SpaSca : open SCAffolding to SPAcially and textualy explore interfaces
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1255 lines
57 KiB
1255 lines
57 KiB
2 years ago
<!DOCTYPE html>
3 months ago
<html lang="en">
2 years ago
3 months ago
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<title>JXR filesystem and mimetype based explorations</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- modified to include fixed onreleased/ondpicked, should truly be merged on master -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- use to define targets and left/right pinch interactions, respectively execute code and move targets -->
<div style="position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; left: 0%; border-bottom: 70px solid transparent; border-left: 70px solid #eee;">
<a href="">
<img style="position:fixed;left:10px;" title="code repository"
<input type="file" id="myFile" name="filename" onchange="updateImage(this)" style="z-index: 1000;position: absolute;"/>
let reader = new FileReader()
function updateImage(el){
reader.readAsDataURL( document.getElementById("myFile").files[0] )
reader.addEventListener("load", event => {
let el = document.createElement("a-image")
el.setAttribute("position", "0 "+(Math.random()+1)+" -0.5" )
el.setAttribute("scale", ".1 .1 .1")
el.setAttribute("src", reader.result)
el.setAttribute("target", "")
| = "screenshot_"
2 years ago
3 months ago
<button id="mainbutton" style="display:none; z-index: 1; position: absolute; width:50%; margin: auto; text-align:center; top:45%; left:30%; height:30%;" onclick="startExperience()">Start the experience (hand tracking recommended)</button>
1 year ago
3 months ago
/* filtering on files based on all found metadata (200 on .visualmeta.json)
based on occurences of keywords (or concepts)
most listed (dynamic, e.g most used keywords, sorted, take top 10)
2 years ago
3 months ago
function loadBook(){
fetch('book_chapters.json').then( r => r.json() ).then( r => {
5 months ago
3 months ago
// could also rely on rather than delegate keyword/concept generation via API
2 years ago
3 months ago
keywordsCount = {}
11 months ago
3 months ago
function test_filteringFromVisualMeta(files){
11 months ago
3 months ago
| f => {
newContent(f+'.pdf-0.jpg') // for testing
fetch(f+'.json').then( r => { if (r.ok) { return r.json() } } ).then( r => {
if (!r) return
console.log('visualmeta', f, r )
if (r["visual-meta"])
r["visual-meta"] k => { keywordsCount[k] ? keywordsCount[k]++ : keywordsCount[k]=1 } )
if (r["visualMeta"])
r["visualMeta"] k => { keywordsCount[k] ? keywordsCount[k]++ : keywordsCount[k]=1 } )
11 months ago
3 months ago
// return Object.keys( keywordsCount ).map( key => { return {count: keywordsCount[key], keyword: key} } ) .sort( (a,b) => a.count-b.count ) .slice(0,5) .map( e => e.keyword )
// could here the first page and get the visualmeta directly
// not respecting the naming convention
11 months ago
3 months ago
function topKeywords(numberOfResults=5){
return Object.keys( keywordsCount ).map( key => { return {count: keywordsCount[key], keyword: key} } ) .sort( (a,b) => a.count-b.count ) // .slice(0, numberOfResults) .map( e => e.keyword )
6 months ago
3 months ago
function filteringFromVisualMeta(files){
let docs = []
newContent('') // for testing
docs.push( document.getElementById("r2plivepdf-0jpg") )
// should do this for all docs with visual meta, could be the result from a .layout.json file opening, including default.layout.json
keywordsCount = {}
| doc =>
doc.visualmeta["visual-meta"] k => { keywordsCount[k] ? keywordsCount[k]++ : keywordsCount[k]=1 } )
return Object.keys( keywordsCount ).map( key => { return {count: keywordsCount[key], keyword: key} } )
.sort( (a,b) => a.count-b.count )
.map( e => e.keyword )
// should be use to add JXR notes to then filter by this keyword, changing Z position on all files from docs
// onboarding naming clarification
// could use visual linking to show, via line and post-it note
// icon vs document
// target areas
// viewer
// specifically show layouts
// Array.from( document.getElementById("virtualdesktopplane").children ).map( f => f.filename ).filter( f => f.includes('.layout.json'))
// arguably no need for that, might want to highlight them in icon view though, e.g specific color or drawing icon
// ideally visual preview generated as thumbnail and saved via companion
AFRAME.registerComponent('gridplace', {
init: function () {
// should hide on entering AR
const size = 1;
const divisions = 10;
const gridHelper = new THREE.GridHelper( size, divisions, 0xaaaaaa, 0xaaaaaa );
this.el.object3D.add( gridHelper );
let innerRing = [ {x:0,z:1}, {x:1,z:0}, {x:0,z:-1}, {x:-1,z:0} ].map( offset => {
const gridHelper = new THREE.GridHelper( size, divisions, 0xcccccc, 0xcccccc );
gridHelper.position.x += offset.x
gridHelper.position.z += offset.z
this.el.object3D.add( gridHelper );
let midRing = [ {x:-1,z:1}, {x:1,z:1}, {x:1,z:-1}, {x:-1,z:-1},
{x:0,z:2}, {x:2,z:0}, {x:0,z:-2}, {x:-2,z:0} ].map( offset => {
const gridHelper = new THREE.GridHelper( size, divisions, 0xdddddd, 0xdddddd );
gridHelper.position.x += offset.x
gridHelper.position.z += offset.z
this.el.object3D.add( gridHelper );
5 months ago
3 months ago
AFRAME.registerComponent('canonical-view', {
init: function () {
// try to load default.layout.json and if it exists, use it, as canonical view
let view = 'default.layout.json' // could be a component parameter
fetch(view).then( r => r.text() ).then( r => newContent(view) )
5 months ago
3 months ago
let targetLocations = [
{position:'-1 .9 -.5', name:'test', distance:.1, color:'red', description: 'send to reMarkable'}, // height matching #virtualdesktopplane due to snapping
5 months ago
3 months ago
// could have different resulting actions
// saveToCompanion() with emailing after
11 months ago
3 months ago
function shareDirectlyToConnectedClients(filename){
6 months ago
3 months ago
function makeTargetLocationsVisible(){
// visualize targetLocations, should only do it once though
| tl => {
let el = addNewNote( tl.position, tl.position )
let elPlate = document.createElement("a-box")
elPlate.setAttribute("position", "0.5 -0.1 0.2" )
elPlate.setAttribute("width", "1")
elPlate.setAttribute("height", ".01")
elPlate.setAttribute("depth", "1")
//elPlate.setAttribute("wireframe", "true")
setTimeout( _ => el.appendChild( elPlate ), 100 )
5 months ago
3 months ago
function fileDropped(){
| tl => {
let pos = new THREE.Vector3()
let el =
el.object3D.getWorldPosition( pos )
let dist = pos.distanceTo( AFRAME.utils.coordinates.parse( tl.position ) )
// does not seem accurate, maybe due to the moving element to have parent
// should get world coordinate instead
console.log( dist )
// simplistic, should instead be using e.g.
