@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
<!-- still experimenting, see webdav.html -->
< script src = 'dependencies/webdav.js' > < / script >
< script src = 'jxr.js?12345' > < / script >
< script src = 'jxr.js?123456' > < / script >
<!-- replacing with local copies as CDNs are like unpkg tend to be slow
< script type = "module" src = "https://unpkg.com/immers-client/dist/destination.bundle.js" > < / script >
< script src = "https://aframe.io/releases/1.3.0/aframe.min.js" > < / script >
@ -58,204 +57,92 @@
function loadFile(element){
const file = element.files[0]
const reader = new FileReader();
let gltfEl = document.createElement('a-gltf-model')
gltfEl.setAttribute('position', '0 1 -1')
reader.addEventListener( "load", () => {
gltfEl.addEventListener("model-loaded", e => inspectModel(gltfEl.object3D) )
// never seems to fire
gltfEl.setAttribute('src', reader.result)
gltfEl.setAttribute('animation-mixer', "")
setTimeout( _ => {
console.log( inspectModel(gltfEl.object3D) )
}, 1000)
}, false,);
if (file) {
reader.readAsDataURL (file);
function inspectModel(selectedModel){
let animations=[];
let foundBones=[];
let skinnedMeshes=[];
let morphTargets=[];
selectedModel.traverse( t => {
if (t.animations?.length) animations.push(t)
if (t.type == "Bone") foundBones.push(t)
if (t.type == "SkinnedMesh") skinnedMeshes.push(t)
if (t.morphTargetInfluences) morphTargets.push(t) // modelInspected.morphTargets.map(mt => mt.morphTargetInfluences.fill(0))
return {animations:animations, bones:foundBones, skinnedMeshes: skinnedMeshes, morphTargets:morphTargets}
function manualAnimate(selector="#biggu"){
inspectModel( document.querySelector(selector).object3D ).animations[0].animations.map( (a,n) =>
addNewNote('jxr document.querySelector('+selector+').setAttribute("animation-mixer", "clip:'+a.name+';loop:once")', '-1 '+(n/10+1)+' -1')
let sessionId = self.crypto.randomUUID()
const libraryURL = 'https://webdav.benetou.fr/fotsave/ExportedItems-FromZoteroAsCSLJSON.json'
AFRAME.registerComponent('getcsljson', {
schema: {
url: {type: 'string', default: libraryURL },
init: function(){
let generatorName = this.attrName
fetch(this.data.url).then(res => res.json() ).then(res => { notesFromArray(res, generatorName, "title", 2, -1/10) })
//fetch(this.data.url).then(res => res.json() ).then(res => { notesFromArray(res, generatorName) })
// could use citeproc instead
// see also https://citation.js.org
// see https://biggu-backend-collab.glitch.me/ to insure steps are done correctly
function shareLiveEvent(eventName, eventData, server='https://biggu-backend-collab.glitch.me/'){
if (!eventName) return
let data = { eventName, sessionId }
if (eventData) data.eventData = eventData
let playername = AFRAME.utils.getUrlParameter('playername')
if (playername) data.playername = playername
// should then become a container hosted on benetou.fr
function saveTargets(server='https://biggu-backend-collab.glitch.me/'){
// might try to generate a hash as ID, should be reproducible though
let data = []
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("[target]") )
.filter( el => el.id != '')
.map( el => {
// limited to location/position for now as that's only what target does modify
if( hasBeenManipulated(el.getAttribute('position')) || hasBeenManipulated(el.getAttribute('rotation')) )
data.push({id:el.id, position:el.getAttribute('position'), rotation:el.getAttribute('rotation')})
function notesFromArray(data, generatorName="", field="title", offset=1, ratio=1/10, depth=-.5 ){
data.slice(0,maxItemsFromSources).map( (n,i) => {
addNewNote( n[field], "0 "+(offset+i*ratio)+" "+depth, ".1 .1 .1", null, generatorName )
.setAttribute("onreleased","spreadItemsFromCollection('getcsljson', 1.5)")
if (data.length > 0) fetch(server+'/save?data='+JSON.stringify(data))
return data
function animateThenIdle(mainCharacter, animationName, timeScale='1'){
mainCharacter.setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:"+animationName+";loop:once; timeScale:"+timeScale)
mainCharacter.addEventListener('animation-finished', _ => {
mainCharacter.setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:bigguaction_idle; loop:true;")
function getDataToSaveBack(){
let dataToSave = []
let unsorted = []
fetch(libraryURL).then(res => res.json() ).then(res => {
// assume unique title always present
unsorted.push( {data: res.filter(citation=>citation.title==i.getAttribute('value'))[0],
position: i.getAttribute('position')
dataToSave = unsorted.sort((a,b)=>b.position.y-a.position.y)
.map(i=> { if (!i.data.note) { i.data.note = JSON.stringify(i.position) } else {i.data.note += '\n' + JSON.stringify(i.position) } ; return i.data } )
// this is also where piggy-backing on CSL-JSON could be tested, e.g spatial position (or stringifoied pose) field added
// could consider appending to the .note field instead
// .position does get saved, and does not prevent to be loaded from Zotero, but does get lost after when exported again
// cf https://citeproc-js.readthedocs.io/en/latest/csl-json/markup.html#cheater-syntax-for-odd-fields
// could return the animation duration or an event when done
function checkExerciseCompletion(targetNumber=2){
console.log('checkExerciseCompletion', targetNumber)
// does not seem to happen...
