@ -1,3 +1,221 @@ |
console.log('jxr extras to gradually add, by default could refer to branches instead then add as components proper') |
console.log('jxr extras to gradually add, by default could refer to branches instead then add as components proper') |
console.log('arguably utils and additional interactions beyond pinche could be extras rather than core') |
console.log('arguably utils and additional interactions beyond pinche could be extras rather than core') |
console.log('extra could also be empty...') |
console.log('extra could also be empty...') |
// from!/zen-pim?path=graph-cyto-headless.html
// see also
// motivated by
const cytoJson = "" |
var cy |
var jsonLoaded |
fetch(cytoJson) |
.then(function (response) { |
return response.json(); |
}) |
.then(function (json) { |
// take nodes from wiki.Nodes then construct an array in elements for cytoscape format
// or directly from JSON
jsonLoaded = json |
startCytoWithData(json) |
}) |
.catch(function (err) { |
console.log(err); |
}); |
// should instead directly use
// generated from
// cf instead more detail
// with details on how to load the JSON
function runCytoAnalysis(){ |
console.log('----------------- network analysis started --------------')
if (!cy.nodes('[id = "Analysis.Analysis"]').length) { |
console.warn('Wrong dataset, cancelling') |
return |
} |
// example of queries
var aStar = cy.elements().aStar({ root: '[id = "Analysis.Analysis"]', goal: '[id = "Analysis.CostsAndBenefitsOfSocietalMembership"]' }) |
if ( aStar.path){ |
console.log("Path from Analysis.Analysis to Analysis.CostsAndBenefitsOfSocietalMembership", aStar.path.edges() , aStar.path.nodes() ) |
| |
} |
console.log( cy.nodes('[id = "Analysis.Analysis"]').neighborhood() ) |
before = |
var bc = cy.elements().bc() |
after = |
console.log("took ", after-before, "ms to run.") |
console.log( 'bc of j: ' + bc.betweenness('[id = "Analysis.Analysis"]') ) |
console.log( cy.nodes('[id = "Analysis.CostsAndBenefitsOfSocietalMembership"]').neighborhood() ) |
//no need to run cy.elements().bc() again. It's done once for the whole graph.
console.log( 'bc of j: ' + bc.betweenness('[id = "Analysis.CostsAndBenefitsOfSocietalMembership"]') ) |
console.log('----------------- network analysis done -----------------') |
} |
function startCytoWithData(json){ |
cy = cytoscape({ |
headless:true, |
elements: json.elements |
}) |
//runCytoAnalysis() //quite demanding, skipped for now.
let defaults = { |
name: 'euler', |
springLength: edge => 80, |
springCoeff: edge => 0.0008, |
mass: node => 4, |
gravity: -1.2, |
pull: 0.001, |
theta: 0.666, |
dragCoeff: 0.02, |
movementThreshold: 1, |
timeStep: 20, |
refresh: 10, |
animate: true, |
animationDuration: undefined, |
animationEasing: undefined, |
maxIterations: 1000, |
maxSimulationTime: 4000, |
ungrabifyWhileSimulating: false, |
fit: true, |
padding: 30, |
// Constrain layout bounds with one of
// - { x1, y1, x2, y2 }
// - { x1, y1, w, h }
// - undefined / null : Unconstrained
boundingBox: undefined, |
// Layout event callbacks; equivalent to `'layoutready', callback)` for example
ready: function(){ console.log("graph ready", cy.json()) }, // on layoutready
stop: stableGraph(), // on layoutstop
randomize: false |
}; |
// disabled for tests
//cy.layout( defaults ).run(); // too demanding for the entire graph, should limit to a subset
} |
function stableGraph(){ |
var exportableJSON = cy.json() |
console.log( 'exportable JSON', exportableJSON ); |
// not actually stable!
// still could be used as a form of caching BUT... would take into account new nodes added since
var node = "ReadingNotes.ApocalypticAI" |
if (!cy.nodes('[id = "'+node+'"]').length) { |
console.warn('Wrong dataset, cancelling') |
return |
} |
console.log('should add/update AFrame nodes e.g', cy.elements('[id = "'+node+'"]').position()) |
console.log('could add all the nodes then their links with proper attributes in order to do select() after') |
// using e.g. cy.nodes().forEach( n => console.log(, n.position() ) )
// cy.edges().forEach( e => console.log(, e.sourceEndpoint(), e.targetEndpoint() ))
// warning, very costly!