// allowing for vertical and horizontal trays of different sizes
if (dist < tl.distance) {
el.setAttribute("color", tl.color)
// testing sending to remarkable pro
let filename =
fetch('/send-remarkablepro/'+filename) // should be configurable too, callback
console.log(tl.description, filename)
5 months ago
3 months ago
AFRAME.registerComponent('list-files', {
5 months ago
init: function () {
3 months ago
fetch('/files').then( r => r.json() ).then( r => {
// addNewNoteAsPostItNote( text, position=`-0.2 1.1 -0.1`, scale= "0.1 0.1 0.1", id=null, classes="notes", visible="true", rotation="0 0 0" ){
// text only mode
// (text,i) => addNewNote( text, '-0.4 '+(1.1+i/10)+' -0.4') )
// icon mode
let rootEl = document.getElementById("virtualdesktopplane")
| (text,i) => {
let el = addIcon( text, i, rootEl)
function newContentWithRefractoryPeriod(content){
if ( - lastExecuted['newContentWithRefractoryPeriod'] < 500 ){
console.warn('ignoring, executed during the last 500ms already')
5 months ago
3 months ago
lastExecuted['newContentWithRefractoryPeriod'] =
// decorator equivalent
function addIcon(text, i, rootEl){
let idFromFilename = text.replaceAll('.','') // has to remove from proper CSS ID
const icon_prefix = "icon_"
if ( document.getElementById(icon_prefix+idFromFilename) ) return // avoid duplicates (assume either single directory or fullpath)
if (text.match(/.*\.pdf-(\d+)\.jpg/)) return // could consider more
if (text.match(/swp$|swx$|tmp$|~$|#$|#$/) ) return // cf newContent filtering with .swp and more
let el = document.createElement("a-box")
let x = Math.round(i/10)/10-(4/2)/10
let z = (-i%10)/10+(2/2)/10
| = icon_prefix+idFromFilename
el.filename = text
el.setAttribute("position", x+ " " + (1+z) + " 0 ") // vertical layout, leading to broken snapping
// el.setAttribute("position", x+ " 0 "+z) // horizontal layout
el.setAttribute("target", "")
el.setAttribute("value", "jxr newContentWithRefractoryPeriod('"+text+"')") // hidden text here, first time, not convinced it's a good idea, not respecting the prinple
//el.setAttribute("value", "jxr newContent('"+text+"')") // hidden text here, first time, not convinced it's a good idea, not respecting the prinple
// problematic as it can execute multiple times, leading to overlapping yet hidden viewers or content
// consider lastExecuted['viewerFullscreen'] equivalent yet without blocking when done programmatically, e.g. when used on load or layout
// on picked, could resize the bounding box height to .05, onreleased back to .005
el.setAttribute("onpicked", "'wireframe', 'false')")
el.setAttribute("onreleased", "let el =; el.setAttribute('wireframe', 'true'); el.setAttribute('rotation', '0 0 0'); el.object3D.position.y=0; fileDropped()")
// add animations on height and position for children, to become a box proper then flatten back
// box
// Array.from( document.getElementById('icon_withdefaultjxrstylesjson').children ).map( l => l.getAttribute("position").y -= .02); document.getElementById('icon_withdefaultjxrstylesjson').setAttribute("height", "0.05"); document.getElementById('icon_withdefaultjxrstylesjson').getAttribute("position").y += 0.02
// flatten back
// Array.from( document.getElementById('icon_withdefaultjxrstylesjson').children ).map( l => l.getAttribute("position").y += .02); document.getElementById('icon_withdefaultjxrstylesjson').setAttribute("height", "0.005"); document.getElementById('icon_withdefaultjxrstylesjson').getAttribute("position").y -= 0.02
el.setAttribute("wireframe", "true")
el.setAttribute("width", ".05")
el.setAttribute("height", ".005")
el.setAttribute("depth", ".05")
let elPlate = document.createElement("a-box")
elPlate.setAttribute("position", "0 0.02 0" )
elPlate.setAttribute("width", ".04")
elPlate.setAttribute("height", ".04")
elPlate.setAttribute("depth", ".001")
elPlate.setAttribute("rotation", "-30 0 0" )
if (text.includes('.layout.json')) {
//elPlate.setAttribute("color", "lightblue" )
let elVisibleKnownType = document.createElement("a-troika-text")
elVisibleKnownType.setAttribute("position", "-0.002 0.02 0.003" )
elVisibleKnownType.setAttribute("value", '{Layout}' )
elVisibleKnownType.setAttribute("color", "#000" )
elVisibleKnownType.setAttribute("scale", ".04 .04 .04" )
let el3Delement = document.createElement("a-dodecahedron")
el3Delement.setAttribute("wireframe", "true" )
el3Delement.setAttribute("position", "0 0.05 0" )
el3Delement.setAttribute("color", "#000" )
el3Delement.setAttribute("radius", ".01" )
// color coding based on typed
if (!text.includes('.')) elPlate.setAttribute("color", "lightblue" )
// heuristic, assuming directories do not have a . is their name
let thumbnailUrl = "/thumbnails/"+text+'.png'
fetch( thumbnailUrl ).then( r => { if (r.ok) elPlate.setAttribute("src", thumbnailUrl) })
// include a visual preview as thumbnail, if available
let elFilename = document.createElement("a-troika-text")
elFilename.setAttribute("position", "0 0 0.01" )
elFilename.setAttribute("value", text )
// alternatively could use text as annotation
// elFilename.setAttribute("annotation", "content", name)
// rotate -90deg on x
// then 'jxr newContent('+filename+')' as value to make it executable on left pinch to open (default function)
// could optionally add more metadata e.g. file size, number of pages in documents, etc
elFilename.setAttribute("color", "#000" )
elFilename.setAttribute("scale", ".04 .04 .04" )
// some metadata e.g. file size or number of pages in documents could change depth, thickness
return el
AFRAME.registerComponent('book-page-from-plane', {
schema: {
type: 'string' // e.g. book-page-from-plane="au.pdf-0.jpg" namely URL of first page with -N. convention (as done by companion conversion)
5 months ago
3 months ago
init: function () {
let pageIndex = Number(*\.pdf-(\d+)\.jpg/)[1] )
const xDiv = 10 // warning xDiv here isn't used like in modifyPage or topCornerPull or cornerFold, namely here it edge value, there it's point thus +1
const yDiv = 10
const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 1, 1, xDiv, yDiv )
const texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( '-'+pageIndex+'.', '-'+(pageIndex+1)+'.' ) )
