SpaSca : open SCAffolding to SPAcially and textualy explore interfaces
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2 years ago
<title>SpaSca : Spatial Scaffolding</title>
2 years ago
<!-- Suggestions? -->
<script src='dependencies/aframe.offline.min.js'></script>
<script src="dependencies/a-console.js"></script>
<script src='dependencies/aframe-troika-text.min.js'></script>
<script src='dependencies/webdav.js'></script>
<script src='jxr-core.js?1234'></script>
<script src='jxr-postitnote.js?13235'></script>
2 years ago
AFRAME.registerComponent('realm', {
// beyond the visual and self-editable aspect of generalizing it and make it, hopefully, safe.
AFRAME.registerComponent('scaffolding', {
init: function(){
// should become editable then saved back/replaced (or cloned)
// could do a test with switching to wireframe or grey color
// BT keyboard does get focus on Vision Pro too
// enter key does not seem to work though
// it does work on desktop tso should console.log() what keypresses are actually received
// Meta+Enter does work though! (on Corne-ish Zen it's Linux key with Enter)
// still prepare jxr regexes
// e.g el = document.querySelector("[scaffolding]")l el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replaceAll("<a-cylinder", "<a-cylinder wireframe=true")
// block based too
// responsive pedagogical way, as discuss with Adam particularly, metaphor of the electrician and consecutive pannels with limited access
// put this.el.innerHTML on a plane, e.g 1x1 black plane at back of current scaffolding
// arrow keys (on physical keyboard) move through that, initially changing color or current char
// use a font that faciliates positionning
// as done before, make the carret, e.g | directly in the content text itself
// on save (ESC? to define and test), remove carret then save back to this.el.innerHTML
let page = "Wiki.VirtualRealityInterface";
let pageFromParam = AFRAME.utils.getUrlParameter('page')
if (pageFromParam) page = pageFromParam
setTimeout( _ => {
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("[value='"+page+"']") ).map( n =>
n.setAttribute("onreleased", "console.log('dropped, should toggle display children,""')"));
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("[value='"+page+"']>a-sphere") ).map( n => n.setAttribute("color", "purple"))
}, 5000)
<div style='position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; left: 0%; border-bottom: 70px solid transparent; border-left: 70px solid #eee; '>
<a href="">
<img style='position:fixed;left:10px;' title='code repository' src='gitea_logo.svg'>
<a-scene startfunctions onemptypinch="onHoveredTeleport()">
9 months ago
<a-gltf-model hide-on-enter-ar="" id="environment" src="../content/CubeRoom.glb" rotation="0 -90 0" position="0 0 1" scale="" ></a-gltf-model>
<!-- Cube Room by Anonymous [CC-BY] via Poly Pizza -->
1 year ago
<a-entity id="rig">
<a-entity id="player" networked="template:#avatar-template;attachTemplateToLocal:false;"
9 months ago
hud camera look-controls wasd-controls position="0 1.6 0">
<a-entity cursor position="0 0 -1"
geometry="primitive: ring; radiusInner: 0.005; radiusOuter: 0.01"
material="color: black; shader: flat; opacity:.05;"
1 year ago
1 year ago
<a-entity id="rightHand" pinchprimary hand-tracking-controls="hand: right;"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="leftHand" pinchsecondary wristattachsecondary="target: #box" hand-tracking-controls="hand: left;"></a-entity>
<a-console position="2 2 0" rotation="0 -45 0" font-size="34" height=1 skip-intro=true></a-console>
1 year ago
<a-box pressable start-on-press id="box" scale="0.05 0.05 0.05" color="pink"></a-box>
9 months ago
<a-troika-text value="SpaSca : Spatial Scaffolding" anchor="left" outline-width="5%" font="../content/ChakraPetch-Regular.ttf" position="-3 5 -2"
scale="3 3 3" rotation="80 0 0" troika-text="outlineWidth: 0.01; strokeColor: #ffffff" material="flatShading: true; blending: additive; emissive: #c061cb"></a-troika-text>
<a-sky hide-on-enter-ar color="lightgray"></a-sky>
2 years ago
<a-troika-text anchor=left target value="instructions : \n--right pinch to move\n--left pinch to execute" position="0 0.65 -0.2" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-troika-text anchor=left value="jxr location.reload()" target position=" -0.3 1.30 0" rotation="0 40 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-troika-text anchor=left value="jxr makeAnchorsVisibleOnTargets()" target position=" -0.3 1.20 0" rotation="0 40 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"></a-troika-text>
<a-box realm width=10 height=6 depth=10 wireframe="true" position="10 3 1"><a-troika-text scale="10 10 10" value="realm West"></a-troika-text></a-box>
<a-box realm width=10 height=6 depth=10 wireframe="true" position="-10 3 1"><a-troika-text scale="10 10 10" value="realm East"></a-troika-text></a-box>
<a-box realm width=10 height=6 depth=10 wireframe="true" position="0 3 11"><a-troika-text scale="10 10 10" value="realm North"></a-troika-text></a-box>
<a-box realm width=10 height=6 depth=10 wireframe="true" position="0 3 -11"><a-troika-text scale="10 10 10" value="realm South"></a-troika-text></a-box>
2 years ago
2 years ago