// does ondrop work still?
const instructions = document.querySelector("#instructions>a-troika-text")
let counter = 0
const mainCharacter = document.getElementById("biggu")
mainCharacter.addEventListener("animation-finished", _ => console.log('anim done'))
Array.from( document.querySelector("#fishes").children ).map( f => {
if (f.object3D.position.distanceTo( document.querySelector('#plate').object3D.position ) < .3 ) counter + + } )
if (counter == targetNumber) {
animateThenIdle(mainCharacter, 'bigguaction_win')
} else {
instructions.emit('failed', {counter:counter})
shareLiveEvent('failed', {counter:counter})
animateThenIdle(mainCharacter, 'bigguaction_yes')
// anims = [ "bigguaction_no", "Bigguaction_pl", "bigguaction_pr", "bigguaction_talk", "bigguaction_win", "bigguaction_win", "bigguaction_yes" ]
//function bumpItemUp(id, generatorName){
function bumpItemUp(id, generatorName){
if (!id || !generatorName) return
// could use annotation symbols with jxr
// sets x and z to 0 though
// requires to exist for each list item
// could bump on y by ratio*1.1
document.getElementById(id).object3D.position.y += 1/10*1.1
// assuming here they are already aligned, which is there case if they have onreleased already set with spreadItemsFromCollection()
spreadItemsFromCollection(generatorName, 1.5)
// much too complex
AFRAME.registerComponent('exercise', {
schema: {
instructions: {type: 'string'},
win: {type: 'string'},
failed: {type: 'string'},
next: {type: 'selector'},
first: {type: 'boolean', default: false},
init: function(){
const mainCharacter = document.getElementById("biggu")
mainCharacter.setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:bigguaction_idle; loop:true;")
const emittedExerciseId = this.el.id
const instructions = document.querySelector("#instructions>a-troika-text")
if (!this.data.first)
this.el.setAttribute('position', '0 0 9999')
instructions.setAttribute("value", this.data.instructions )
instructions.addEventListener('win', _ => {
instructions.setAttribute("value", this.data.win )
// use whatever last exercise set, not correct
// should setTimeout or let the player actively move on
this.el.setAttribute('position', '0 0 9999')
// must filter on id, making sure it's emited by matching excercise
if (this.data.next) {
console.log( this.data.next )
console.log( this.data.next.id )
this.data.next.setAttribute('position', '0 0 0')
instructions.addEventListener('failed', ev => {
instructions.setAttribute("value", this.data.failed )
console.log(emittedExerciseId, this.id)
// should be replaced by drawings or even scaled down models with "5" and arrow or hand model
function spreadItemsFromCollection( generatorName, offset=1, ratio=1/10, depth=-.5 ){
getArrayFromClass(generatorName).sort((a,b)=>a.getAttribute('position').y-b.getAttribute('position').y).map( (n,i) => {
n.setAttribute('position', "0 "+(offset+i*ratio)+" "+depth)
n.setAttribute('rotation', "0 0 0") // could also be based on the average of all items, the first item, last one, etc
// see also snap-on-pinchended component
// for more complete supervision consider remote scrcpy
AFRAME.registerComponent('start-with-supervision', {
init: function(){
const server='https://biggu-backend-collab.glitch.me'
// CORS enabled needed
const source = new EventSource(server+'/events');
source.addEventListener('message', message => {
console.log('Got', message);
let json = JSON.parse(message.data)
if (json & & json.eventName == 'start-with-supervision') startExercise()
function startExercise(){
const maxFishes = 5
for (let i=0;i< maxFishes ; i + + ) {
let gltfEl = document.createElement('a-gltf-model')
// setOnDropFromAttribute()
// might be problematic due to timing somehow...