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map:texture } );
const plane = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material )
plane.position.y = 2
plane.position.z = -1
this.el.object3D.add( plane )
const geometryAlt = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 1, 1, xDiv, yDiv )
const textureAlt = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( ); // immediately use the texture for material creation
const materialAlt = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map:textureAlt } );
const planeAlt = new THREE.Mesh( geometryAlt, materialAlt )
planeAlt.position.y = 2
planeAlt.position.x = -1.01
planeAlt.position.z = -1
this.el.object3D.add( planeAlt )
const shape = [0, .1, .15, .17, .15, .1, .05, 0, -0.01, 0, 0] // fading sin, could be sampled instead
// length of deformation must match xDiv
modifyPage(plane, xDiv+1, shape )
modifyPage(planeAlt, xDiv+1, shape.reverse() )
5 months ago
3 months ago
AFRAME.registerComponent('modified-page-from-plane', {
schema: {
url : { type: 'string' },
shape : { type: 'array', default: [0, .1, .15, .17, .15, .1, .05, 0, -0.01, 0, 0] }
5 months ago
init: function () {
3 months ago
const xDiv = 10 // warning xDiv here isn't used like in modifyPage or topCornerPull or cornerFold, namely here it edge value, there it's point thus +1
const yDiv = 10
const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 1, 1, xDiv, yDiv )
const texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( )
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map:texture } );
const plane = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material )
this.el.object3D.add( plane )
window.sheet = plane // to tinker faster
// length of deformation must match xDiv
modifyPage(sheet, xDiv+1, )
5 months ago
3 months ago
5 months ago
3 months ago
/* examples
modifyPage(sheet, 11, Array(11).fill(0)) // flat
modifyPage(sheet, 11, Array(11).fill(.1).map( (e,i)=>Math.sin(i)/10)) //
modifyPage(sheet, 11, Array(11).fill(.1).map( (e,i)=>(i*i)/200 ) ) // side pull
5 months ago
3 months ago
function flattenPage(page){ modifyPage(page) }
5 months ago
3 months ago
function modifyPage(page, xDiv = 11, modification=Array(xDiv).fill(0) ){
| (c,j) => {
for (let i=0;i<xDiv;i++){ page.geometry.attributes.position.setZ(j+i*xDiv,c) }
// for horizontal deformation .setZ(j*xDiv+i,c) }
5 months ago
3 months ago
page.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true
5 months ago
3 months ago
function topCornerPull(page, value=1000){
Array(11).fill(.1).map( (e,i)=>(i*i)/value ).map( (c,j) => { for (let i=0;i<11;i++){
page.geometry.attributes.position.setZ(j+i*11,c/(i+1)) // top right corner
// page.geometry.attributes.position.setZ(i+j*11,c/(i+1)) bottom left corner
} })
page.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true
5 months ago
3 months ago
// test
// let x = 5000; setInterval( _ => {x-=100; topCornerPull(sheet,x); if (x<500) x = 5000 }, 100)
5 months ago
3 months ago
function cornerFold(page, xDiv=11){
page.geometry.attributes.position.setXYZ(xDiv*xDiv-1, .4, -.4, .05)
page.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true
5 months ago
3 months ago
let checkNewContent
const source = new EventSource('/events');
let fsChanges = []
source.addEventListener('message', message => {
let data = JSON.parse( )
if (data && !data.filename) return
// console.log(message)
fsChanges.push({timestamp:, data: data })
// should parse with a refraction period, even just 50 ms, but NOT instantly
// clearTimeout( checkNewContent )
// checkNewContent = setTimeout( newContent, 50 )
// should instead add new content only, namely avoiding duplicates within a certain time window (e.g. 30s)
// might break the .live convention though
// TODO to simplify up according to sketch, otherwise can do batch copy
// rename+3 changes = new file
// Array.from ( new Set( fsChanges.filter( l => l.timestamp == ).map( l => ) ) )
// works but ignores when files get deleted, could have some side effet
// rename alone = file deleted
clearTimeout( checkNewContent )
checkNewContent = setTimeout( _ =>{
Array.from ( new Set( fsChanges.filter( l => l.timestamp == ).map( l => ) ) )
.map( filename => newContent( filename ) ) // not filtering done here
// not tested in depth but seems to work fine with 4 files at once
// should find another heuristic for DropBox too
// could be based on filename here as dedicated way to know
}, 50 )
5 months ago
3 months ago
let toExportContent = []
// consider instead window.test = function (param) {console.log(param)}
// declared directly within the init function of the component, thus reaching global scope while being more portable
let extractedPDF = {}
let players = {}
function viewerNext(id){
let player = players[id]
let fullPath = (player.playerId+'.pdf-'+0+'.jpg').replaceAll('.','')
let el = document.getElementById( fullPath )
if (player.currentPage < player.maxPage)
el.setAttribute("src", player.playerId+'.pdf-'+ (++player.currentPage) +'.jpg' )
// partly hide all pages first (reset)
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("a-image[src^=au]") ).map( el => el.setAttribute("opacity", .5 ))
el.setAttribute("opacity", 1 )
let matches = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("a-image[src^=au]") ).filter( el => el.getAttribute("src").includes('image-00'+player.currentPage) )
// cheating a bit, currentPage should be prepended with 0s
// somehow put them all... not correct!
| el => el.setAttribute("opacity", 1 ))
// then highlight the current ones (can be multiple) only
5 months ago
3 months ago
let FullscreenPage = 1
let currentAssset = "A"
let lastExecuted = {}
lastExecuted['viewerFullscreen'] =
lastExecuted['newContentWithRefractoryPeriod'] =
function viewerFullscreen(id){
<img id="comicbook" crossOrigin="anonymous" src="alt_highres-01.jpg">
<a-entity layer="type: quad; src: #comicbook" position="0 1.8 -5.5"></a-entity>
console.warn('should : \nrely on layers, \nfade away rest (light or dark), \nadd option to leave that mode, \ninsure UX is not through (sides)')
// layer without <a-assets> working on desktop but not in XR
// maybe adding new assets then swapping src could work?
