@ -2498,37 +2498,57 @@ function makeAnchorsVisibleOnTargets(){ |
}) // could provide a proxy to be able to monitor efficiently |
} |
function startMesher(){ |
let meshPoints = [] |
let meshEl = document.createElement("a-entity") |
AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild( meshEl ) |
let el = document.querySelector('[pinchprimary]') |
el.addEventListener('pinchended', function end(event) { |
if (selectedElement) return |
let currentPos = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( event.detail.position) |
let controlSphere = document.createElement("a-sphere") |
controlSphere.class = "meshvertex" |
controlSphere.setAttribute("radius", 0.01) |
controlSphere.setAttribute("color", "green") |
controlSphere.setAttribute("wireframe", "true") |
controlSphere.setAttribute("segments-width", 8) |
controlSphere.setAttribute("segments-height", 8) |
controlSphere.setAttribute("position", currentPos) |
meshEl.appendChild( controlSphere ) |
meshPoints.push(controlSphere) |
if (meshPoints.length>1){ |
let previousPos = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( |
meshPoints[meshPoints.length-2].getAttribute("position") ) |
meshEl.setAttribute("line__l"+meshPoints.length, |
`start: ${previousPos}; end : ${currentPos}; opacity: 1; color:white;`) |
if (meshPoints.length>2){ |
let ranked = meshPoints |
.slice(0,-1) |
.map( t => { return { el: t, dist : event.detail.position.distanceTo(t.getAttribute("position") ) } }) |
.sort( (a,b) => a.dist - b.dist) |
let triangle = document.createElement("a-triangle") |
triangle.setAttribute("vertex-a", currentPos) |
triangle.setAttribute("vertex-b", |
AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( ranked[0].el.getAttribute("position") )) |
triangle.setAttribute("vertex-c", |
AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( ranked[1].el.getAttribute("position") )) |
triangle.setAttribute("material", "side:double") |
meshEl.appendChild( triangle ) |
} |
} |
}) |
} |
// used for testing |
AFRAME.registerComponent('startfunctions', { |
init: function () { |
startExperience() |
doublePinchToScale() |
emptyPinchToMove() |
makeAnchorsVisibleOnTargets() |
addNewNote("hello world", "0 1 -.5") |
setTimeout( _ => |
applyToClass("notes", (el, val ) => { |
console.log(el.object3D.children[0]) |
// consider https://threejs.org/docs/?q=.BoundingBoxHelper#api/en/math/Box3 |
const box = new THREE.BoxHelper( el.object3D.children[0], 0xffff00 ); |
bbox=el.object3D.children[0].geometry.boundingBox |
p = document.createElement("a-plane") |
p.setAttribute("rotation", "90 0 0") |
p.setAttribute("width", bbox.max.x-bbox.min.x) |
p.setAttribute("height", bbox.max.y-bbox.min.y) |
el.appendChild(p) |
return |
const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( el.object3D.children[0].geometry.parameters.width*1.1, |
el.object3D.children[0].geometry.parameters.height*1.1 ); |
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: 0xffffff, side: THREE.DoubleSide} ); |
const plane = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); |
plane.position.z = -.1 |
el.object3D.add( plane ); |
}, "") |
) |
//startExperience() |
//doublePinchToScale() |
//emptyPinchToMove() |
//makeAnchorsVisibleOnTargets() |
startMesher() |
} |
}) |