@ -2404,11 +2404,22 @@ function emptyPinchToMove(){ |
if (selectedElement) return |
if (previousPositionSecondary){ |
angle = previousPositionSecondary.sub(event.detail.position).clone() |
let axis = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ); |
applyToClass("hidableenvironment", (e, val ) => { |
let rot = e.getAttribute("rotation") |
e.setAttribute("rotation", ""+rot.x+" "+(rot.y+val*90)+" "+rot.z) |
//let rot = e.getAttribute("rotation") |
//e.setAttribute("rotation", ""+rot.x+" "+(rot.y+val*90)+" "+rot.z) |
// rotating from the center of the model, not the player position |
}, angle.x) |
let obj = e.object3D |
obj.position.sub(val.point) |
obj.position.applyAxisAngle( axis, val.angle ) // no offset but reset when pinching again |
//obj.position.applyAxisAngle( axis, obj.rotation.y+val.angle ) // rotates with offset |
obj.position.add(val.point) |
obj.rotateOnAxis(axis, val.angle) |
// cf https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42812861/three-js-pivot-point/42866733#42866733 |
// does reset on each new pinch though |
// might be a threejs vs AFrame rotation setup? |
}, {angle:angle.x, point:event.detail.position.clone()}) |
} |
previousPositionSecondary = event.detail.position.clone() |
} |