// surprising behavior
// changing position works
// changing src directly or on asset does not
// check how does it
// preloaded assets, fixed number
// relying on
// maybe requires some time due to generateCubeMapTextures()
// must add refraction period, i.e. ignored if already executed during the last 500ms
if ( - lastExecuted['viewerFullscreen'] < 500 ){
console.warn('ignoring, executed during the last 500ms already')
lastExecuted['viewerFullscreen'] =
let layerEl = document.querySelector("[layer]")
if (currentAssset == "A"){
document.getElementById("pgB").setAttribute("src", "alt_highres-0"+(++FullscreenPage)+".jpg")
document.getElementById("pgB").addEventListener('load', evt => {
currentAssset = "B"
layerEl.setAttribute("layer", "src:#pgB")
5 months ago
3 months ago
} else {
document.getElementById("pgA").setAttribute("src", "alt_highres-0"+(++FullscreenPage)+".jpg")
document.getElementById("pgA").addEventListener('load', evt => {
currentAssset = "A"
layerEl.setAttribute("layer", "src:#pgA")
5 months ago
3 months ago
// can be tested usding setInterval( _ => viewerFullscreen(''), 2000)
let player = players[id]
console.log( player, player.playerId+'.pdf-'+ (player.currentPage) +'.jpg')
let fullPath = (player.playerId+'.pdf-'+0+'.jpg').replaceAll('.','')
let layerEl = document.getElementById( "layercontent" )
layerEl.setAttribute("src", player.playerId+'.pdf-'+ (player.currentPage) +'.jpg')
5 months ago
3 months ago
function viewerPrevious(id){
let player = players[id]
let fullPath = (player.playerId+'.pdf-'+0+'.jpg').replaceAll('.','')
let el = document.getElementById( fullPath )
let i = player.currentPage
if (player.currentPage > 0){
el.setAttribute("src", player.playerId+'.pdf-'+ (--player.currentPage) +'.jpg' )
// partly hide all pages first (reset)
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("a-image[src^=au]") ).map( el => el.setAttribute("opacity", .5 ))
el.setAttribute("opacity", 1 )
let matches = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("a-image[src^=au]") ).filter( el => el.getAttribute("src").includes('image-00'+player.currentPage) )
// cheating a bit, currentPage should be prepended with 0s
// somehow put them all... not correct!
| el => el.setAttribute("opacity", 1 ))
// then highlight the current ones (can be multiple) only
5 months ago
3 months ago
function viewerClose(id){
let player = players[id]
let fullPath = (player.playerId+'.pdf-'+0+'.jpg').replaceAll('.','')
let el = document.getElementById( fullPath )
players[id] elUx => elUx.parentNode.remove( elUx ) )
el.parentNode.remove( el )
delete players[id]
5 months ago
3 months ago
function cloneCurrentPage(id){
let player = players[id]
let i = player.currentPage
let fullPath = (player.playerId+'.pdf-'+0+'.jpg').replaceAll('.','')
let el = document.createElement("a-image")
el.setAttribute("position", "0 "+(Math.random()+1)+" "+(-1.5-i/10) )
el.setAttribute("src", player.playerId+'.pdf-'+ (player.currentPage) +'.jpg' )
el.setAttribute("target", "")
| = fullPath.replaceAll('.','')+"_cloned"
el.filename = player.playerId+'.pdf-'+player.currentPage+'.jpg'
5 months ago
3 months ago
function viewerAudioToggle(id){
let snd = document.getElementById( id ).components.sound
snd.isPlaying ? snd.pauseSound() : snd.playSound()
// requires user action, usually bypassed on standalone though
5 months ago
3 months ago
function viewerVideoToggle(id){
let snd = document.getElementById( id ).components.sound
snd.isPlaying ? snd.pauseSound() : snd.playSound()
// requires user action, usually bypassed on standalone though
function cachedImage( contentFilename ){
// example with image, f though should ideally be a parameter so that it works both with and without caching
// different way to assign src
// live is URL
// cached data directly
console.log('using cached image file', contentFilename)
if (!window.cachedFromPacked || !window.cachedFromPacked[contentFilename]) return
if (!window.cachedFromPacked[contentFilename].contenttype.includes("image")) return
let f = window.cachedFromPacked[contentFilename]
let text = f.content
// from there nearly entirely generic to live and offline
let idFromFilename = contentFilename.replaceAll('.','') // has to remove from proper CSS ID
let elFromId = document.querySelector( idFromFilename )
if (!elFromId) {
let el = document.createElement("a-curvedimage")
el.setAttribute("radius", 1)
el.setAttribute("theta-length", 100)
el.setAttribute("theta-start", -240)
el.setAttribute("position", "0 "+(Math.random()+1)+" -1.5" )
el.setAttribute("src", 'data:'+f.contenttype+';base64,' + btoa( text ) )
// specific to cached version
el.setAttribute("target", "")
| = filePrefix+idFromFilename
el.filename = filePrefix+contentFilename
} else {
elFromId.setAttribute("src", contentFilename + "#" // try to force update
5 months ago
3 months ago
const filePrefix = "file_"
function newContent(contentFilename = "", fromLayout = false){
// fromLayout could be generalize to provenance
// calling newContent() is equivalent to try to load the latest file update via SSE
if (contentFilename == "" ) contentFilename = fsChanges
?.filter( e => !$|swx$|tmp$|~$|#$|#$/) )
// TODO problematic for legitimate batch, e.g. set of GLBs from asset packs
// could rely on .layout.json for that, could also convert a 2D map to that format
// most players/viewers would benefit from
// seeking
// e.g. page in book, moment in video, etc
// content extraction
// e.g. cloned (with provenance) page from book, image from video, etc
// fetch needs to work at least one to populate window.cachedFromPacked
// can be actived with e.g. newContent('test.packeddirectory.json') itself generated server side with ./packing_directory_script
// this could also be done periodically or on request from the client with a dedicated backend endpoint
// here it could also test on PDF for generated content...
