@ -92,19 +92,59 @@ function inspectModel(selectedModel){ |
return {animations:animations, bones:foundBones, skinnedMeshes: skinnedMeshes, morphTargets:morphTargets} |
} |
function checkExerciseCompletion(targetNumber=2){ |
const instructions = document.querySelector("#instructions>a-troika-text") |
let counter = 0 |
Array.from( document.querySelector("#fishes").children ).map( f => { |
if (f.object3D.position.distanceTo( document.querySelector('#plate').object3D.position ) < .3 ) counter++ }) |
console.log(counter) |
if (counter == targetNumber) |
document.querySelector("#bubble>a-troika-text").setAttribute("value", "bravo Julia!") |
else |
document.querySelector("#bubble>a-troika-text").setAttribute("value", "presque Julia,\ncontinue...") |
if (counter == targetNumber) { |
instructions.setAttribute("value", "bravo Julia!") |
instructions.emit('win') |
document.getElementById("biggu").setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:BigguAction_Yes;loop:once") |
} else { |
instructions.setAttribute("value", "presque Julia,\ncontinue...") |
instructions.emit('failed', {counter:counter}) |
document.getElementById("biggu").setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:BigguAction_No;loop:once") |
//document.getElementById("biggu").setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:BigguAction;loop:once") // t-pose |
//document.getElementById("biggu").setAttribute('animation-mixer', "clip:BigguAction_PointL;loop:once") |
} |
} |
AFRAME.registerComponent('exercise', { |
schema: { |
instructions: {type: 'string'}, |
win: {type: 'string'}, |
failed: {type: 'string'}, |
next: {type: 'selector'}, |
first: {type: 'boolean', default: false}, |
}, |
init: function(){ |
const emittedExerciseId = this.el.id |
const instructions = document.querySelector("#instructions>a-troika-text") |
if (!this.data.first) |
this.el.setAttribute('position', '0 0 9999') |
else |
instructions.setAttribute("value", this.data.instructions ) |
instructions.addEventListener('win', _ => { |
instructions.setAttribute("value", this.data.win ) |
// should setTimeout or let the player actively move on |
this.el.setAttribute('position', '0 0 9999') |
// must filter on id, making sure it's emited by matching excercise |
if (this.data.next) { |
console.log( this.data.next ) |
console.log( this.data.next.id ) |
this.data.next.setAttribute('position', '0 0 0') |
} |
}) |
instructions.addEventListener('failed', ev => { |
console.log(emittedExerciseId, this.id) |
instructions.setAttribute("value", this.data.failed ) |
}) |
// should be replaced by drawings or even scaled down models with "5" and arrow or hand model |
} |
}) |
</script> |
<input style='position:fixed;z-index:1; top: 0%; left: 20%;' |
type="file" name="file-input" accept=".gltf, .glb" id="file-input" onchange="loadFile(this)" /> |
@ -140,22 +180,37 @@ function checkExerciseCompletion(targetNumber=2){ |
align="center" color="black" position="0 0 .2"></a-troika-text> |
</a-entity> |
<a-entity id="bubble2" position="0.5 1.7 -1" rotation="0 -20 0" scale=".07 .07 .07"> |
<a-entity id="instructions" position="0.5 1.7 -1" rotation="0 -20 0" scale=".07 .07 .07"> |
<a-sphere scale="2 1 .1" color="white"></a-sphere> |
<a-cone scale="2 1 .1" position="-.5 -.7 0" rotation="0 0 45" color="white"></a-cone> |
<a-troika-text value="Pose 5 poissons\ndans l'asiette" font-size=".3" outline-color="gray" outline-width=".02" |
<a-troika-text value="" font-size=".3" outline-color="gray" outline-width=".02" |
align="center" color="black" position="0 0 .2"></a-troika-text> |
</a-entity> |
<a-entity id="fishes"> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".5 1 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".5 1.5 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".4 1 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".4 1.5 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".6 1 -.3" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".5 1.2 -.3" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-entity id="exerciseA" exercise="first:true;next:#exerciseB;instructions:Pose 5 poissons\ndans l'assiette;win:win;failed:failed;"> |
<a-entity id="fishes"> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".5 1 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".5 1.5 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".4 1 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".4 1.5 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".6 1 -.3" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion()" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".5 1.2 -.3" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
</a-entity> |
<a-sphere id="plate" radius=".2" position="-.5 1.2 -.5" scale="1 .1 1" color="white"></a-sphere> |
</a-entity> |
<a-entity id="exerciseB" exercise="instructions:Pose 3 poissons\ndans l'assiette;win:win;failed:failed;"> |
<a-entity id="otherfishes"> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion(3)" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".5 1 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion(3)" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".5 1.5 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion(3)" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".4 1 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion(3)" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".4 1.5 -1" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion(3)" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".6 1 -.3" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
<a-sphere ondrop="checkExerciseCompletion(3)" scale="2 1 1" radius=".07" target position=".5 1.2 -.3" color="blue"></a-sphere> |
</a-entity> |
<a-sphere id="plate" radius=".2" position="-.5 1.2 -.5" scale="1 .1 1" color="white"></a-sphere> |
</a-entity> |
<a-sphere id="plate" radius=".2" position="-.5 1.2 -.5" scale="1 .1 1" color="white"></a-sphere> |
<a-gltf-model id="biggu" src="../content/webXRtest_v014.glb" position="-0.3 1.5 -1"></a-gltf-model> |
<a-entity id="rig"> |
<a-entity id="player" networked="template:#avatar-template;attachTemplateToLocal:false;" |