@ -2565,6 +2565,8 @@ function addCodeEditor(page="jxr console.log('hello world')", language="javascri |
content=codeEditor.page.split("\n").slice(codeEditor.line,codeEditor.line+codeEditor.lengthWindowRange).join("\n"); |
codeEditor.currentlyDisplayedText=content |
if (document.getElementById(name)) name += Date.now() |
// shouldn't exist prior |
if (!codeEditor.element) codeEditor.element = addNewNote(content, position, "0.1 0.1 0.1", name, "tool") |
codeEditor.element.classList.add('reader') |
codeEditor.element.setAttribute("troika-text", {value: content}) |
@ -2983,6 +2985,8 @@ function makeAnchorsVisibleOnTargets(){ |
controlSphere.setAttribute("radius", 0.05) |
controlSphere.setAttribute("color", "blue") |
controlSphere.setAttribute("wireframe", "true") |
controlSphere.setAttribute("segments-width", 8) |
controlSphere.setAttribute("segments-height", 8) |
t.appendChild( controlSphere ) |
}) // could provide a proxy to be able to monitor efficiently |
} |
@ -3135,51 +3139,112 @@ function addConnectorsToCodeEditor( codeEditor, input=true, output=true){ |
if (input){ |
el.setAttribute("line__input", `start: 0 0 0; end : -1 1 0; opacity: 1;`) |
el.setAttribute("line__input__end", `start: -1 1 0; end : -2 1 0; opacity: 1;`) |
// order matters for getConnectorsFromEditor, the very tip MUST be the end point |
} |
if (output){ |
el.setAttribute("line__output", `start: ${w} ${-h} 0; end : ${w+1} ${-h-1} 0; opacity: 1;`) |
el.setAttribute("line__output__end", `start: ${w+1} ${-h-1} 0; end : ${w+2} ${-h-1} 0; opacity: 1;`) |
// order matters for getConnectorsFromEditor, the very tip MUST be the end point |
} |
}) |
}) |
return el |
} |
function checkConnectors( a, b ){ |
function connectionsBetweenEditors( a, b ){ |
const connectionThreshold = 1 // to adjust after tries in VR, should probably be much shorter |
const far = 999 |
let i1 = new THREE.Vector3(far,far,far) |
let i2 = new THREE.Vector3(far,far,far) |
let o1 = new THREE.Vector3(far,far,far) |
let o2 = new THREE.Vector3(far,far,far) |
a.element.getObject3D('line__input')?.getWorldPosition(i1) |
b.element.getObject3D('line__input')?.getWorldPosition(i2) |
a.element.getObject3D('line__output__end')?.getWorldPosition(o1) |
b.element.getObject3D('line__output__end')?.getWorldPosition(o2) |
let ca = getConnectorsFromEditor( a ) |
let cb = getConnectorsFromEditor( b ) |
let links = [] |
if ( i2.distanceTo(o1) < connectionThreshold ){ |
if ( ca.input && cb.output && ca.input.distanceTo(cb.output) < connectionThreshold ){ |
links.push({source:a, target:b}) |
} |
if ( i1.distanceTo(o2) < connectionThreshold ){ |
if ( cb.input && ca.output && cb.input.distanceTo(ca.output) < connectionThreshold ){ |
links.push({source:b, target:a}) |
} |
return links |
} |
function getConnectorsFromEditor( codeEditor ){ |
const pos = new THREE.Vector3() |
const scale = new THREE.Vector3() |
const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion() |
codeEditor.element.object3D.getWorldPosition(pos) |
codeEditor.element.object3D.getWorldScale(scale) |
codeEditor.element.object3D.getWorldQuaternion(quaternion) |
let connectors = {source: codeEditor} |
let res = ['input', 'output'].map( ctype => { // we might get different types of inputs or outputs later |
let i = codeEditor.element.getObject3D('line__'+ctype+'__end') |
if (i){ |
let tip = new THREE.Vector3( ...i.geometry.attributes.position.array.slice(3)) // end point |
tip.applyQuaternion( quaternion ) |
tip.multiply(scale) |
tip.add(pos) |
connectors[ctype] = tip |
//visualDebugSphere(tip) |
} |
}) |
return connectors |
} |
function generateGraphFromEditors( editors ){ |
let inputs = editors.map( e => getConnectorsFromEditor(e) ).filter( c => c.input ) |
let outputs = editors.map( e => getConnectorsFromEditor(e) ).filter( c => c.output ) |
let connections = [] |
// check distances between all inputs with outputs which are not from the same source |
outputs.map( o => { |
inputs.map( i => { |
if (i.source != o.source && i.input.distanceTo( o.output ) < .2 ) |
connections.push( { source: o.source, target: i.source }) |
}) |
}) |
let graph = {} |
editors.map( (e) => { |
graph[e.element.id] = {} |
let g = graph[e.element.id] |
g.editor = e |
g.predecessors = [] |
g.successors = [] |
connections.map( c => { |
if (c.target == e) g.predecessors.push(c.source) |
if (c.source == e) g.successors.push(c.target) |
}) |
}) |
return graph |
} |
function visualDebugSphere( pos ){ |
let controlSphere = document.createElement("a-sphere") |
controlSphere.setAttribute("radius", 0.01) |
controlSphere.setAttribute("color", "blue") |
controlSphere.setAttribute("wireframe", "true") |
controlSphere.setAttribute("segments-width", 8) |
controlSphere.setAttribute("segments-height", 8) |
controlSphere.classList.add('visualdebug') |
controlSphere.setAttribute("position", AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( pos ) ) |
AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild( controlSphere ) |
return controlSphere |
} |
// used for testing |
AFRAME.registerComponent('startfunctions', { |
init: function () { |
document.body.addEventListener( "highlighterready", (e) => { |
let ed1 = addCodeEditor( 'function NodalTestSquare(x){ return x*x}', 'javascript', '-.3 2.2 -.8') |
let ed1 = addCodeEditor( 'function NodalTestSquare(x){ return x*x}', 'javascript', '-.3 2.2 -2.8') |
addConnectorsToCodeEditor( ed1 ) |
// testing multiline |
let ed2 = addCodeEditor( `function NodalPrintToJXR(x){ |
addNewNote(x) |
}`, 'javascript', '.4 1.9 -.8') |
addConnectorsToCodeEditor( ed2, true, false ) |
let ed3 = addCodeEditor( 'function NodalTestRandom(){ return Math.random()}', 'javascript', '-.8 2.5 -.8') |
let ed3 = addCodeEditor( 'function NodalTestRandom(){ return Math.random()}', 'javascript', '-1.1 2.5 -.8') |
addConnectorsToCodeEditor( ed3, false, true) |
setTimeout( _ => console.log( checkConnectors( editors[0], editors[2] ) ), 1000 ) |
setTimeout( _ => { |
console.clear() |
//console.log( connectionsBetweenEditors( editors[0], editors[2] ) ) |
console.log( generateGraphFromEditors(editors) ) |
// should look for predecessors and lack of |
} , 1000 ) |
// should be done after each codeEditors gets connectors added then on editor moves |
}, false); |
//startExperience() |