@ -2201,21 +2201,7 @@ function highlight(code = `console.log("Here is your code."); var x = 5;`, langu |
return colorRange |
} |
document.body.addEventListener( "highlighterready", (e) => { |
//fetch("colorme.js").then(r=>r.text()).then( page => { addCodeEditor( page ) }) |
fetch( 'colorme.js').then(r=>r.text()).then( src => { |
let parts = 5 // can't handle odd splits... |
let pl = src.length/parts |
for (let n=0; n<parts; n++ ){ |
addCodeEditor( src.slice(n*pl,(n+1)*pl), 'javascript', '-0.22 '+(2-n/10)+' -.4' ) |
} |
}) |
}, false); |
function startExperience(){ |
//addCodeEditor(" \n\nqwe qwe qwe qwe qwe qwe qwe qweqweqwe\n\n\na", "") |
//addCodeEditor() |
//fetch("https://fabien.benetou.fr/Tools/Docker?action=source").then(r=>r.text()).then( page => { addCodeEditor( page, "" ) }) |
//if (AFRAME.utils.device.checkHeadsetConnected()) AFRAME.scenes[0].enterVR(); |
//document.querySelector("#snapping-sound").components.sound.playSound(); |
@ -2521,7 +2507,7 @@ function addGuttersToTroikaElement( codeEditor ){ |
function getNumberOfLinesFromCodeEditor(codeEditor){ |
let newLines = codeEditor.page.match(/\n/g) |
if (!newLines) return 1 // undefined or 0 |
return newLines.length |
return newLines.length+1 |
} |
// add jxr command on top of the editor e.g "jxr focusCodeEditor()" which would replace keyboard input |
@ -2619,6 +2605,17 @@ function addCodeEditor(page="jxr console.log('hello world')", language="javascri |
return codeEditor |
} |
function addCodeMultipleEditors(parts, src, language, name='splitededitor'){ |
let editorParts = [] |
let pl = src.length/parts |
for (let n=0; n<parts; n++ ){ |
editorParts.push( |
addCodeEditor( src.slice(n*pl,(n+1)*pl), language, '-0.22 '+(2-n/10)+' -.4', name+'_part'+n ) |
) |
} |
return editorParts |
} |
// should reconsider the behavior as the content could still be the same but what is displayed changed |
function splitEditorHorizontally( codeEditor ){ |
let p1, p2 |
@ -2636,6 +2633,7 @@ function splitEditorHorizontally( codeEditor ){ |
//pos2.x+=1 |
pos1.y-=.1 |
pos2.y+=.1 |
// could also be set based on controllers/hands positions at the end of a stretch/pull gesture |
let ce1 = addCodeEditor( p1, codeEditor.language, AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( pos1 ), "codeditorsplit" ) |
let ce2 = addCodeEditor( p2, codeEditor.language, AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( pos2 ), "codeditorsplit" ) |
//codeEditor.language, codeEditor.element.getAttribute("position"), "codeditorsplit" ) |
@ -3084,13 +3082,16 @@ function tiltId(id, value){ |
// used for testing |
AFRAME.registerComponent('startfunctions', { |
init: function () { |
fetch( 'https://webdav.benetou.fr/fot-demo-day/mobydick-extract.txt').then(r=>r.text()).then( src => { |
let parts = 4 // can't handle odd splits... |
let pl = src.length/parts |
for (let n=0; n<parts; n++ ){ |
addCodeEditor( src.slice(n*pl,(n+1)*pl), '', '0.22 '+(2-n/10)+' -.3' ) |
} |
if (false) fetch( 'https://webdav.benetou.fr/fot-demo-day/mobydick-extract.txt').then(r=>r.text()).then( src => { |
addCodeMultipleEditors(2, src, '', name='splitreader') |
}) |
document.body.addEventListener( "highlighterready", (e) => { |
//fetch("colorme.js").then(r=>r.text()).then( page => { addCodeEditor( page ) }) |
fetch( 'colorme.js').then(r=>r.text()).then( src => { |
addCodeMultipleEditors(40, src, 'javascript', name='splitededitor') |
}) |
}, false); |
// should become a component instead |
//startExperience() |
//doublePinchToScale() |