// could be an array proper completed on each relevant component registration
var heightAdjustableClasses = ["commands-from-external-json"]
// could add a dedicated MakeyMakey mode with a fixed camera, e.g bird eye view, and an action based on some physical input that others, thanks to NAF, could see or even use.
// ?inputmode=makeymakey
@ -1355,13 +1356,26 @@ function toggleVisibilityEntitiesFromClass(classname){
entities.map( e => e.setAttribute("visible", "true"))
function pushBackClass(classname){
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("."+classname) ).map( e => e.object3D.position.z -= .1 )
function pushUpClass(classname, value=.1){
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("."+classname) ).map( e => e.object3D.position.y += value)
function pushDownClass(classname, value=.1){
// can be used for accessibiliy, either directly or sampling e.g 10s after entering VR to lower based on the estimated user height
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("."+classname) ).map( e => e.object3D.position.y -= value)
function pushBackClass(classname, value=.1){
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("."+classname) ).map( e => e.object3D.position.z -= value)
function pushFrontClass(classname, value=.1){
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("."+classname) ).map( e => e.object3D.position.z += value)
function toggleVisibilityAllGenerators(){
generators.split(" ").map( g => toggleVisibilityEntitiesFromClass(g) )
// note hidableassets though
// not hidableassets though
function toggleVisibilityAll(){
@ -1374,6 +1388,24 @@ function toggleVisibilityAllButClass(classname){