiki.d/$PAGE > $WIKI_PATH/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/$; |
echo -e "set terminal png\nset output '$PAGE.png'\nset notitle\nset nokey\nset xlabel ''\nset format x ''\nset format y ''\nset ylabel ''\nset timefmt '%s'\nset size 1,0.05\nplot [1214268628:$NOW_EPOCH] [0:] '$' using 1:0\n" > $WIKI_PATH/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/$PAGE.plt; |
cd $WIKI_PATH/pub/visualization/edits_per_page/; gnuplot $PAGE.plt; |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# TODO |
# fix untrusted_edits path problem first |
# note that the output format changed too |
if [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" -o $# -lt $EXP_ARGS ] |
then |
echo "Search for the last non trusted edits in PmWiki" |
echo "Usage: $0 PmWikiPath" |
echo "(uses untrusted_edits)" |
exit |
fi |
THA=$(($(date +"%s") - (60 * 60 * 24 * 2) )); |
grep time= $( wiki_untrusted_edits "$1" ) | grep -v ctime | sed -e "s/$/=$THA/" | awk 'BEGIN{FS="="} {if ($2 > $3) print $0}' | sed "s/:.*//" |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# to execute in wiki.d/ |
APIKEY=`cat ~/.semantichacker.com_apikey` |
for PAGE in `echo $1 | sed "s/\./\//"`; |
do |
sleep 5 |
echo "$APIKEY/category?showLabels=true&uri=$PAGE" |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# takes are argument the wiki root |
grep diff: $(ls $1/wiki.d/* | grep -v PmWiki. | grep -v Site.) | awk '{FS=":"; print $3}' | wc -l |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# TODO |
# BUG! works with . but not with full path |
LIST=~/.wiki_trusted_authors |
if [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" -o $# -lt $EXP_ARGS ] |
then |
echo "Search for non trust edits in PmWiki" |
echo "Usage: $0 PmWikiPath" |
echo "(note that the list of trusted authors is in $LIST)" |
exit |
fi |
grep author: $1/* | grep -v diff: | grep -v -f $LIST |
# seems to be more interesting to delegate that to the user |
#| sed -e "s/:.*//" | sort | uniq |
Reference in new issue