// run on entire wiki though whereas previous D3 instance limited to 10 pages and their targets
} |
let edges_to_display = [] |
function displayLeafs(graph, graphEl, rootId, rootEl, depth=3){ |
console.log( graph[rootId].Id ) |
if (depth<1) return |
graph[rootId] l => { |
console.log( "-", graph[l].Id ) |
let x = addNodeFromGraph(graph[l].Id, "" + (Math.random()*2) + " " + (Math.random()*2) + " -" + (Math.random()*2) ) |
// layout could be done with Cytoscape but somehow seems I can't use it properly, in headless mode or not.
x.setAttribute('update-links-on-pinchended', true) |
x.setAttribute('toggle-links-on-left-pinchended', true) |
console.log("linking:", rootEl, x) |
edges_to_display.push({graphel:graphEl, source:rootEl, target:x}) |
displayLeafs( graph, graphEl, graph[l].Id, x, --depth) |
}) |
} |
AFRAME.registerComponent('toggle-links-on-left-pinchended', { |
init: function(){ |
let graphEl = document.querySelector("#graphroot") |
let el = this.el |
this.el.addEventListener('lreleased', function (event) { |
// if it has children ( knowing that we are not using the hierarchy?)
// delete them, including links (should be recursive too)
// if not, displayLeafs( mynodes, graphEl, root.Id, rootEl, 1)
// assumes not for now
displayLeafs( wikiStructure, graphEl, el.getAttribute("value"), el, 1) |
setTimeout( _ => { i => addEdgeBetweenNodesFromGraph( i.graphel, i.source, ))}, 2000 ) |
}) |
} |
}) |
AFRAME.registerComponent('update-links-on-pinchended', { |
init: function(){ |
let rootEl = document.querySelector("#graphroot") |
let el = this.el |
this.el.addEventListener('released', function (event) { |
Object.keys( rootEl.components ) // get all links
.filter( i => i.indexOf( > -1 ) // keeps links related to the moved node
.map( i => { // for each link
let newpos = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( el.getAttribute("position") ) |
let [src,tgt] = i.replace("line__","").split("__to__"); |
srcpos = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( rootEl.getAttribute(i).start ) |
tgtpos = AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( rootEl.getAttribute(i).end ) |
if ({ |
rootEl.setAttribute(i, { start: newpos, end: tgtpos }) |
} else { |
rootEl.setAttribute(i, { start: srcpos, end: newpos }) |
} |
}) |
}) |
} |
}) |
let nodes = [] |
let edges = [] |
let wikiStructure = null |
fetch('').then( r => r.json() ).then( r => displayGraph(r.Nodes) ); |
// alternatively there is the issue component that could also display linked issues
function displayGraph(mynodes){ |
wikiStructure = mynodes |
let startingNode = "Wiki.VirtualRealityInterface" |
let root = mynodes[startingNode] |
let graphEl = document.createElement("a-entity") |
| = "graphroot" |
AFRAME.scenes[0].appendChild( graphEl ) |
let node_names = Object.keys( mynodes ) |
let rootEl = addNodeFromGraph(root.Id, "" + (Math.random()*2-1) + " " + (Math.random()+1) + " -" + (Math.random()*2-0.5) ) |
rootEl.setAttribute('update-links-on-pinchended', true) |
displayLeafs( mynodes, graphEl, root.Id, rootEl, 2) |
setTimeout( _ => { i => addEdgeBetweenNodesFromGraph( i.graphel, i.source, ))}, 2000 ) |
// quite unreliable
// should listen to an event instead to insure that nodes are all created before
} |
function addNodeFromGraph(name, position="0 0 0"){ |
// add sphere, with its name, make it a target
// define what "it" is knowing we can't move a children with an offset
// consequently parenting should be done by the text
let el = addNewNote(name, position, ".1 .1 .1", "node_" +crypto.randomUUID(), "node_from_graph") |
let sphereEl = document.createElement("a-sphere") |
sphereEl.setAttribute("radius", .1) |
sphereEl.setAttribute("segments-height", 4) |
sphereEl.setAttribute("segments-width", 4) |
sphereEl.setAttribute("wireframe", true) |
sphereEl.setAttribute("position", "0 -.1 0") |
el.appendChild(sphereEl) |
// position shouldn't have to be offset
return el |
} |
function addEdgeBetweenNodesFromGraph(graphEl, a, b){ |
// a.setAttribute( "line-link-entities", {source:, target:} ) doesn't seem work, back to basics for now
graphEl.setAttribute("line__""__to__", { |
start: AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( a.getAttribute("position") ) , |
end: AFRAME.utils.coordinates.stringify( b.getAttribute("position") )
}) |
// not that this doesn't take into account the parent node moving
} |
Reference in new issue