// how to get that data though...
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.pdf')) {
fetch('/files').then( r => r.json() ).then( files => {
let max = Math.max.apply(Math, files.filter(f => f.startsWith('au.pdf-') ).filter( f => f.endsWith('.jpg') ).map( f => Number ( f.match(/.*\.pdf-(\d+)\.jpg/)[1]) ) )
5 months ago
3 months ago
if (contentFilename) fetch( contentFilename ).then( r => {
let idFromFilename = contentFilename.replaceAll('.','') // has to remove from proper CSS ID
if (!r.ok){
if ( window.cachedFromPacked ){
console.warn('caching available, trying to rely on it instead')
if (window.cachedFromPacked[contentFilename]?.contenttype.includes("image"))
// still not possible due to r.headers being a function rather than "just" data
} else {
if (!fromLayout){
// skip when unpacking from e.g. .layout.json as the files are already there
let rootEl = document.getElementById("virtualdesktopplane")
let el = addIcon( contentFilename, rootEl.children.length+1, rootEl)
// should only add if not already present
if (r.headers.get('Content-Type').includes("audio/wav"))
console.warn( contentFilename,'of type audio/wav, should wait for mp3 conversion instead' )
if (r.headers.get('Content-Type').includes("audio/mpeg"))
r.text().then( text => {
let elFromId = document.getElementById(idFromFilename)
if (!elFromId) {
console.warn( contentFilename,'of type audio/mpeg, using a viewer instead' )
players[contentFilename] = { playerId: contentFilename }
let elControls = addNewNote( "jxr viewerAudioToggle('"+contentFilename+"')", '-0.4 1 -0.4')
| = idFromFilename
elControls.filename = contentFilename
elControls.setAttribute("sound", "src: url("+contentFilename+")")
} else {
elFromId.setAttribute("sound", "src: url("+contentFilename+"#"")") // try to force update, untested
if (r.headers.get('Content-Type').includes("video/mp4"))
r.text().then( text => {
let elFromId = document.getElementById(idFromFilename)
if (!elFromId) {
console.warn( contentFilename,', using a viewer instead' )
players[contentFilename] = { playerId: contentFilename }
let el = document.createElement("a-video")
el.setAttribute("position", "0 1 -.5 " )
el.setAttribute("src", contentFilename)
el.setAttribute("target", "")
| = idFromFilename
el.filename = contentFilename
addNewNote( "jxr viewerVideoToggle('"+contentFilename+"')", '-0.4 1 -0.4')
// does not work... should play on the video element itself, not the AFrame entity unfortunately
// incoherent with audio
} else {
elFromId.setAttribute("src", contentFilename+"#" // try to force update, untested
if (r.headers.get('Content-Type').includes("application/json"))
// should have another type, dedicated, e.g. application/jxr
r.text().then( text => {
let elFromId = document.getElementById(filePrefix+idFromFilename)
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.jxrstyles.json')) {
let json = JSON.parse( text )
console.log( 'jxrstyles', json )
if (json['default']) {
applyJXRStyle( styles['default'] )
} else {
console.warn( 'jxrstyles must include a default theme to be applied')
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.webannotation.json')) {
// from
let json = JSON.parse( text )
console.log( 'webannotation', json )
let targetEl = document.querySelector( )
if ('#') &&'.') )
targetEl = document.getElementById('#','') )
// trying to bypass ID with . in them (actually illegal..., to fix)
if (targetEl){
let pos = targetEl.getAttribute("position")
pos.z -= .2
pos.y += .2
let el = addNewNoteAsPostItNote( json.body.text, pos )
// should add a visual link,
// to rewrite with
// or at least avoiding setAttribute position where there is no new value
// (made sense then when hands are always moving)
// consider if it can be event based, namely update after a element is moving or dropped
} else {
console.warn( 'webannotation target not found', )
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.exported_author.json')) {
let json = JSON.parse( text )
let {x,y,z} =
let el = addNewNoteAsPostItNote( + "\n" + json.description, ""+x/10+ " " +y/20 +" " + (-z) )
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.extractedpdf.json')) {
extractedPDF[contentFilename] = JSON.parse( text )
// example of extracting highlight of
// page 6 in area betweeen
// y 190 and 200
// x 100 and 230
// getting the string " kinematics, optics, and circuits"
// extractedPDF["1729485719.extractedpdf.json"]
// .pages[5].content
// .filter( l => l.y > 190 && l.y < 200 && l.x > 100 && l.x < 230)
// .map( l => l.str).join('')
// related to highlights
// let t = 40
// p = extractedPDF["content.extractedpdf.json"].pages[2]
// hh = * p.pageInfo.height
// hw = * p.pageInfo.width
// p.content.filter( l => l.x > hw-t && l.x < hw+t && l.y > hh-t ).map(l=>l.str).join('')
// note that l has also a width, it's not per character
// example of 2 columns split, often used in research publications
// left = p.content.filter( l => l.x < p.pageInfo.width /2).map(l=>l.str).join('')
// right = p.content.filter( l => l.x > p.pageInfo.width /2).map(l=>l.str).join('')
// sequential = left+right
// could also visually crop away margins, as done in krop
// visually verifying by drawing over the canvas would faciliate interaciton and debugging
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.layout.json')) {
let files = JSON.parse( text )
| f => {
newContent( f.filename, true ) // problematic when the layoug re-uses files, e.g. 3D assets
// can add except with e.g. assets/ within path for now
// cascading conversion might be problematic here, but should work if coherent
// e.g. always saving pose for the final conversion, thus loading it back only for it too
setTimeout( _ => {
let el = document.getElementById( filePrefix+f.filename.replaceAll('.','') )
if (el){ // not all files become entities
| =
if (! = f.filename.replaceAll('.','') // has to remove from proper CSS ID
el.filename = f.filename
if (f.position) el.setAttribute("position", f.position)
if (f.rotation) el.setAttribute("rotation", f.rotation)
if (f.scale) el.setAttribute("scale", f.scale)
} else {
console.warn( f.filename, 'despite having no element should added to toExportContent' )
// arguably having non position/rotation could be a hint
// they might still be represented though, as filename are listed