gltfEl.setAttribute("scale",".001 .001 .001")
let x = Math.random()*1-1
let y = Math.random()*1-.5
let z = Math.random()*1-1
gltfEl.setAttribute("position",`${x} ${y} ${z}`)
//console.log("position",`${x} ${y} ${z}`)
} // might want to appear from the start
setTimeout( _ => setOnDropFromAttribute(), 500)
// audio does not match asset, should be a white bowl, not black
document.getElementById("exerciseA").setAttribute("visible", false)
// hide everything until this is done, otherwise overwhelming
const mainCharacter = document.getElementById("biggu")
// works in XR on headset, not on desktop (needs user action)
animateThenIdle(mainCharacter, 'bigguaction_talk', .5)
// should focus on learning pinch (thumb and index) before doing the exercise itself
document.getElementById("exerciseA").setAttribute("visible", true)
animateThenIdle(mainCharacter, 'bigguaction_talk', .5)
AFRAME.registerComponent('warmup', {
init: function(){
// data could come from parsing back order from getArrayFromClass('getcsljson').map(i=>i.getAttribute('position').y)
// cf https://gist.github.com/Utopiah/26bae9fecc7a921f8bfd38cf5fc91612#file-logo_vr_hubs-js-L44
// yet still needs the actual data itself and adding a comment field for position if to be used back here rather than e.g Zotero
function writecsljsonback(data){
const webdavurl = "https://webdav.benetou.fr";
const client = window.WebDAV.createClient(webdavurl)
async function w(path, data){ return await client.putFileContents(path, data); }
w("/fotsave/ExportedItems-FromZoteroAsCSLJSON.json", data )
setFeedbackHUD( "file saved" )
< / script >
< input style = 'position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; left: 20%; display:none'
type="file" name="file-input" accept=".gltf, .glb" id="file-input" onchange="loadFile(this)" />
< input style = 'position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; left: 20%; display:float'
type="file" name="file-input" accept=".json" id="file-input" onchange="loadFile(this)" />
< div style = 'position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; left: 0%; border-bottom: 70px solid transparent; border-left: 70px solid #eee; ' >
< a href = "https://git.benetou.fr/utopiah/text-code-xr-engine/issues/" >
< img style = 'position:fixed;left:10px;' title = 'code repository' src = 'gitea_logo.svg' >
@ -264,7 +151,7 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('warmup', {
< button id = mainbutton style = "display:none; z-index: 1; position: absolute; width:50%; margin: auto; text-align:center; top:45%; left:30%; height:30%;" onclick = "startExperience()" > Start the experience (hand tracking recommended)< / button >
< a-scene startfunctions start-with-supervisi on>
< a-scene startfunctions getcsljs on>
<!-- screenstack dynamic - view selectionboxonpinches glossary timeline issues fot
toolbox commands-from-external-json disable-components-via-url enable-components-via-url
physics="debug:true; friction: 0.01;"
@ -272,10 +159,6 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('warmup', {
< a-assets >
< audio id = "biggucestmoi" src = "../content/voicesBigguJulia/biggu-fem.mp3" > < / audio >
< audio id = "biggubravojulia" src = "../content/voicesBigguJulia/bravojulia.mp3" > < / audio >
< audio id = "biggucontinu" src = "../content/voicesBigguJulia/continu.mp3" > < / audio >
< audio id = "bigguinstructions" src = "../content/voicesBigguJulia/instructions.mp3" > < / audio >
< template id = "avatar-template" > < / template >
< template id = "left-hand-default-template" >
< a-entity networked-hand-controls = "hand:left" > < / a-entity >
@ -285,44 +168,13 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('warmup', {
< / template >
< / a-assets >
< a-entity hide-on-enter-ar = "" id = "environment" class = "hidableenvironment" > < / a-entity >
< a-entity hide-on-enter-ar = "" id = "environmentsky" class = "hidableenvironment" > < / a-entity >
< a-gltf-model hide-on-enter-ar = "" src = "../content/winterset/WinterIsland.glb" position = "2.1 -4.5 -1.7" > < / a-gltf-model >
