events based princh primary (rather than .addEventListener()

Fabien Benetou 10 months ago
parent 58b1ec5d69
commit c7e76c8efc
  1. 2
  2. 141

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<script src='dependencies/aframe-troika-text.min.js'></script>
<script src='dependencies/webdav.js'></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src='jxr-core.js?123456'></script>
<script src='jxr-core.js?12345'></script>
<script src='jxr-postitnote.js?13235'></script>

@ -149,95 +149,62 @@ AFRAME.registerComponent('pinchsecondary', {
// grouping and distance between last two pinches should be rewritten, simplified and more reliable
AFRAME.registerComponent('pinchprimary', { // currently only 1 hand, the right one, should be switchable
// consider instead for specific poses
// or
init: function () {
var el = this.el
this.el.addEventListener('pinchended', function (event) {
// if positioned close enough to a target zone, trigger action
// see own trigger-box component. Could use dedicated threejs helpers instead.
// could make trigger zones visible as debug mode
var closests = getClosestTargetElements( event.detail.position )
//if (closests && closests.length > 0) // avoiding self reference
// setFeedbackHUD("close enough, could stack with "+ closests[1].el.getAttribute("value") )
somehow #box MUST exist, otherwise craches?!
let dist = 100
if ( document.querySelector("#box") )
dist = event.detail.position.distanceTo( document.querySelector("#box").object3D.position )
if (dist < .1){
setFeedbackHUD("close enough, replaced shortcut with "+ selectedElement.getAttribute("value") )
wristShortcut = selectedElement.getAttribute("value")
if (selectedElement){
let content = selectedElement.getAttribute("value")
selectedElement.emit('released', {element:selectedElement,, primary:true})
// unselect current target if any
selectedElement = null;
if ( groupingMode ) addToGroup( event.detail.position )
selectionPinchMode = false
setHUD( AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( bbox.min ),
AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( bbox.max ) )
bbox.min.copy( zeroVector3 ) zeroVector3 )
setTimeout( _ => primaryPinchStarted = false, 200) // delay otherwise still activate on release
var newPinchPos = new THREE.Vector3()
newPinchPos.copy(event.detail.position )
pinches.push({position:newPinchPos,, primary:true})
dl2p = distanceLastTwoPinches()
this.el.addEventListener('pinchmoved', function (event) {
// move current target if any
if (selectionPinchMode){
bbox.max.copy( event.detail.position )
if (!bbox.min.equal(zeroVector3))
if (selectedElement && !groupingMode) {
selectedElement.setAttribute("position", event.detail.position)
document.querySelector("#rightHand").object3D.traverse( e => {
if ( == "ring-finger-tip"){
selectedElement.object3D.rotation.copy( e.rotation )
// rotation isn't ideal with the wrist as tend not have wrist flat as we pinch
if (selectedElement) selectedElement.emit("moved")
this.el.addEventListener('pinchstarted', function (event) {
primaryPinchStarted = true
if (!selectionPinchMode) bbox.max.copy( zeroVector3 )
//var clone = getClosestTargetElement( event.detail.position ).cloneNode()
// might want to limit cloning to unmoved element and otherwise move the cloned one
//AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild( clone )
//targets.push( clone )
//selectedElement = clone
selectedElement = getClosestTargetElement( event.detail.position )
if (selectedElement) {
selectedElements.push({element:selectedElement,, primary:true})
events: {
pinchended: function (event) {
let closests = getClosestTargetElements( event.detail.position )
let dist = 100
if ( document.querySelector("#box") )
dist = event.detail.position.distanceTo( document.querySelector("#box").object3D.position )
if (dist < .1){
setFeedbackHUD("close enough, replaced shortcut with "+ selectedElement.getAttribute("value") )
wristShortcut = selectedElement.getAttribute("value")
if (selectedElement){
let content = selectedElement.getAttribute("value")
selectedElement.emit('released', {element:selectedElement,, primary:true})
// unselect current target if any
selectedElement = null;
if ( groupingMode ) addToGroup( event.detail.position )
selectionPinchMode = false
setTimeout( _ => primaryPinchStarted = false, 200) // delay otherwise still activate on release
var newPinchPos = new THREE.Vector3()
newPinchPos.copy(event.detail.position )
pinches.push({position:newPinchPos,, primary:true})
dl2p = distanceLastTwoPinches()
pinchmoved: function (event) {
if (selectionPinchMode){
bbox.max.copy( event.detail.position )
if (!bbox.min.equal(zeroVector3))
if (selectedElement && !groupingMode) {
selectedElement.setAttribute("position", event.detail.position)
document.querySelector("#rightHand").object3D.traverse( e => {
if ( == "ring-finger-tip"){
selectedElement.object3D.rotation.copy( e.rotation )
// rotation isn't ideal with the wrist as tend not have wrist flat as we pinch
if (selectedElement) selectedElement.emit("moved") // consider adding as data selectedElement
pinchstarted: function (event) {
primaryPinchStarted = true
if (!selectionPinchMode) bbox.max.copy( zeroVector3 )
selectedElement = getClosestTargetElement( event.detail.position )
if (selectedElement) {
selectedElements.push({element:selectedElement,, primary:true})
// is it truly world position? See
// setFeedbackHUD( AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( event.detail.position ) )
// if close enough to a target among a list of potential targets, unselect previous target then select new
remove: function() {
// should remove event listeners here. Requires naming them.
// should remove event listeners
// avoiding setOnDropFromAttribute() as it is not idiosyncratic and creates timing issues
AFRAME.registerComponent('onreleased', { // changed from ondrop to be coherent with event name