}, 500) // optimistic depending on the files to load, to verify with e.g. video as fetch() surely delays entity creation
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.packeddirectory.json')) {
// potential enhancement
let files = JSON.parse( text )
window.cachedFromPacked = {}
| f => {
console.log( f.filename, atob(f.content) )
cachedFromPacked[f.filename] = {}
cachedFromPacked[f.filename].content = atob(f.content)
cachedFromPacked[f.filename].contenttype = f.contenttype
// replace fetch() in newContent() by directory providing the data
// used only once so should not be too hard
// few dedicated set of steps to be mindful of :
// checking if available with status (should also be 200 here)
// Content-Type (now available vi packaging script)
// getting text() as promise
// result usable as .e.g JSON.parse( cachedFromPacked['default.layout.json'] )
if (r.headers.get('Content-Type').includes("application/octet-stream"))
// should have another type, dedicated, e.g. application/jxr
r.text().then( text => {
let elFromId = document.getElementById(filePrefix+idFromFilename) // will never watch due to adding multiples
// consider URLs, cf
// could then become jxr to change location and go there
// cf Andrew
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.desktop')) {
//if (contentFilename.endsWith('.url')) { // Windows equivalent, doesn't use Name= but rather Title=
//if (contentFilename.endsWith('.webloc')) { // MacOS equivalent, XML based
let name, url
text.split('\n').map(line => {
if (line.includes("Name"))
name = line.split('=',2)[1]
if (line.includes("URL")){
url = line.split('=',2)[1]
// name could be a JXR annotation
let el = addNewNote( "jxr location='"+url+"'" )
setTimeout( _ => el.object3D.position.y += Math.random(), 200 )
if (name) el.setAttribute("annotation", "content", name)
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.telegramtranscription')) {
text.split(/> .*:\n/g).map( (t,i) => {
let el = addNewNoteAsPostItNote( t, (Math.random()*2-1)+" "+(Math.random()*2+.5)+" -0.5" )
| = filePrefix+idFromFilename+"_"+i
el.filename = filePrefix+contentFilename
el.setAttribute("font-size", .1)
el.setAttribute("max-width", .5)
// el.setAttribute("width", .5) would have to be for children
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.aframe.component')) {
// consider how highlighing via UV intersection here could apply to past work code
// e.g.
// i.e. allowing to potentially select to copy/paste
console.log('aframe component, to live reload. Ideally remove all existing, delete it, replace cleanly', text)
// assumption on component name from contentFilename
let componentName = contentFilename.replace('.aframe.component','')
delete AFRAME.components[componentName]
try { eval( text ) } catch (error) { console.error(`Evaluation failed with ${error}`) }
// could check if the component has been instanciated and thus potential side effects if remove hasn't been properly implemented
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.aframe.entity')) {
console.log('aframe entity, to live reload', text)
let el = document.createElement("a-entity")
el.innerHTML = text
if (r.headers.get('Content-Type').includes("/gzip"))
// does not work
r.text().then( text => {
if (contentFilename.endsWith('.packeddirectory.json.gz')) {
console.log (' detected')
const blob = new Blob([text], { type: 'application/gzip' })
console.log( DecompressBlob(blob) )
async function DecompressBlob(blob) {
const ds = new DecompressionStream("gzip");
const decompressedStream =;
//const decompressedStream =;
//const decompressedStream ='application/gzip').pipeThrough(ds);
return await new Response(decompressedStream).blob();
if (r.headers.get('Content-Type').includes("text"))
r.text().then( text => {
let elFromId = document.getElementById(filePrefix+idFromFilename)
if (idFromFilename=="indexhtml") return
if (!elFromId) {
let el = addNewNoteAsPostItNote( text, "0 "+(Math.random()+1)+" -0.5" )
| = filePrefix+idFromFilename
el.filename = filePrefix+contentFilename
el.setAttribute("target", "")
} else {
elFromId.setAttribute("value", text)
if (r.headers.get('Content-Type').includes("model/gl")) // to catch model/gltf+json or glb
r.text().then( text => {
let elFromId = document.getElementById(filePrefix+idFromFilename)
// exception with e.g. assets/ within path
let forceReuse = false
if (contentFilename.includes('assets/')) forceReuse = true
if (!elFromId || forceReuse) {
let el = document.createElement("a-gltf-model")
el.setAttribute("position", "0 "+(Math.random()+1)+" -0.5" )
el.setAttribute("src", contentFilename)
el.setAttribute("scale", ".1 .1 .1")
el.setAttribute("target", "")
| = filePrefix+idFromFilename
el.filename = filePrefix+contentFilename
} else {
elFromId.setAttribute("src", contentFilename + "#" // try to force update
if (r.headers.get('Content-Type').includes("image"))
r.text().then( text => {
if ( contentFilename.match(/.*\.pdf-(\d+)\.jpg/)){
// this could instead become a player/viewer, thus bringing some interactions to go to previous/next page
// assuming they don't exist yet, made from conversion
let maxPage = Number( contentFilename.match(/.*\.pdf-(\d+)\.jpg/)[1] )
let filenameStart = contentFilename.replace(/\.pdf.*/,'')
const viewerThresholdPages = 5 // 10 at threshold, otherwise should be a viewer
if (maxPage < viewerThresholdPages) for (let i = 0; i<maxPage; i++){
let fullPath = filenameStart+'.pdf-'+i+'.jpg'
let el = document.createElement("a-image")
el.setAttribute("position", "0 "+(Math.random()+1)+" "+(-1.5-i/10) )
el.setAttribute("src", fullPath)
el.setAttribute("target", "")
| = fullPath.replaceAll('.','')
el.filename = fullPath
} else {
console.warn( maxPage, filenameStart,', using a viewer instead' )
// should also hide/delete all previously loaded page, if any
players[filenameStart] = { maxPage : maxPage, currentPage : 0, playerId: filenameStart, ux: [] }
let fullPath = filenameStart+'.pdf-'+0+'.jpg'
let el = document.createElement("a-image")
let numberOfPlayers = Object.values( players ).length
let playerX = numberOfPlayers*1.2-1 // too close but useful to test
el.setAttribute("position", ""+playerX+" 1.1 -.7" )
// position could be based on the number of existing players to avoid overlap
el.setAttribute("src", fullPath)
el.setAttribute("target", "")