< a-gltf-model src = "../content/winterset/WinterSled.glb" position = "0.11322 0.14197 0.27573" > < / a-gltf-model >
< a-entity id = "bubble" position = "0 1 -1" scale = ".1 .1 .1" >
< a-sphere scale = "2 1 .1" color = "white" > < / a-sphere >
< a-cone scale = "2 1 .1" position = "-.5 -.7 0" rotation = "0 0 45" color = "white" > < / a-cone >
< a-troika-text value = "C'est moi Biggu!" font-size = ".4" outline-color = "gray" outline-width = ".02"
align="center" color="black" position="0 0 .2">< / a-troika-text >
< / a-entity >
< a-entity id = "instructions" position = "0.5 0.7 -1" rotation = "0 -20 0" scale = ".07 .07 .07" >
< a-sphere scale = "2 1 .1" color = "white" > < / a-sphere >
< a-cone scale = "2 1 .1" position = "-.5 -.7 0" rotation = "0 0 45" color = "white" > < / a-cone >
< a-troika-text value = "" font-size = ".3" outline-color = "gray" outline-width = ".02"
align="center" color="black" position="0 0 .2">< / a-troika-text >
< / a-entity >
< a-gltf-model hide-on-enter-ar = "" src = "../content/MinimalisticJapaneseRoom.glb" rotation = "0 -90 0" position = "2 1 -1" scale = "" > < / a-gltf-model >
<!-- from https://poly.pizza/m/8cWuXx5BASV -->
<!-- alt https://poly.pizza/m/cA_lcvRC4NA -->
< a-troika-text anchor = left target annotation = "content:RECOMMENCER "
value="jxr startExercise()" position=" -0.3 0.60 .5" rotation="90 18 0 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1">< / a-troika-text >
< a-troika-text anchor = left target annotation = "content:saves data back to Zotero library over WebDAV backend"
value="jxr getDataToSaveBack()" position=" -0.3 0.60 -.5" rotation="0 0 0" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1">< / a-troika-text >
< a-entity id = "exerciseA" exercise = "first:true;next:#exerciseB;instructions:Pose 2 poissons\ndans l'assiette;win:Bravo Julia!;failed:presque Julia, continue;" >
< a-entity id = "fishes" > < / a-entity >
< a-gltf-model id = "plate" src = "../content/winterset/BowlWhite.glb" position = "-0.397 0.14354 -0.508" scale = "0.1 0.05 0.1" > < / a-gltf-model >
< / a-entity >
< a-gltf-model id = "biggu" src = "../content/winterset/SK_Biggu_v029_optimized.glb" position = "-0.3 0.5 -1" >
<!-- <a - sound src="#bigguinstructions"></a - sound> -->
< / a-gltf-model >
< a-gltf-model src = "../content/winterset/Crystal_iPoly3D.glb" position = "-0.29409 -0.23524 -0.83481" scale = "0.1 0.1 0.1" > < / a-gltf-model >
< a-gltf-model src = "../content/winterset/FruitBowl.glb" position = "-0.29409 -.23524 -0.83481" scale = "0.1 0.1 0.1" > < / a-gltf-model >
< a-entity id = "rig" >
< a-entity id = "player" networked = "template:#avatar-template;attachTemplateToLocal:false;"
hud camera look-controls wasd-controls waistattach="target: .movebypinch" position="0 1.6 0">
@ -343,6 +195,8 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('warmup', {
< a-sky hide-on-enter-ar color = "lightgray" > < / a-sky >
< a-troika-text anchor = left target value = "instructions : \n--right pinch to move\n--left pinch to execute" position = "0 0.65 -0.2" scale = "0.1 0.1 0.1" > < / a-troika-text >
< a-troika-text anchor = left value = "jxr location.reload()" target position = " -0.3 1.30 0" rotation = "0 40 0" scale = "0.1 0.1 0.1" > < / a-troika-text >
< a-troika-text anchor = left target id = "startdraw2d" annotation = "content:dessiner en 2D"
value="jxr startDraw2D()" position="0 1.45 -0.1" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1">< / a-troika-text >
@ -354,8 +208,8 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('warmup', {
<!-- somehow disable hand interaction despite, according to the documentation, it should rely on world position
< a-text target value = "jxr qs #rig sa position 0 0 10" position = "0 1.55 .5" rotation = "0 180 0" scale = "0.1 0.1 0.1" > < / a-text >
< a-console position = "2 2 0" rotation = "0 -45 0" font-size = "34" height = 1 skip-intro = true > < / a-console >
< a-console position = "2 2 0" rotation = "0 -45 0" font-size = "34" height = 1 skip-intro = true > < / a-console >
<!-- for Wolvic on Lynx support test -->
< a-entity thumbstick-shifting oculus-touch-controls = "hand: left" > < / a-entity >