| = fullPath.replaceAll('.','')
el.filename = fullPath
// should also add a optional billboarding so that once moved, always readible
players[filenameStart].ux.push( addNewNote( "jxr viewerFullscreen('"+filenameStart+"')", (playerX-0.4)+' 0.8 -0.4') )
players[filenameStart].ux.push( addNewNote( "jxr viewerPrevious('"+filenameStart+"')", (playerX-0.4)+' 1 -0.4') )
players[filenameStart].ux.push( addNewNote( "jxr viewerNext('"+filenameStart+"')", (playerX+0.4)+' 1 -0.4') )
players[filenameStart].ux.push( addNewNote( "jxr cloneCurrentPage('"+filenameStart+"')", (playerX+0.4)+' 1.2 -0.4') )
players[filenameStart].ux.push( addNewNote( "jxr viewerClose('"+filenameStart+"')", (playerX+0.4)+' 1.4 -0.4') )
// ideally would be attached to content too
fetch(filenameStart+'.pdf.images.json').then( r => { if (r.ok) { return r.json() } } ).then( r => {
if (!r) return
// if exists should augment the viewer to display images to the side as targets too
| url => {
let imageEl = document.createElement("a-image")
imageEl.setAttribute("target", "")
imageEl.setAttribute("src", url)
imageEl.setAttribute("opacity", .5)
imageEl.setAttribute("scale", ".2 .2 .2")
if (Math.random()<.5)
// further to the sides
//imageEl.setAttribute("position", "" + x + " "+(Math.random()*1+.5)+" " + (-1.0+Math.random()/10 ) )
imageEl.setAttribute("position", "" + (playerX+x/2) + " "+(Math.random()*1-.5)+" " + (Math.random()/10 ) )
imageEl.filename = fullPath // provenance
// this should instead be parented to the viewer THEN deparented with the absolute position
// if not, having multiple viewers will be problematic
// could be done based how target has been updated to work despite parenting
// actually it mean it should already work as-is
// but it does not... so probably using the wrong JXR version
// teleport branch might have the fix
// indeed didn't merge 5 months ago
fetch(filenameStart+'.pdf.visualmeta.json').then( r => { if (r.ok) { return r.json() } } ).then( r => {
if (!r) return
console.log('visualmeta', r )
el.visualmeta = r
let elAbstract = addNewNoteAsPostItNote( r['visual-meta'].abstract, position=`-0.5 1.1 -0.5`)
setTimeout( _ => elAbstract.setAttribute('troika-text', 'font-size', '0.1' , 100 ) )
// no impact
} else {
let elFromId = document.getElementById(filePrefix+contentFilename)
if (!elFromId) {
let el = document.createElement("a-curvedimage")
el.setAttribute("radius", 1)
el.setAttribute("theta-length", 100)
el.setAttribute("theta-start", -240)
el.setAttribute("position", (Math.random()/2-1)+" "+(Math.random()+1)+" "+(Math.random()/10-1) )
el.setAttribute("rotatin", "0 90 0")
el.setAttribute("src", contentFilename)
el.setAttribute("target", "")
| = filePrefix+idFromFilename
el.filename = filePrefix+contentFilename
} else {
elFromId.setAttribute("src", contentFilename + "#" // try to force update
/* does not work, see builder.html instead
// draw a map with walls, walkable area, trees, etc on desktop using e.g. Inkscape or Gimp
// save over with e.g. .live
if ( contentFilename.match(/.*.2dmap.png/)){
let img = document.createElement('img');
let canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
img.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + btoa( text )
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0 );
let myData = context.getImageData(0, 0, 100, 100)
// should list unsupported content-types
5 months ago
3 months ago
// to export the generated targets
function exportManipulableContent(){
console.log('save as .layout.json file')
// does have any impact, should consider .layout.json parsing instead
return toExportContent
.filter( el => (el.filename != 'default.layout.json') )
.map( el => {
let res = {}
res.filename = el.filename
if ( {
res.position= el.getAttribute("position")
res.rotation= el.getAttribute("rotation")
return res
5 months ago
3 months ago
function saveToCompanion(){
.then(r=>console.log('saved to', r)) // not yet accessible, outside of public directory
function importManipulableContent(){
console.warn('does have any impact, should consider .layout.json parsing instead ( which is based on fetch though )')
<canvas width="100px" height="100px" id="transparent" style="display:none;"></canvas>
<div style="position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; right: 0%; ">
<a download='highlight.png' href=''>download</a>
let canvas = document.getElementById("transparent");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// edited from
AFRAME.registerComponent('draw-on-board', {
init: function () {
// get right hand fingertip, if "beyond" board, add something
// boardEl.setAttribute("position", "0 1.5 -1.2")
this.throttledFunction = AFRAME.utils.throttle(this.draw, 50, this);
this.p = document.querySelector('[pinchprimary]')
this.tip = new THREE.Vector3(); // create once an reuse it
this.lastPoint = null
draw: function () {
let tip = this.tip
this.p.object3D.traverse( e => { if ( == 'index-finger-tip' ) tip = e.position })
if (tip.z) {
let newPos = new THREE.Vector3( tip.x, tip.y, tip.z )
if ( this.lastPoint && this.lastPoint.distanceTo( newPos ) > .01 ){
// cf raycaster version to get UVs, could try to add on index instead
this.lastPoint = newPos
5 months ago
3 months ago
tick: function (t, dt) {
this.throttledFunction(); // Called once a second.
5 months ago
3 months ago
AFRAME.registerComponent('raycaster-listen', {
// could also add the overlay transparent pannel in front rather than manually adding it
init: function () {
// Use events to figure out what raycaster is listening so we don't have to
// hardcode the raycaster.
this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersected', evt => {
this.raycaster = evt.detail.el;
this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersected-cleared', evt => {
this.raycaster = null;
window.highlightToExport = []
tick: function () {
if (!this.raycaster) { return; } // Not intersecting.
let intersection = this.raycaster.components.raycaster.getIntersection(this.el);
if (!intersection) { return; }
window.highlightToExport.push( intersection.uv )
// this could also be a data structure to export after then be applied back on the source of the image (e.g. PDF)
ctx.fillStyle = "#0cc";
let x = intersection.uv.x * 100 // should be also offsetsed by 100- on curved image (?!)
let y = 100-intersection.uv.y * 100
// will probably cause flickering... consider texture.needsUpdate instead or canvas.toDataURL(), might be faster
this.el.setAttribute("src", canvas.toDataURL() )
// from
AFRAME.registerComponent('live-selector-line', {
schema: {
// unfortunately problematic it here due to ID being based on filenames and thus including '.' in their name
// escaping .replaceAll('.','\.') while setting id also does not work
start: {type: 'selector'},
end: {type: 'selector'},
6 months ago
init: function(){
3 months ago
if (! || !{
console.warn('start or end selector on live-selector-line not found')
6 months ago
this.newLine = document.createElement("a-entity")
this.newLine.setAttribute("line", "start: 0, 0, 0; end: 0 0 0.01; color: red")
3 months ago
| = "start_""_end_"
6 months ago
AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild( this.newLine )
3 months ago
this.lastStartPos=new THREE.Vector3()
this.lastEndPos=new THREE.Vector3()
6 months ago
tick: function(){
3 months ago
if (! || !{ return }
let startPos ="position")
let endPos ="position")
if (startPos != this.lastStartPos){
this.newLine.setAttribute("line", "start", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( startPos) )
this.lastStartPos = startPos.clone()
if (endPos != this.lastEndPos){
this.newLine.setAttribute("line", "end", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( endPos ) )
this.lastEndPos = endPos.clone()
6 months ago
6 months ago
3 months ago
function applyJXRStyle(userStyle){
| style => {
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll(style.selector) ).map( el => el.setAttribute(style.attribute, style.value))
6 months ago
3 months ago
setTimeout( _ => {
// color scheme testing, unfortunately can't do CSS "proper"
// generalizing selector/attribute pairs though
// could be a user provided JSON, ideally CSS though as that's more common
const styles = {
light : [
{selector:'#start_file_sloan_testtxt_end_file_hello_worldtxt', attribute:'line', value: 'color:blue'},
{selector:'a-sky', attribute:'color', value: 'gray'},
{selector:'.notes', attribute:'color', value: 'black'},
{selector:'.notes', attribute:'outline-color', value: 'white'},
{selector:'a-troika-text a-plane', attribute:'color', value: 'red'},
{selector:'a-troika-text a-triangle', attribute:'color', value: 'darkred'}
print : [
{selector:'#start_file_sloan_testtxt_end_file_hello_worldtxt', attribute:'line', value: 'color:brown'},
{selector:'a-sky', attribute:'color', value: '#EEE'},
{selector:'.notes', attribute:'color', value: 'black'},
{selector:'.notes', attribute:'outline-color', value: 'white'},
{selector:'a-troika-text a-plane', attribute:'color', value: 'lightyellow'},
{selector:'a-troika-text a-triangle', attribute:'color', value: 'orange'}
2 years ago
3 months ago
setTimeout( _ => {
AFRAME.scenes[0].setAttribute('live-selector-line', 'start:#file_sloan_testtxt;end:#file_hello_worldtxt')
} , 500 )
setTimeout( _ => { applyJXRStyle( styles['print'] ) } , 1000 )
// delayed enough time for the new element, here line between 2 notes, to get created
2 years ago
3 months ago
11 months ago
3 months ago
/* disable for now, works
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('[target]') ).map( el => {
el.setAttribute('raycaster-targets', 'true')
el.classList.add( 'collidable')
// testing raycaster on controller, to check a bit more, if working could also be used on index finger tip or pen
// newContent('au.pdf-11.jpg')
// newContent('other.pdf-11.jpg')
//document.getElementById("virtualdesktopplane").getAttribute("position").y += .4
//document.getElementById("virtualdesktopplane").getAttribute("position").z += .2
// should only be for desktop testing (can bring back down on entering XR)
// setInterval( _ => viewerFullscreen(''), 2000)
}, 500)
// trying to find a convenient way to be responsive with controllers to interact, not just hand tracking
AFRAME.registerComponent('raycaster-targets', {
init: function () {
// Use events to figure out what raycaster is listening so we don't have to hardcode the raycaster.
this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersected', evt => { this.raycaster = evt.detail.el; });
this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersected-cleared', evt => { this.raycaster = null; });
5 months ago
3 months ago
tick: function () {
if (!this.raycaster) { return; } // Not intersecting.
6 months ago
3 months ago
let intersection = this.raycaster.components.raycaster.getIntersection(this.el);
if (!intersection) { return; }
this.el.setAttribute( "color", "red" )
12 months ago
3 months ago
<a-scene gridplace canonical-view list-files DISABLEDbook-page-from-plane="au.pdf-0.jpg"
xr-mode-ui="enabled: true; enterAREnabled: true; XRMode: xr;">
4 months ago
3 months ago
<a-entity id="rig">
<a-entity id="player"
hud camera look-controls wasd-controls waistattach="target: .movebypinch" position="0 1.6 0">
<a-entity position="0 0 0" raycaster="objects: .clickable; showLine: true; far: 10; lineColor: red; lineOpacity: 0.5"></a-entity>
<a-entity laser-controls="hand: left" raycaster="objects: .collidable; far: .5"></a-entity>
<a-entity oculus-touch-controls="hand: right"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="rightHand" pinchprimary hand-tracking-controls="hand: right;"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="leftHand" pinchsecondary wristattachsecondary="target: #box" hand-tracking-controls="hand: left;"></a-entity>
5 months ago
3 months ago
<a-box pressable="" start-on-press="" id="box" scale="0.05 0.05 0.05" color="pink" material="" geometry=""></a-box>
5 months ago
3 months ago
<a-troika-text value="SpaSca : Spatial Scaffolding" anchor="left" outline-width="5%" font="" position="-5.26197 6.54224 -1.81284"
scale="4 4 5" rotation="90 0 0" troika-text="outlineWidth: 0.01; strokeColor: #ffffff" material="flatShading: true; blending: additive; emissive: #c061cb"></a-troika-text>
<a-sky hide-on-enter-ar color="black"></a-sky>
<a-entity hide-on-enter-ar="" id="environmentsky" class="hidableenvironment" ></a-entity>
<a-troika-text anchor="left" target value="instructions : \n--right pinch to move\n--left pinch to execute" position="0 0.65 -0.2" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
5 months ago
3 months ago
<a-troika-text anchor=left target id="newContent('')" value="jxr newContent('')" position="0 1.10 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
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5 months ago
2 years ago
3 months ago
2 years ago